LC Paper No. CB(1) 1934/98-99(10)

ECON 4/3231/66(98)Pt.6
2869 9209
2877 5029

By Fax No. 25230030

8 July 1999

Mr. Peter Kwok
Assistant Secretary
Port Development Division
Economic Services Bureau
38/F Two Exchange Square
Connaught Place, Central
Hong Kong

Dear Mr. Kwok,

Shipping and Port Control (Amendment) Bill 1999

I am scrutinising the above Bill with a view to advising Members and should be grateful if you would clarify the following drafting points.

In clause 23, a new Regulation 41A is added. In paragraph (2), "reasonable steps shall be taken to ensure that no person employed works on top of a container unless adequate precautions have been taken to prevent the person employed falling therefrom". In breach of this new Regulation 41A, a person carrying on cargo handling will be liable to a fine. Will these "reasonable steps" be specified in Codes of Practice?

I should be grateful if you would let me have your reply in both Chinese and English, to the above queries as soon as possible.

Yours sincerely,

(Anita Ho)
Assistant Legal Adviser

c.c.Dept. of Justice (Attn: Ms Carmen Chu, SGC)

LC Paper No. CB(1)1934/98-99(11)

ECON 4/3231/66(99) Pt.21

Our Tel : 2537 2842
Our Fax : 2523 0030

18 September 1999
Miss Anita Ho
Assistant Legal Adviser
Legislative Council
Legislative Council Building
8 Jackson Road
Hong Kong

(Fax No. 2877 5029)

Dear Miss Ho,

Shipping and Port Control (Amendment) Bill 1999 (the Bill)

Thank you for your letter of 8 July 1999.

We agree with your suggested amendments to clauses 3(b), 4(a) and (b) and 7(a) on the Chinese text of the Bill. They will be dealt with by committee stage amendments.

We noted your suggestions on the Draft Shipping and Port Control (Cargo Handling) (Amendment) Regulation 1999 (the Regulation). We shall submit the Regulation for the Council's approval after enactment of the Bill.

Yours sincerely,

(Peter KWOK)
for Secretary for Economic Services

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