CB(1) 594/98-99(01)

Bills Committee on
Business Registration (Amendment) Bill 1998

Concerns raised by members at the meeting on 24 November 1998

  1. Under what circumstances the Commissioner would exercise his power under the proposed section 6(4B) to remove the entry in respect of a business/branch from the register and publish a notice of the removal in the Gazette?

  2. Are there any cases that a business/branch has been inadvertently registered? If so, please provide details of these cases. Do you contemplate any other cases that require the Commissioner to exercise his power under the proposed section 6(4B)?

  3. Under existing section 6(4)(a), the Commissioner shall not be required to register any business/branch where the business/branch is unlawful. Please explain what is meant by "unlawful" and who is the authority to decide if a business/branch is unlawful.

  4. Please consider providing an opportunity for the person carrying on a business/branch of a business to show cause or to make representation refuting the Commissioner's decision before the entry in respect of his business/branch is removed from the register.

Legislative Council Secretariat
9 December 1998

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