Provisional Legislative Council

PLC Paper No. PWSC 78
(These minutes have been
seen by the Administration)

Ref : CB1/F/2/2

Public Works Subcommittee of the
Provisional Legislative Council

Minutes of the meeting held at the Legislative Council Chamber on Wednesday, 11 February 1998, at 10:00 am

Members present:

Hon HO Sai-chu, JP (Chairman)
Dr Hon Raymond HO Chung-tai, JP (Deputy Chairman)
Hon WONG Siu-yee
Hon Edward HO Sing-tin, JP
Hon Allen LEE, JP
Hon Mrs Elsie TU, GBM
Hon Henry WU
Hon CHEUNG Hon-chung
Dr Hon LEONG Che-hung, JP
Hon Mrs Sophie LEUNG LAU Yau-fun, JP
Hon MOK Ying-fan
Hon CHAN Yuen-han
Hon CHAN Kam-lam
Hon Howard YOUNG, JP
Dr Hon TANG Siu-tong, JP
Hon KAN Fook-yee
Hon NGAN Kam-chuen
Dr Hon LAW Cheung-kwok
Hon TAM Yiu-chung, JP

Member attending :
Hon IP Kwok-him

Members absent :

Prof Hon NG Ching-fai
Hon Eric LI Ka-cheung, JP
Dr Hon Mrs TSO WONG Man-yin
Hon CHENG Kai-nam
Hon Frederick FUNG Kin-kee
Hon LAU Wong-fat, JP
Hon Mrs Miriam LAU Kin-yee, JP
Hon Timothy FOK Tsun-ting

Public officers attending : Public officers attending :

Miss Emma LAU
Deputy Secretary for the Treasury (3)

Mr Bowen LEUNG, JP
Secretary for Planning, Environment and Lands

Secretary for Works

Mr Rob LAW, JP
Director of Environmental Protection

Mr James HERD
Principal Assistant Secretary for the Treasury (Works)

Director of Architectural Services

Ms Ellen CHOY
Principal Assistant Secretary for Education and Manpower (2)

Assistant Director of Education (Allocation & Support)

Mr John NG
Chief Architect/3, Housing Department

Mrs Sarah KWOK
Principal Assistant Secretary for Security (B)

Assistant Commissioner of Customs and Excise (Administration & Excise)

Assistant Director of Immigration (Administration & Planning)

Mrs Mimi BROWN
Chief Property Manager (Estate Management), Government Property Agency

Director of Highways

Mr Johnny CHAN
Principal Assistant Secretary for Transport (5)

Director of Water Supplies

Principal Assistant Secretary for Housing (Project Management)

Assistant Commissioner for Transport (Urban)

Director of Territory Development

Project Manager/1, Housing Department

Director of Drainage Services

Dr FUNG Hong
Deputy Director (Hospital Planning & Development), Hospital Authority

Mr Albert LAI, JP
Government Property Administrator

Mr Edward LAW
Principal Assistant Secretary for Health and Welfare (Medical)2

Clerk in attendance:

Miss Odelia LEUNG
Chief Assistant Secretary (1)1

Staff in attendance:

Ms Pauline NG
Assistant Secretary General 1

Ms Anita SIT
Senior Assistant Secretary (1)8


Upgrading of projects to Category A


PWSC(97-98)113 235EP Primary school in Sau Mau Ping redevelopment, phase 6, Sau Mau Ping 241EP

241EPPrimary school in Sau Mau Ping redevelopment, phase 7, Sau Mau Ping

Members noted that even with the provision of the two schools proposed, there would still be a shortfall of 83 whole-day primary school classes by 2000 in school zone 217. Members were concerned about how long it would take to meet this shortfall. They also questioned whether the accessibility of the prospective school sites by public transport had been taken into consideration in deciding their location. The Assistant Director of Education (Allocation and Support) (AD/E(A&S)) advised that the construction programme of the proposed schools was planned to tie in with the redevelopment of Sau Mau Ping Estate. In selecting the sites for these schools, the Administration had already considered the public transport need of students. The Principal Assistant Secretary for Education and Manpower (2) (PAS/E&M(2)) added that the Administration would continue to identify suitable sites to build new primary schools in the Kwun Tong District to alleviate the shortfall of whole-day primary school classes.

