Provisional Legislative Council

PLC Paper No. CB(1) 492

Ref: CB1/PL/HG

Paper for the Provisional Legislative Council
Panel on Housing
Development of the infrastructure for meeting the housing production target


This paper invites members to consider the holding of joint meetings with the Panel on Transport for the purpose of monitoring the development of infrastructure to tie in with the production of residential units at 85,000 per year from 1999 onwards.


2.At the meeting of the Transport Panel on 14 October 1997, a suggestion was made by members to closely monitor the development of the infrastructure to facilitate the meeting of the target of producing 85,000 residential units per year from 1999 onwards. Members were particularly concerned about the progress of land formation, road system, waterworks, and drainage, etc, to tie in with the development of new housing sites. Albeit the assurance given by the Secretary for Planning, Environment and Lands at the meeting of the Panel on Planning, Lands and Works on 13 October 1997 that such support facilities would proceed ahead of time so that the necessary network would be put in place prior to the moving-in of residents, members were advised that the strategic road and railway development projects were still under consideration. In view of the lack of commitment in this respect, it was suggested that the relevant Panels should sit jointly to monitor the progress of works.


3.To take forward members' suggestion, the Chairmen of the relevant Panels have been consulted. It is proposed that the Panel on Transport and Panel on Housing should meet jointly on a regular basis to seek progress reports from the Administration on the development of the infrastructure, with members of the Panel on Planning, Lands and Works and the Panel on Environmental Affairs in attendance. The purposes of the joint meetings are as follows:

  1. To deliberate on issues relating to development of the infrastructure to tie in with the annual target production of 85,000 flats; and

  2. To monitor the progress of infrastructural development for the housing production target.

4.Subject to members' view, the first joint meeting may be held in mid December 1997. Meetings will thereafter be held in about every two months.

Advice Sought

5.Members are invited to advise on the proposals in paragraphs 3 and 4 above.

Provisional Legislative Council Secretariat
13 November 1997