For discussion PWSC(97-98)36
on 4 June 1997


Support - Others
30GK - Maintenance depot for the Water Supplies Department, the Architectural Services Department and the Drainage Services Department at Cheung Sha Wan

    Members are invited to recommend to Finance Committee the upgrading of 30GK to Category A at an estimated cost of $391.9 million in money-of-the-day prices for the construction of a maintenance depot for the Water Supplies Department, the Architectural Services Department and the Drainage Services Department at Cheung Sha Wan.


The Water Supplies Department (WSD), the Architectural Services Department (Arch SD) and the Drainage Services Department (DSD)considerable pressure on these departments. The severe shortage of space in the Argyle Street Depot of WSD and the lack of permanent maintenance depots for Arch SD and DSD have, however, seriously affected their operational efficiency. do not have adequate facilities to efficiently meet the substantially increased demand for maintenance services provided by these departments.


2. The Director of Architectural Services (D Arch S), with the support of the Secretary for Works, proposes to upgrade 30GK to Category A at an estimated cost of $391.9 million in money-of-the-day (MOD) prices for the construction of a combined maintenance depot for WSD, Arch SD and DSD on reclaimed land at the junction of the West Kowloon Corridor and Lai Hong Street at Cheung Sha Wan.


3. The aim of the project is to provide a permanent and combined maintenance depot for WSD, Arch SD and DSD on a site of 2 210 square metres. The scope of the project comprises -

  1. the provision of a regional depot for the Mainland South West Region of WSD which includes workshops, administration offices, storage areas, a duty barracks area with canteen and other ancillary facilities for a total floor area of 6 945 square metres;

  2. the provision of a sub-depot for Arch SD which includes workshops, offices, general stores, dangerous goods stores and other ancillary facilities for a total floor area of 2 950 square metres;

  3. the provision of a depot to accommodate the direct labour force (DLF) 1 of DSD’s Mainland North and Mainland South Regions which includes offices, duty rooms, stores, workshops and other ancillary facilities for a total floor area of 1 053 square metres; and

  4. the provision of 124 parking spaces.floors for service vehicles and essential users and visitors.

1 The direct labour force, comprising front-line staff of DSD, directly deals with complaints from the public on drainage blockages and provides emergency service on maintaining drainage systems during typhoons, rainstorms and other serious accidents.


4. To improve operational efficiency and cost-effectiveness, we propose to relocate various maintenance depots for WSD, Arch SD and DSD and house them under one roof in the new maintenance depot to be built under 30GK at Cheung Sha Wan. The benefits of the project, in respect of improving the services of the three departments, are -

WSD-The Mainland South West Regional Office 2, which is one of the three offices currently accommodated in the Argyle Street Depot, regional office in a temporary depot in Diamond Hill. These four offices are is responsible for the operation and maintenance of the water supply systems and the provision of customer services for the south-western part of Kowloon and the N.T. To improve customer service and to reduce the response and travelling time required by the staff when carrying out inspection, maintenance and emergency repair works, we consider it necessary to locate the four regional depots to their respective regions. We propose to construct a new depot for each of the four offices, and plan to relocate the Mainland South West Regional Office to a new combined maintenance depot in Cheung Sha Wan under 30GK. The relocation will also alleviate the existing serious office congestion in the Argyle Street Depot which has a total space shortfall of 10 844 square metres under current government standards. The severe shortage of space has seriously affected the operational efficiency of the three regional offices in the Depot.are finalising the relocation plans of the other two regional offices in the same Depot. We hope to We are also planning to relocate the remaining two regional offices in the Argyle Street Depot to their respective regions with a view to releasing the site for redevelopment.

Arch SD- government and public facilities in Shamshuipo District (SSPD). Examples include Arch SD is responsible for the maintenance of a large number of government and public facilities. For Sham Shui Po District (SSPD), the gross floor area under Arch SD’s maintenance is over 1 300 000 square metres which includes police stations, fire stations, penal institutions, other government offices, government staff quarters, hospitals, schools, parks and playgrounds, swimming pools, public libraries, public toilets, refuse collection points and cooked food bazaars. metres. At present the two sub-depots of the department at Fat Cheung Street and Lai Chi Kok Road are on temporary allocation by the Lands Department (LD) with short term leases expiring in December 1997 and September 1998 respectively. It is very unlikely that LD will be able to allocate other temporary sites in the district to the department for reprovisioning. On the other hand, been facing a substantial increase in demand for maintenance service, for instance, new government facilities like a wholesale market, more government offices and pumping stations. In addition, starting from 1998, maintenance of government and public facilities on Stonecutters and Lantau will fall under the purview of SSPD. it is anticipated that the demand for maintenance services will increase substantially when other new government facilities such as the Cheung Sha Wan Wholesale Market 3, the Cheung Sha Wan Government Offices Building 4, new facilities on Stonecutters Island and Lantau Island come into operation by the turn of this century. It is therefore necessary to construct a permanent maintenance depot in Sham Shui Po to facilitate the department’s provision of efficient maintenance services in the district.

DSD-The DLF of DSD’s Mainland North and Mainland South Regions serves Kowloon and the New Territories, providing front-line responses to public complaints on drainage blockages and flooding. Its existing office is on leased premises in Tai Kok Tsui, Kowloon. We estimate that the workload of the DLF will continue to increase in the coming years with the completion of major drainage systems in new developments such as the West Kowloon reclamation, Tin Shui Wai, Tseung Kwan O and the installation of public sewerage systems for villages in the New Territories. It is necessary to provide more space to accommodate the planned expansion of the DLF organisation. The proposed permanent depot would save $2.2 million per year in forrent and management charges currently paid for the leased accommodation, and the cost in future of renting more space for the expansion of DLFcarparks required for the expanding to cater for the expansion of . management charges for the present leased accommodation. Furthermore, accommodation in a purpose-built building could enhance the operational efficiency of the DLF, which is not always possible in leased premises.