2. To expedite implementation of the policy on whole-day schooling, members suggested raising the plot ratio of suitable school sites or modifying the design of schools, where possible. In response, PAS/E&M(2) advised that the Administration was continually improving the design of school facilities. In fact, the proposed two schools would adopt the latest schedule of accommodation without increasing the requisite site area nor compromising the requirements on fire safety. She concurred with the Chairman's comment that the quality of the learning environment should be taken into account in considering any new school designs.

3. In reply to a member's enquiry, AD/E(A&S) advised that the proposed new schools were scheduled for completion in October 2000 to tie in with the overall redevelopment schedule of the Sau Mau Ping Estate redevelopment phases 6 and 7. It was common for new primary schools to commence operation after the commencement of a school year to tie in with the development schedule of housing projects within the relevant school zone.

4. On the provision of noise mitigation measures for the proposed schools, Director of Architectural Services (D Arch S) advised that noise barriers would be constructed along the eastern site boundary of the school facing Sau Mau Ping Road. In addition to noise barriers, indirect mitigation measures would also be provided including gasketted windows and air-conditioning for classrooms and other rooms facing the Road, sound seals to windows on the corridor side of all classrooms and acoustic plaster to the corridor ceiling in the upper floors of the classroom blocks. These mitigation measures would reduce the noise level by about 10 decibels, and the resultant noise level would comply with the requirements stipulated by the Environmental Protection Department. In reply to a member, D Arch S confirmed that the noise barriers would not be extended beyond the boundaries of the two schools.

5. On the reason for increasing the standard cost of a primary school project from $59 million to $72.9 million, the Administration advised that the total floor area of a standard primary school had increased from 8 092 to 9 630 square metres, with the size of classrooms increased by 20% and multi-purpose rooms by 67%. New provisions included a guidance activity/interview room, a student activity centre, a covered multi-purpose area, lifts for the handicapped, and an air-conditioned library. The Administration took note of a member's comment that the cost for a standard primary school should be expressed in terms of the unit cost per square metre in future funding proposals.

6. The item was voted on and endorsed.

PWSC(97-98)123 182JB Government quarters at Fanling

7. In reply to members, the Principal Assistant Secretary for Security (B) (PAS/S(B)) advised that the existing total shortfall of departmental quarters for the disciplined services was about 2 200 units for rank and file and about 360 units for officer ranks. Under the existing policy, married disciplined service staff of specified ranks (details in footnote 3 on page 2 of paper) are eligible to apply for departmental quarters. The allocation of units to individual officers was based on established criteria, such as seniority, rank, family size, etc. Due to the existing shortfall, some eligible staff have had to arrange their own accommodation whilst awaiting allocation of a departmental quarter. On the other hand, some of these staff might be eligible for the Home Purchase or Home Financing Schemes, in which case they would not be eligible for departmental quarters. PAS/S(B) undertook to provide information on the shortfall in respect of individual disciplined services. She would also provide information on the existing accommodation arrangements for staff in the Customs and Excise Department and the Immigration Department awaiting allocation of quarters, and confirm whether these officers were currently receiving any housing benefits. Members noted that a second proposal for the construction of departmental quarters for staff of disciplined services to further reduce the existing shortfall would be submitted to this Subcommittee for consideration at its next meeting. Admin

8. Elaborating on the details of the present proposal, the Chief Property Manager (Estate Management), Government Property Agency (CPM(EM)/GPA) advised that in compliance with the new guidelines issued by the Government Property Agency in 1995, the size of the quarters originally planned in this project had been reduced. However, the number of units in the project had been increased from 2 grade 'B' and 58 grade 'D/E' units to the present plan of 2 grade 'B' and 171 grade 'E' units on the same site, thus maximising the utilization of the site. As regards the provision of parking spaces, she advised that the number of 88 parking spaces was determined in accordance with the Hong Kong Planning Standards and Guidelines which stipulated that at least one parking space should be provided for every four residential flats. The present provision was considered sufficient to meet the need of the residents concerned. CPM(EM)/GPA advised in response to a member that the annual recurrent expenditure of the project of $6.3 million would mainly cover management fees and maintenance of lifts and building services.

