Bills Committee on Trade Marks Bill

Fifth meeting on
Friday, 29 October 1999, at 10:45 am
in Conference Room A of the Legislative Council Building


  1. Meeting with the Administration

  2. (10:45 am - 12:45 pm)

    Paper No. CB(1)204/99-00(01)
    - Comparison of the relevant provisions in the Trade Marks Ordinance and the Trade Marks Bill with reference to the WTO Agreement on Trade-Related Aspect of Intellectual Property Rights and the Paris Convention (English version only)

    Paper No. CB(1)204/99-00(02)
    - A note to explain trade marks registered in Part A and Part B and associated trade marks under the Trade Marks Ordinance with examples and the concept of "relative grounds" under clause 11 of the Bill (English version only)

  3. Any other business

Legislative Council Secretariat
25 October 1999
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