2 The Mainland South West Regional Office serves Kwai Chung, Tsing Yi, Sham Shui Po, Tsim Sha Tsui, Mong Kok, Yau Ma Tei and Kowloon City.

3 The project 37FS "Cheung Sha Wan wholesale market complex, phase 2" was upgraded to Category A on 16.5.97 with an approved project estimate (APE) of $1,981.2 million in money-of-the-day (MOD) prices. The construction work will start in late 1998 for completion by the end of 2000.

4 The project 56KA "Cheung Sha Wan Government Offices Building " was upgradded to Category A on 19.7.96 with an APE of $1,784.2 million in MOD prices. The construction work started in January 1997 for completion in July 1999.

5. The facilities required by WSD, Arch SD and DSD in respect of maintenance facilities are similar in nature. We consider that building a combined and purpose-built depot for the three departments is the most cost-effective solution and will maximise the utilisation of the subject site in Cheung Sha Wan.


6. We estimate the capital cost of the project to be $391.9 million in MOD prices (see paragraph 7 below), made up as follows -

$ million

(a) Site formation


(b) Piling


(c) Building


(d) Building services


(e) Drainage and external works


(f) Furniture and equipment


(g) Consultants' fees


(h) Contingencies




(at December
1996 prices)

(i) Inflation allowance




(in MOD prices)

A breakdown of the cost estimate for consultants’ fees and related services is at the Enclosure.

7. Subject to approval, we will phase the expenditure as follows -


$ million
(Dec 1996)


$ million

1997 - 98




1998 - 99




1999 - 2000




2000 - 01






8. We have derived the MOD estimates on the basis of the Government’s forecast of trend labour and construction prices for the period 1997 to 2001. We will tender the works under a fixed-price lump-sum contract because we can clearly define the scope of works in advance, leaving little room for uncertainty.

9. We estimate the additional annually recurrent expenditure arising from this project to be $8.07 million.accordance with Financial Circular No. 5/86 by 7.5.97 for consideration by ‘D’ Division of Finance Branch).

10. This project would lead to an increase in water charges by about 0.3% in real terms by the year xxxx2001 5.

5 The increase in water charges s calculated on the assumption that the demand for water remains static during the period 1997 to 2001 and the proportion of contribution from rates to water revenue remains unchanged.


11. We consulted the Sham Shui Po District Board on 14 November 1996. Members supported the project.


12. The Director of Environmental Protection (DEP) vetted the Preliminary Environmental Review (PER) conducted by the consultants of D Arch S in February 1996. The PER concluded that the maintenance depot would have limited adverse effects on the environment and therefore an Environmental Impact Assessment would not be required. To enhance the internal noise environment of the offices, we will provide air-conditioners and appropriate window insulation as recommended in the PER. We will control noise, dust and site run-off nuisances during construction through the implementation of mitigation measures in the relevant contracts.


13. This project does not require land acquisition.


14. We upgraded 30GK to Category B in September 1996. We have completed the site investigation work for the project and have engaged architectural consultants the architectural discipline for to draw up the outline schematic proposal at an estimated cost of $2.51 million. We charged the consultant fees to the block allocation Subhead 3009GX "Consultancy fees for building projects" in March 1995. We have also engaged architectural consultants discipline for to carry out the detailed design at an estimated cost of $2.9 million, and charged this amount to the block allocation Subhead 3100GX "Project feasibility studies, minor investigations and consultancy fees for items in Category D of the Public Works Programme" in November 1996. We plan to start the construction work in November 1997 for completion in June 2000.

15. The total construction area of this proejct is about 24 335 square metres or 11 times the site area. Excluding non-accountable gross floor areas, the achieved plot ratio is eight which is the plot ratio for industrial buildings in the area . We have maximised utilisation of the site by the inclusion of a basement workshop for Arch SD.

Works Branch
May 1997

Enclosure to PWSC(97-98)36

30GK - Maintenance depot for the Water Supplies Department, the Architectural Services Department and the Drainage Services Department at Cheung Sha Wan

Details of consultants’ fees and charges of electrical and mechanical services trading fund
Breakdown of estimates




($ million)

(a) Contract Administration (Architectural discipline)








(b) Charges by Electrical & Mechanical Services Trading Fund (EMSTF)

Fees for installation testing and commissioning, and maintenance period monitoring






Notes :

  1. A multiplier factor of 3 is applied to the average MPS point to arrive at the full staff costs including consultants’ overheads and profit, as site staff will be employed by the consultants’. (At 1.4.96, MPS pt. 40 = $55,390 p.m. and MPS pt. 16 = $18,595 p.m.).

  2. The above figures are based on estimates prepared by the Director of Architectural Services. We will only know the actual man months and actual fees when we have selected the consultants through the usual competitive lump sum fee bid system.

  3. Upon its establishment on 1 August 1996 under the Trading Funds Ordinance, the EMSTF starts charging government departments for design and technical consultancy services for electrical and mechanical installations. The services rendered for this project cover the monitoring of installation testing and commissioning, including the maintenance period. installation testing and commissioning as well as maintenance period monitoring. The figures above are based on estimates prepared by the Director of Architectural Services. The actual cost for the service charges is subject to further negotiation between the Government and the EMSTF.


Last Updated on 16 August 1999

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