9. In reply to a member, the Assistant Commissioner of Customs and Excise (Administration and Excise) advised that as far as possible, staff were allocated departmental quarter units near their place of work to facilitate timely mobilisation. Where possible, a posting would normally last for a sufficiently long period to enable the officer concerned to acquire experience in that particular post. Upon transfer to another post located elsewhere, a new departmental quarter near the new work place would be allocated in lieu of the old one as far as practicable.

10. Noting that the construction unit cost, excluding furniture and equipment, for this project was $11,438 per square metre, a member sought information on the cost for comparable housing flats in the private market. In reply, D Arch S advised that based on information provided by surveyors in the private sector, the construction unit cost for a 30 to 40-storey private residential development was around $9,500 to $10,800 per square metre. The construction cost for the proposed government staff quarters was slightly higher as it would include the provision of fixtures and basic electrical appliances in the kitchen. The Administration took note of the member's comment that future proposals should include information on the unit cost for similar projects for reference.

11. The item was voted on and endorsed.


PWSC(97-98)117 117TB Footbridge at junction of Boundary Street and Embankment Road

12. Members were concerned about the proposed design of the footbridge. Noting that there were schools on the eastern side of the Embankment Road and along Tat Chee Road, members explored the possibility of extending the proposed footbridge across Embankment Road and reorientating the staircase at the northern end to land on the west side of the footbridge. The Administration explained that east bound traffic along Boundary Street was the heaviest at present. The future developments on the West Kowloon reclamation and South-East Kowloon would generate additional traffic. Removal of the existing north/south leg of the at-grade pedestrian crossing between Boundary Street and Embankment Road would allow unobstructed traffic flow along Boundary Street which should ease the existing traffic congestion. The findings of traffic surveys conducted by the Transport Department showed that the pedestrian flow was mainly in the north-south direction across Boundary Street. On the other hand, the traffic flow along Embankment Road was relatively light and the existing at-grade crossings should be able to cater for the existing pedestrian flows. Construction of the ramp along Embankment Road would involve the encroachment of a 2.5 metre footpath into the carriageway but this was acceptable on traffic grounds. The present level of pedestrian flow did not justify the extension of the footbridge across Embankment Road. Nevertheless, the design of the footbridge could accommodate such an extension if it is needed at some point in the future. The Administration would closely monitor the situation and would propose an extension should such a need arise. In that case, land resumption on the eastern side of Embankment Road would be required. On the location of the proposed northern staircase, the Director of Highways (DHy) advised that should it be relocated to land on the western side of the footbridge, it would encroach on the land of the Kowloon Canton Railway Corporation. He noted members’ concern that some students might find it inconvenient to use the staircase and would be tempted to take a short-cut to cross Boundary Street. The Administration agreed to give further consideration to this matter.

13. Members noted that the proposed ramp at the southern end of the footbridge was unusually long and enquired about the feasibility of replacing it with escalators or elevators. DHy advised that the proposed ramps were intended to facilitate access by the physically disabled. Under the present planning standards, escalators would only be provided if the pedestrian flow reached 3 000 persons per hour. The pedestrian flow across the Boundary Street at present was about 1 300 persons per hour. Regarding the provision of lifts rather than ramps, DHy said that the recurrent costs and long term capital cost would be high as lifts had to be replaced every 15 to 20 years. Moreover, lifts were subject to mechanical failure and were not as reliable as ramps. The current Government policy was to provide ramps as the standard access to footbridges whereas lifts would be provided only in special circumstances. He however took note of a member's request to consider the option of providing lifts in future proposals for constructing footbridges. At members’ request, the Administration agreed to provide information on the respective costs of constructing escalators and elevators in lieu of ramps at the proposed site. Admin

