Appendix II

Bills Committee on
Revenue Bill 1999

Meeting on
Thursday, 13 May 1999, at 8:30 am
in Conference Room A of the Legislative Council Building


  1. Meeting with the Administration

  2. (8:30 am - 10:30 am)

    Discussion on

    1. Traffic-related proposals

      1. amendments contemplated by the Democratic Party regarding charges for metered parking spaces and tunnel tolls

      2. amendment contemplated by Hon Christine LOH to raise penalty for smoky vehicles

    2. Amendments to Stamp Duty Ordinance

      1. stamp duty on property transactions

      2. stock borrowing

    Relevant papers

    1. The Bill circulated under LC Paper No. CB(3)1482/98-99 on 9 April 1999

    2. Legal Service Division Report at LC Paper No. LS 149/98-99 (issued on 8 April 1999)

    3. Marked-up copy of the Bill at Appendix VI to LC Paper No. CB(1)1153/98-99 (issued on 20 April 1999)

    4. Assistant Legal Adviser's letter of 16 April 1999 to the Administration at Appendix IV to LC Paper No. CB(1)1153/98-99 (issued on 20 April 1999)

    5. The Administration's response to (d) at LC Paper No. CB(1)1196/98-99 (issued on 23 April 1999)

    6. Submission from William K W LEUNG and Company regarding deferred payment of stamp duty at LC Paper No. CB(1)1179/98-99 (issued on 22 April 1999)

    7. The Administration's response to (f) at LC Paper No. CB(1)1198/98-99(02)

    8. A paper prepared by the Legal Service Division concerning the rule of anticipation and other matters at LC Paper No. CB(1)1318/98-99(01)

    9. The updated proposed Committee Stage amendment to be moved by Hon Christine LOH at LC Paper No. CB(1)1318/98-99(02)

    10. A list of concerns raised by members at the Bills Committee meeting on 4 May 1999 at LC Paper No. CB(1)1318/98-99(03)

    11. The Administration's response to (j) at LC Paper No. CB(1)1318/98-99(04) including:

        - Prosecution figures of fixed penalty moving and parking offences for the year 1994-1998 at Annex A;

        - Top-ten black spots of illegal parking and traffic congestion at Annex B;

        - Parking rates of Government multi-storey carparks at Annex C;

        - Broad effect of the adjustments of stamp duty on property transactions at Annex D;

        - Information paper on deferral of stamp duty payment for the Agreement for Sale of residential property at Annex E;

        - Information paper on stamp duty relief scheme for stock borrowing and lending activities at Annex F; and

        - Information paper on proposed amendments to the Stamp Duty Ordinance concerning deemed execution of contract notes at Annex G.

    12. A summary of comments received on the Revenue Bill 1999 at LC Paper No. CB(1)1318/98-99(05).

  3. Any other business

Legislative Council Secretariat
12 May 1999

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