Bills Committee on
Revenue Bill 1999

Meeting on
Thursday, 27 May 1999, at 4:30 pm
in Conference Room A of the Legislative Council Building

Revised agenda

  1. Meeting with the Administration

  2. (4:30 pm - 6:30 pm)

    Discussion on

    1. Fixed penalty for smoky vehicles

      - amendment contemplated by Hon Christine LOH

    2. Proposals to raise tunnel tolls and on-street parking meter charges

      - Government's proposal in the Bill

      - amendments contemplated by the Democratic Party

    3. Amendments to Stamp Duty Ordinance

      - stamp duty relief scheme for stock borrowing and lending activities

    Relevant papers

    1. The Bill circulated under LC Paper No. CB(3)1482/98-99 on 9 April 1999.

    2. Marked-up copy of the Bill at Appendix VI to LC Paper No. CB(1)1153/98-99 (issued on 20 April 1999)

    3. A position paper from the Democratic Party regarding proposed amendments to Cross-Harbour Tunnel tolls and on-street parking meter charges at LC Paper No. CB(1)1305/98-99(02) (issued on 11 May 1999).

    4. The Administration's response to concerns raised by members at the Bills Committee meeting on 4 May 1999 at LC Paper No. CB(1)1318/98-99(04) (issued on 12 May 1999).

    5. Information on parking rates of Government multi-storey carparks at Annex C to LC Paper No. CB(1)1318/98-99(04) (issued on 12 May 1999).

    6. Information paper on stamp duty relief scheme for stock borrowing and lending activities at Annex F to LC Paper No. CB(1)1318/98-99(04) (issued on 12 May 1999).

    7. Information paper on proposed amendments to the Stamp Duty Ordinance concerning deemed execution of contract notes at Annex G to LC Paper No. CB(1)1318/98-99(04) (issued on 12 May 1999).

    8. The updated proposed Committee Stage amendment to be moved by Hon Christine LOH at LC Paper No. CB(1)1318/98-99(02) (issued on 12 May 1999).

    9. A briefing note from Hon Christine LOH on her proposed amendment at LC Paper No. CB(1)1330/98-99(01) (issued on 14 May 1999).

    10. A list of concerns raised by members at the meeting on 13 May 1999 at LC Paper No. CB(1)1377/98-99(01) (attached).

    11. The Administration's response to concerns raised by members at the Bills Committee meeting on 13 May 1999 at LC Paper No. CB(1)1377/98-99(02) (attached).

    12. A summary of comments received on the Revenue Bill 1999 at LC Paper No. CB(1)1339/98-99 (issued on 21 May 1999).

  3. Any other business

Legislative Council Secretariat
26 May 1999

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