14. On the alternative of providing spiralling ramps, DHy advised that such ramps, albeit requiring less space, were usually of a steeper gradient and were not suitable for use by the physically disabled. He also confirmed that the proposed footbridge, the ramps and the staircases would all be enclosed and after the completion of the footbridge, the timing of the traffic lights for the remaining two at-grade pedestrian crossings would be suitably adjusted.

15. Responding to a member's comment about the length of time required for building the proposed footbridge, DHy said that although the superstructure of a footbridge was simple, the foundation works often involved the re-routing of existing utilities, which was time-consuming. The estimated duration of 21 months for completion of the project was considered reasonable.

16. The item was voted on and endorsed.


PWSC(97-98)114 55BL Stability review of registered slopes maintained by Water Supplies Department

17. In reply to a member, the Director of Water Supplies (DWS) advised that the 700 slopes to be investigated under this project were all located within the sites of Water Supplies Department (WSD) facilities and would not pose any hazard to the public. Priority in carrying out the improvement and maintenance works would be accorded to slopes with a higher risk.

18. Members queried the need for a maintenance manual for each of the 700 slopes and the cost of $9.7 million for preparing such manuals. They also queried the need to engage a consultant to carry out the proposed investigation works, given that WSD had all along been responsible for their maintenance. DWS advised that the Civil Engineering Department promulgated in July 1996 the Geoguide 5 - "Guide to Slope Maintenance" which set out the enhanced standards for maintenance of man-made slopes and retaining walls to prevent deterioration to an unsafe state. The Geoguide required the preparation of a maintenance manual for each man-made slope which should contain details on the characteristics of the slope, the findings of the inspections and recommendations on future maintenance, etc. Thus, a maintenance manual had to be prepared for each of the 700 slopes to be inspected. Since WSD lacked the necessary in-house resources to carry out the inspection and maintenance works required to meet the new standards, it was necessary to engage outside consultants. The consultant would be given only 15 months to carry out all the works including the preparation of the maintenance manuals. DWS confirmed that not each of the 700 slopes would require subsequent remedial works. A member remarked that the standards stipulated in Geoguide 5 were very high and considered the estimated man-months for the preparation of the maintenance manuals reasonable.

19. Responding to a member's query on the provision for an inflation allowance for the proposed consultancy, the Deputy Secretary for the Treasury (3) explained that the estimates for the proposed consultancy were drawn up in December 1996 prices. As was the case for other public works proposals, the Administration drew up the money-of-the-day (MOD) estimates on the phased expenditure for this project on the basis of the Government's forecast of the trend labour and construction prices. The inflation allowance made up the difference between the MOD estimates and the estimates in December 1996 prices. The Chairman commented that the actual price of the consultancy contract would be determined by tender. While supporting the project, Mr WONG Siu-yee had reservation about the need to provide for an inflation allowance in such agreements.

20. Noting the provision for inflation adjustment in the proposed consultancy and the Administration's advice that architectural consultancy contracts were normally fixed-price contracts without provision for inflation adjustment, a member queried the rationale for the differential treatment. In response, DWS and the Secretary for Works said that whether a contract would include a provision for inflation depended on its duration and the level of certainty of the works involved. Since engineering works often included geotechnical works and the quantities of work involved in a project could not be ascertained at the time of awarding the contract, provision for inflation adjustment was therefore necessary. The Administration however took note of members’ request to review the existing arrangement.

21. In reply to a member, DWS confirmed that there was no provision for deflation adjustment in a contract in the event of early completion of the project works.

