For discussion
on 26 November 1997
Law and Order - Police
231LP -Urban tactical training complex at Kong Nga Po, Man Kam To
Members are invited to recommend to Finance Committee -
- the upgrading of part of 231LP, entitled " Urban tactical training complex at Kong Nga Po, Man Kam To - pre-contract consultancy " to Category A at an estimated cost of $43.5 million in money-of-the-day prices; and
- the retention of the remainder of 231LP retitled " Urban tactical training complex at Kong Nga Po, Man Kam To - works' in Category B.
We do not have the necessary in-house resources to carry out the pre-contract outline schematic proposal, detailed design and contract documentation for the proposed construction of an urban tactical training complex at Kong Nga Po, Man Kam To.
2.The Director of Architectural Services (D Arch S), with the support of the Secretary for Security, proposes to upgrade part of 231LP to Category A at an estimated cost of $43.5 million in money-of-the-day (MOD) prices for the employment of consultants to carry out the pre-contract outline schematic proposal, detailed design and contract documentation for the proposed construction of an urban tactical training complex at Kong Nga Po, Man Kam To.
3.The project involves the design and construction of an urban tactical training complex for the Hong Kong Police Force (HKPF) which comprises the following facilities -
- a " mock town " of about 3.5 hectares which will include full-size buildings and facades, varying in height from one to six storeys, comprising a variety of domestic, commercial and industrial premises. In the " mock town " , there will also be a network of roads and alleys, equipped with common street furniture, traffic lights and street lamps to replicate as far as possible the urban environment in Hong Kong;
- associated control towers;
- a 100-metre " no danger area " rifle range, with a control room and other essential facilities, such as briefing and waiting areas, electrically operated targets, bullet traps and targetry stores, etc.;
- a 30-metre " no danger area " revolver range, with a control room and other essential facilities;
- an administration block with briefing rooms, lecture rooms and facilities for training staff stationed at the complex; and
- workshop and other service facilities necessary for the operation of the complex.
4.The part under 231LP that we now propose to upgrade to Category A comprises consultancy services at the pre-contract stage for the outline schematic proposal, detailed design and preparation of tender documents.
5.In response to the more frequent use of firearms in the commission of crimes and a rise in the number of armed confrontations between criminals and the Police, we introduced in January 1989 a programme of tactical training to instruct front-line officers in the tactics necessary to deal with situations involving potentially armed and dangerous criminals. This training is intended to complement the existing weapons training programme.
6.Basic tactical training is now taught to all recruits at the Police Training School, while in-service officers receive the training when they join the Police Tactical Unit. More advanced training was previously conducted at the military Close-Quarter Battle Range (Urban) (CQBR(U)) at Nim Wan, which was released by the former British Garrison for use by the Police in March 1994. It consisted of a " mock town " for tactical training and two outdoor firing ranges for rifle and revolver training. This facility was handed over to the People's Liberation Army (PLA) Garrison in July 1997. Since then, the Police have been using part of the Dill's Corner Camp, which was allocated to them on a temporary basis, as a makeshift tactical training facility. In addition, the PLA Garrison has recently agreed to the Police making limited use of the CQBR(U) facility for conducting tactical training also on a temporary basis. This has deprived the Police of long term and guaranteed access to an essential training facility for officers serving with specialist or front-line operational units such as Emergency Units, Regional Crime Units, the Police Tactical Unit, the Special Duties Unit, the Airport Security Unit, the Criminal Intelligence Bureau, Narcotics Bureau, Witness Protection Unit and the Very Important Person Protection Unit.
7.In any event, the CQBR(U) was specifically designed for military tactics training. It was considered to be unsuitable in terms of either its overall size or the variety of training facilities available for training police officers in the tactics necessary to deal with everyday situations on Hong Kong's streets when carrying out their law and order enforcement duties. We therefore propose to construct a purpose-built full-size urban tactical training complex, providing two replacement firing ranges and incorporating a " mock town " specifically designed to train police officers in street-level and inside buildings anti-crime tactical operations. This mock town will more closely replicate the Hong Kong urban environment than the facility at Nim Wan, and will be equipped with a greater variety of training facilities, specifically designed to meet Police requirements.
