PLC Paper No. CB(3) 174

Paper for the House Committee meeting
on 19 September 1997

Questions scheduled for the
Provisional Legislative Council meeting
on 27 September 1997

Questions by:

(1) Hon HUI Yin-fat (Oral reply)
(2) Hon CHENG Kai-nam (Oral reply)
(3) Hon CHAN Kam-lam (Oral reply) (New
(Previous question replaced by the attached)
(4) Hon MOK Ying-fan (Oral reply)
(5) Hon Paul CHENG (Oral reply)
(6) Dr Hon LAW Cheung-kwok (Oral reply)
(7) Hon Mrs Selina CHOW (Written reply)
(8) Hon TSANG Yok-sing (Written reply)
(9) Hon Howard YOUNG (Written reply)
(10) Dr Hon HO Chung-tai (Written reply)
(11) Hon Howard YOUNG (Written reply)
(12) Hon CHOY Kan-pui (Written reply)
(13) Hon CHAN Choi-hi (Written reply)
(14) Hon Mrs Miriam LAU (Written reply)
(15) Hon NGAN Kam-chuen (Written reply)
(16) Hon CHIM Pui-chung (Written reply)
(17) Hon Paul CHENG (Written reply)
(18) Dr Hon LAW Cheung-kwok (Written reply)
(19) Hon HUI Yin-fat (Written reply)
(20) Hon NGAN Kam-chuen (Written reply)


# Member will ask the question in this language

(3) Hon CHAN Kam-lam (Oral Reply)

Regarding the "Portable Comprehensive Social Security Assistance Scheme" implemented since April this year, will the Government inform this Council:

  1. of the respective numbers of applications received and approved as well as the number of people who have settled in Guangdong Province under the Scheme since its implementation;

  2. of these elderly people's major places of settlement in Guangdong Province;

  3. apart from the follow-up action taken by the Red Cross on the cases of these elderly people, whether it has undertaken other follow-up measures; if so, what the details are; if not, what the reasons are;

  4. whether it has monitored the work of the Red Cross in this respect; if so, what the specific actions are;

  5. whether it has plans to establish direct links with the civil administration departments in the Mainland for the purpose of following up the Scheme; if so, what the specific plans are;

  6. when a comprehensive review of the Scheme will be conducted; and

  7. whether it will consider extending the Scheme to other provinces?