22. The item was voted on and endorsed.


PWSC(97-98)116 578TH Wong Chuk Hang Road flyover and associated road widening

23. A member queried the reasons for demolishing the existing footbridge at the junction of Wong Chuk Hang Road and Nam Long Shan Road which, in his view, would not obstruct the construction of the proposed flyover. In reply, DHy advised that the Administration had carefully considered the possibility of retaining the footbridge but concluded that it was not feasible as the pillar of the footbridge, if retained, would be in the middle of the newly widened road. Upon the commissioning of the proposed flyover, a permanent at-grade pedestrian crossing at the junction would be provided to replace the demolished footbridge. The signalised junction would have sufficient capacity to accommodate both vehicular and pedestrian traffic at grade as the proposed flyover would carry most of the traffic as revealed in the findings of surveys in the area.

24. Noting that the Administration had made a traffic assessment and identified the problems encountered in using Heung Yip Road and Ocean Park Road as alternative routes to relieve the traffic congestion at the junction of Wong Chuk Hang Road and Nam Long Shan Road, a member sought information on the cost of widening the Ocean Park Road flyover. DHy responded that the question was not a matter of cost but technical feasibility. About 80% of the existing traffic flow on Ocean Park Road was bound for the Aberdeen Tunnel. The existing weaving length from the downramp of the flyover at Ocean Park Road to Wong Chuk Hang Road eastbound towards Aberdeen Tunnel was 90 metres only. This was far from sufficient to cope with the anticipated increase in traffic flow by 2002 and would result in long traffic queues at Ocean Park Road and Heung Yip Road.

25. The Assistant Commissioner for Transport (Urban) confirmed in response to a member that the proposed flyover and the immediate road connections would cater for Aberdeen Tunnel bound traffic as well as non-tunnel bound traffic.

26. The item was voted on and endorsed.

PWSC(97-98)110 82WC Fresh and flushing water reticulation systems for Tin Shui Wai Reserve Zone

27. In response to a member's concern about the use of fresh water for flushing purposes in Yuen Long and Tin Shui Wai, the Director of Water Supplies (DWS) explained that whether fresh water or salt water would be supplied to an area for flushing was based on economic considerations The installation of a salt water flushing system in these areas would not be cost effective having regard to their present population. However, irrespective of whether fresh water or salt water was supplied for flushing purposes, users would not be charged for consumption below a certain level. DWS also confirmed that the use of fresh water for flushing in these areas was allowed under the lease conditions and was not unlawful.

28. The item was voted on and endorsed.

PWSC(97-98)109 561CL Tin Shui Wai further development - engineering infrastructure and remaining site formation works

29. In response to members’ concern about the consultants’ fees totalling $237 million, the Director of Territory Development (DTD) explained that remuneration for the consultant for managing the project accounted for only $28 million, with the remaining amount of $209 million being resident site staff costs. Resident site staff were employed by the consultant on behalf of the Government for the day-to-day management of the works. They were paid on terms similar to those enjoyed by civil servants of an equivalent rank.

30. Members remarked that although the amount of $237 million was made up of consultants’ fees for project management and resident site staff costs, the contract would be awarded to a single consultancy firm. They considered it advisable to divide large consultancy projects such as this into several packages to avoid monopolisation of the profession by one or two large firms. DTD said that the existing practice had worked well and the consultants’ fees of the proposed project were comparable to other projects of a similar scale. Since the consultancy contract had already been awarded, it was practicably difficult for the Administration at this stage to split the consultancy contract for managing the construction works into smaller packages . Nevertheless the Administration took note of members’ views and agreed to review the existing arrangements. Admin

31. To avoid misunderstanding, a member suggested that resident site staff costs should be presented as a separate cost item and should not be included in the consultants’ fees for the management of a project in future proposals. DTD agreed to consider this suggestion. Admin

32. The item was voted on and endorsed.

PWSC(97-98)111 195EP Primary school in area 110, Tin Shui Wai

33. Addressing a member's concern on the shortfall of primary school classes in school zone 316, AD/E(A&S) advised that the shortfall related to primary whole-day schooling was based on the policy objective of having 60% of students attending whole-day classes by 2003. He assured members that there were sufficient primary school classes for all the students living in the school zone, although not all of them could attend whole-day schools.