8.As we do not have the necessary in-house staff resources and expertise, we need to employ consultants to undertake the outline schematic proposal, detailed design and contract documentation. We also need to employ a specialist consultant to carry out the design of the ranges and training facilities to a level suitable for the project team to carry forward the design to tender documentation. The specialist consultant will also advise on relevant aspects of the architectural design proposals.
9.Based upon an estimated project cost of $905.5 million (at December 1996 prices) subject to further refinement at a later stage, we estimate the total cost of this pre-contract consultancy to be $43.5 million in MOD prices (see paragraph 10 below), made up as follows -
| $ million |
(a) Outline schematic proposal | 2.1
(b) Detailed design | 15.9
(c) Contract documentation | 18.7
Sub-total | 36.7
| (at December 1996 prices)
(d) Inflation allowance | 6.8
Total | 43.5
| (in MOD prices)
A breakdown by man months of the estimate for consultants' fees is at the Enclosure.
10.Subject to approval, we will phase the expenditure as follows -
Year | $ million (Dec 1996) | Price adjustment factor
| $ million (MOD)
1997 - 98 | 3.1 | 1.06750 | 3.3
1998 - 99 | 22.7 | 1.16358 | 26.4
1999 - 2000 | 10.9 | 1.26830 | 13.8
| 36.7 | | 43.5
11.We have arrived at the MOD estimates on the basis of the Government's forecast of trend labour and construction prices for the period 1997 to 2000.
12.The proposed consultancy has no additional annually recurrent financial implications.
13.We consulted the North District Board in November 1995. Members raised no objection to the project.
14.The proposed consultancy itself has no adverse environmental implications.
15.The project does not require land acquisition.
16.We upgraded 231LP to Category B in August 1997. We will start the proposed consultancy in January 1998 for completion in July 1999. We plan to upgrade the remainder of 231LP to Category A for works to commence in November 1999 and be completed in November 2002.
Security Bureau
November 1997
Enclosure to PWSC(97-98)79
231LP - Urban tactical training complex at Kong Nga Po, Man Kam To
Breakdown of estimates for consultants' fees
Consultants' staff costs | | Estimated man months
| Average MPS salary point | Multiplier factor | Estimated
fee ($ million)
(I) Architectural discipline
Contract administration
| Professional Technical
| 16 30 | 40 16
| 3 3 | 2.66 1.67
Sub-total | 4.33
(a) Outline schematic proposal
| Professional Technical
| 3 12 | 40 16
| 3 3 | 0.50 0.67
(b) Detailed design
| Professional Technical
| 22 36 | 40 16
| 3 3 | 3.66 2.01
(c) Contract documentation
| Professional Technical
| 42.5 52 | 40 16
| 3 3 | 7.06 2.90
Sub-total | 16.8
(II) Quantity surveying discipline
(a) Contract documentation
| Professional Technical
| 30.5 66 | 40 16
| 3 3 | 5.07 3.68
Sub-total | 8.75
(III) Structural engineering discipline
(a) Detailed design
| Professional Technical
| 23.5 41 | 40 16
| 3 3 | 3.90 2.29
Sub-total | 6.19
(IV) Specialist consultant
(a) Outline schematic proposal
| Professional Technical
| 2.5 9 | 40 16
| 3 3 | 0.42 0.50
(b) Detailed design
| Professional Technical
| 15 26.5 | 40 16
| 3 3 | 2.50 1.48
Sub-total | 4.9
Total | 36.64
Say | 36.7
MPS = Master Pay Scale
1.A multiplier factor of 3 is applied to the average MPS point to arrive at the full staff costs including the consultant's overheads and profit, as the staff will be employed in the consultant's offices (At 1.4.96, MPS pt. 40 = $55,390 p.m. and MPS pt. 16 = $18,595 p.m.).
2.The figure given above are based on the estimates prepared by the Director of Architectural Services. We will only know the actual man months and fees when we have selected the consultants through the usual competitive bidding system.