For discussion
on 17 February 1998


Transport - Interchanges and bus termini
69TI - Public transport interchange at Ping Shek adjacent to Choi Hung Mass Transit Railway station

Members are invited to recommend to Finance Committee the upgrading of 69TI to Category A at an estimated cost of $61.8 million.


The existing Ping Shek transport terminus is too small to accommodate the number of buses seeking to use the terminus for interchange purposes. The resulting congestion will be exacerbated by the Mass Transit Railway Corporation's (MTRC) proposed commercial development at the Choi Hung MTR station.


2. The Director of Highways, with the support of the Secretary for Transport, proposes to upgrade 69TI to Category A for the provision of a public transport interchange (PTI) and access ramps at Ping Shek adjacent to the Choi Hung MTR station at the ground and first floors of the MTRC's proposed Choi Hung commercial development. The estimated cost of the PTI is $61.8 million.


3. The scope of the project comprises -

  1. construction of a two-storey PTI containing -

    1. one public transport terminus with five bays and one taxi stand on the ground floor, and

    2. three bays for green minibuses (GMB) and taxis and one landing bay for general vehicles on the first floor;

  2. construction of two access ramps linking the first floor of the PTI with Clear Water Bay Road, comprising a one-way access on the western approach and a two-way access ramp on the eastern approach of Clear Water Bay Road;

  3. installation of lighting, electrical and mechanical systems for the proposed PTI; and

  4. other ancillary environmental mitigation measures, drainage and landscaping works.


4. The existing Ping Shek transport terminus has only five bays. Its original purpose was to provide public transport services to the residents of Ping Shek Estate only. However, because of its proximity to the Choi Hung MTR station, the terminus has increasingly been used as a major transit point for commuters from neighbouring districts including Sai Kung and Tseung Kwan O who wish to change from bus services to rail services. Currently, there are 2 terminal bus routes, 16 passing bus routes and 6 passing GMB routes using the terminus. With a capacity of only five bays, the terminus is unable to cope with the demand. This had led to congestion problems. Buses waiting to enter the terminus often queue back to Clear Water Bay Road resulting in obstructions to the through traffic. We therefore propose to replace the existing terminus by a two-storey PTI to provide sufficient terminal interchange facilities for the existing bus/GMB routes. The proposed PTI will also have loading/unloading facilities for taxis and general vehicles.

5. As we plan to grant the site adjacent to the Choi Hung MTR station, including the area occupied by the existing Ping Shek transport terminus, to the MTRC for the development of a commercial complex, we intend to entrust the proposed PTI and the access ramps to the MTRC for design and construction, in conjunction with the commercial development. The proposed PTI will occupy the ground and first floors of the development, with the access ramps connecting the terminus to the Clear Water Bay Road.


6. We estimate the capital cost of the project to be $61.8 million 1, made up as follows -

$ million

(a) Two-storey PTI


(i) structural cost


(ii) building services including lighting and fire services


(iii) environmental mitigation measures including parapet walls, noise absorptive finishes and ventilation systems


(b) Two access ramps


(c) Entrustment cost 2




7. Subject to approval, we will phase the expenditure as follows -


$ million

2001 - 2002


2002 - 2003



8. In the conditions of the land grant to the MTRC for the Choi Hung commercial development we intend to stipulate that the MTRC should construct the proposed two-storey PTI and the access ramps on behalf on the Government. As agreed, we will reimburse the MTRC the actual costs upon completion of the works, subject to a ceiling of $61.8 million, whichever is the lower. The MTRC will bear any additional costs above the ceiling including inflation adjustments 3 .

9. We estimate the annually recurrent expenditure arising out of this project to be $2.59 million. We will review this estimate when the design of the proposed PTI and the access ramps is completed.


10. We consulted the Traffic and Transport Committees of both the Wong Tai Sin District Board and the Sai Kung District Board, the Kwun Tong District Board and its Environmental Improvement Committee about the MTRC's proposed commercial developments (including the PTI and access ramps) in May 1996, June 1996, December 1996 and January 1997 respectively. The district boards have no objections to the proposal.

11. We published a gazette notice of the proposed PTI and access ramps under the Roads (Works, Use and Compensation) Ordinance on 19 September 1997 and received no objections.


12. In December 1996, the MTRC completed an Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) for the commercial development including the proposed PTI and access ramps. The EIA concluded and the Director of Environmental Protection agreed that there will be no major environmental impacts arising from the proposed works. The MTRC will include 1.3 metre high parapet walls in the PTI to reduce noise impact to nearby noise sensitive receivers and will use noise absorptive finishes to reduce noise from reverberation. The Corporation will also provide adequate ventilation in the PTI to comply with established standards and guidelines. For short term impacts, the MTRC will control noise and dust nuisances during construction through implementation of mitigation measures in the works contract. We will ensure that such standards and guidelines are enforced.


13. The proposal does not require any land acquisition.


14. We upgraded 69TI to Category B in June 1997. We plan to execute the land grant of the site at Ping Shek to the MTRC in December 1998 so that the construction of the proposed PTI and the access ramps may start in April 1999 for completion in November 2001. The MTRC will hand over the PTI and the access ramps to Government upon completion.

15. During construction, we will provide temporary terminal facilities nearby to maintain the existing bus services.

16. MTRC's commercial development involves the construction of a 29-storey office tower and a shopping complex together with a 8-storey car park on top of the proposed PTI. The 8-storey car park will have 450 car parking spaces for public use. Priority use of the car parks will be given to park and ride commuters, i.e. private vehicle users who park their cars there and take the MTR to continue their journey.

Transport Bureau

February 1998


1. The sum of $61.8 million is estimated on the basis of the current cost to Government of building a stand-alone two-storey PTI and access ramps on a green-field site. In this calculation, we exclude the cost of the basement, building foundation under the PTI and the building structures on top of it. We however, include in the estimate the cost of providing artificial ventilation and lighting.

2. Entrustment cost represents MTRC's agreed on-cost (16% of the construction cost of $53.3 million) for planning, design and supervision and insurance costs.

3. Thus, unlike other public works projects, we do not need to calculate the value of this project in MOD prices which take into account inflation adjustments.