34. On the reasons for the higher than standard cost of drainage and external works for the proposed project, D Arch S explained that under an agreed arrangement with the Housing Authority in respect of school projects incorporated into public housing projects, the drainage and external works costs would be apportioned on a pro-rata basis in accordance with the gross floor area of the school building and the part of the housing scheme concerned. For school projects managed by the Architectural Services Department and not entrusted to the Housing Authority, such costs should be lower as sharing of costs related to the development of the housing scheme would not be required.

35. The item was voted on and endorsed.

PWSC(97-98)112 165ES Secondary school in area 110, Tin Shui Wai

36. The item was voted on and endorsed.


PWSC(97-98)122 80CD Stormwater drainage master plan study in Sai Kung, South Lantau and Kwun Tong

37. The item was voted on and endorsed.

PWSC(97-98)119 160DS Tuen Mun sewerage, stage I


38. The item was voted on and endorsed.

PWSC(97-98)120 205DS Aberdeen, Ap Lei Chau and Pok Fu Lam sewerage

39. The item was voted on and endorsed.

New commitments/Changes in commitments for subvented projects


PWSC(97-98)118 33MM Kowloon Hospital - phase 1 redevelopment

40. Mrs Miriam LAU and Dr LEONG Che-hung declared an interest. Mrs LAU was a member of the Kowloon Hospital Management Committee while Dr LEONG was a member of the Hospital Authority (HA).

41. In reply to a member's enquiry about a recent press report on possible delay in the redevelopment of Kowloon Hospital, the Deputy Director (Hospital Planning & Development), Hospital Authority (DD(HPD)/HA) clarified that HA had taken forward the proposed project in accordance with the normal funding procedure. Although some time had been taken to resolve certain issues such as maximising the development potential of the site, the proposal had been submitted to the Public Works Subcommittee in accordance with the original schedule.

42. Noting that there would be a net increase of 105 psychiatric beds after the completion of the phase 1 redevelopment, a member questioned why no additional staff cost would be incurred as stated in the paper. DD(HPD)/HA replied that staff deployment was considered on a territory-wide basis. Through redeployment, the demand for additional staff due to the increase in psychiatric beds in Kowloon Hospital could be met. DD(HPD)/HA assured members that more resources would be allocated to further improve the psychiatric service, in particular the provision of an outreaching service.

43. In response to members’ queries about the future development of Kowloon Hospital, DD(HPD)/HA made the following points -

  1. The hospital would be redeveloped in three phases. One of the main reasons for redevelopment was to enhance workflow and efficiency by integrating ancillary and support services with the core services of the hospital. The second and third phases of redevelopment were still under planning.

  2. Respiratory medical, rehabilitation and psychiatric services would remain the three core speciality services provided in Kowloon Hospital in the foreseeable future. It would also continue to serve as the main support base for convalescent cases from Queen Elizabeth Hospital. Future service development would depend on the needs of the service area. The respiratory medical service at Kowloon Hospital would not be developed into a full cardiothoracic centre as was the case at Grantham Hospital since it would not be cost-effective to duplicate the provision of tertiary surgical and intensive treatment facilities.

  3. For historical reasons, pathology and blood bank services for Kowloon Hospital had been provided by the Department of Health. After the phase 1 redevelopment, there would be additional space in the proposed new block for the provision of these services by the Hospital Authority.

  4. The proposed new block was not designed for future vertical expansion. However, given the large size of the hospital site (some 10 hectares) sufficient space would be available for future expansion.

  5. Provision of carparking spaces had not been included in the phase 1 redevelopment but would be considered in subsequent phases.

44. With regard to the utilization of the hospital site, the Government Property Administrator (GPA) advised that the existing plot ratio achieved was 0.33. Upon the completion of the phase 1 redevelopment, the plot ratio achieved would be raised to 0.59. Under the current hospital expansion plan, a plot ratio of 0.94 would be achieved on completion of the three phases of redevelopment. He added that a plot ratio of 1.0 to 1.5 was considered more appropriate for this particular site and in order to maximize the development potential of the site, consideration was being given to including Government/Institution/Community uses such as elderly service centres or schools, provided these were compatible with the delivery of hospital services.

45. Responding to some members’ comments that the existing and planned plot ratios for the site were too low, DD(HPD)/HA advised that in general, the plot ratio achieved for hospital site should be lower than residential and commercial sites since more open space was required for activities and rehabilitation. In reply to a member, DD(HPD)/HA confirmed that the proposed new block was outside the height restriction area of the Kai Tak airport.

46. Elaborating on the details of the consultants’ fees, D Arch S advised that the consultants’ fees accounted for about 1.3% of the total project estimate which was considered reasonable. The quantity surveying service to be provided by the consultants would cover both pre-contract and post-contract services in respect of all the construction work items except for "furniture and equipment". As the design of the project was done by the Architectural Services Department, very little structural engineering input would be required from the consultant, hence the relatively low consultants’ fees.

47. The item was voted on and endorsed.

PWSC(97-98)115 35MM Tuen Mun Hospital - relocation of polyclinic

48. Dr LEONG Che-hung and Dr TANG Siu-tong declared an interest as Chairman of the Tuen Mun Hospital (TMH) Governing Committee and a member of that Committee, respectively.

49. Noting that the provision of 225 carparking spaces under this project could not make up the present shortfall of 300 carparking spaces at TMH, a member enquired as to how the inadequacy might be addressed. DD(HPD)/HA advised that due to the constraints of the site, only 225 additional carparking spaces could be provided. Opportunities would be sought to increase the provision in future, possibly by increasing the number of parking spaces in the existing open area at TMH. This open area was reserved for future expansion of the hospital under the original development plan. HA would consider utilizing this area to meet the development needs of the hospital.

50. In reply to members’ enquiries, DD(HPD)/HA advised the following -

  1. In the original planning for TMH, provision had been made for its subsequent expansion. The proposed polyclinic however was not designed for future expansion vertically.

  2. The new polyclinic could be commissioned some six months after the completion of the construction works.

  3. The existing Tuen Mun Polyclinic might be converted into an out-patient eye clinic which was lacking in the district.

51. As the polyclinic complex would be built on the existing soccer pitch at TMH, some members expressed concern about the provision of replacement recreational facilities for hospital staff and patients. DD(HPD)/HA responded that under the original planning scheme, the soccer pitch was intended for use by staff living in the staff quarters at TMH. As a result of the revised quartering policy, most of the staff at TMH no longer lived in the staff quarters and the soccer pitch was seldom used. There were multi-purpose rooms in the hospital for use by both staff and patients for indoor recreational activities.

52. The item was voted on and endorsed.

PWSC(97-98)121 36MM Hospital improvement programme, phase III - improvement to eight public hospitals (DKCH, GH, KWH, NLH, OLMH, TWH, UCH and YCH)

53. The Administration agreed in response to a member to provide information on the most recently completed improvement works in each of the eight hospitals, including the cost and the completion date. Admin

54. The item was voted on and endorsed.

Revision in scope/approved estimate of projects in Category A


PWSC(97-98)108 87CL Shek Wu Hui development, package 4, engineering works

55. Addressing a member's concern about the repeated revisions of the project estimate, DTD explained that changes in the project scope and requirements and inflation were the main reasons. The project was upgraded to Category A in 1977. The initial project estimate and its revised estimates, the latest approved in 1989, were calculated at current prices without provision for inflation adjustment. In fact, a major portion of the proposed increase in the project estimate was due to inflation.

56. The Administration undertook to confirm the date for introduction of Money-of-the-Day estimates for public works proposals. Admin

57. The item was voted on and endorsed.

58. The Subcommittee was adjourned at 12:45 pm.

Provisional Legislative Council Secretariat
26 February 1998