Bills Committee on
Telecommunication (Amendment) Bill 1999

Meeting on Friday, 14 April 2000, from 8:30 am onwards
in Conference Room A of the Legislative Council Building


  2. LC paper No. CB(1)1316/99-00
    - Minutes of the meeting on 26 January 2000


    1. Proposed section 14 relating to right of access

      LC Paper No. CB(1)1122/99-00(02) issued on 7 March 2000

      -Access right of mobile network operators into shielded areas
      Response to the further submission from BOT tunnel companies' dated 15 February 2000

      LC Paper No. CB(1)998/99-00 issued on 16 February 2000

      -Further submission from BOT tunnel companies dated 15 February 2000

      LC Paper No. CB(1)820/99-00(01) issued on 18 January 2000 (English version) and issued on 19 January 2000 (Chinese version)

      -Access right of mobile network operators into shielded areas - response to the Lovell White Durrant on the policy considerations, legal and constitutional issues (paper provided by the Administration)

      LC Paper No. CB(1)767/99-00 issued on 12 January 2000

      -Legal analysis on proposed right of access, fee determination and facility sharing provisions of the Telecommunication (Amendment) Bill 1999 (paper prepared by legal adviser to Bills Committee)

      LC Paper No. CB(1)599/99-00(02) issued on 13 December 1999

      -Opinion by Lovell White Durrant on behalf of tunnel companies on legal and constitutional issues arising out of clauses 7 and 20 of the Telecommunication (Amendment) Bill 1999

    2. Proposed section 36AA relating to sharing of use of facilities

      LC Paper No. CB(1)883/99-00(01) issued on 25 January 2000 (English version) and issued on 26 January 2000 (Chinese version)

      -The Administration's response to the Cable & Wireless HKT (CWHKT)'s submissions on the legal and constitutional issues arising from the Telecommunication (Amendment) Bill 1999

      LC Paper No. CB(1)767/99-00 issued on 12 January 2000

      -Legal analysis on proposed right of access, fee determination and facility sharing provisions of the Telecommunication (Amendment) Bill 1999 (paper prepared by legal adviser to Bills Committee)

      LC Paper No. CB(1)461/99-00 issued on 26 November 1999

      -Further representations of Cable & Wireless HKT Limited - Legal and constitutional issues arising under the Telecommunication (Amendment) Bill 1999

    3. Appeal mechanism against TA's decisions

      LC Paper No. CB(1)1122/99-00(01) issued on 7 March 2000

      -Response to the submission dated 21 February 2000 from Cable & Wireless HKT Limited

      LC Paper No. CB(1)1039/99-00(01) issued on 22 February 2000

      -Submission dated 21 February 2000 from Cable & Wireless HKT Limited

      LC Paper No. CB(1)883/99-00(01) issued on 25 January 2000 (English version) and issued on 26 January 2000 (Chinese version)

      -The Administration's response to the Cable & Wireless HKT (CWHKT)'s submissions on the legal and constitutional issues arising from the Telecommunication (Amendment) Bill 1999

      LC Paper No. CB(1)599/99-00(02) issued on 13 December 1999

      -Opinion by Lovell White Durrant on behalf of tunnel companies on legal and constitutional issues arising out of clauses 7 and 20 of the Telecommunication (Amendment) Bill 1999

      LC Paper No. CB(1)461/99-00 issued on 26 November 1999

      -Further representations of Cable & Wireless HKT Limited - Legal and constitutional issues arising under the Telecommunication (Amendment) Bill 1999

    4. Clause-by-clause examination of proposed sections 14 and 36AA and related Committee Stage Amendments

      LC Paper No. CB(1)1138/99-00(01) issued on 8 March 2000 (English version) and issued on 10 March 2000 (Chinese version)

      -Committee Stage Amendments

      LC Paper No. CB(1)1378/99-00(01) issued on 13 April 2000

      -Further Committee Stage Amendments

      * The following papers are relevant to all agenda items

      LC Paper No. CB(1)1138/99-00(01) issued on 8 March 2000 (English version) and issued on 10 March 2000 (Chinese version)

      -Committee Stage Amendments

      LC Paper No. CB(1)1378/99-00(01) issued on 13 April 2000

      -Further Committee Stage Amendments

      LC Paper No. CB(1)1354/99-00(01) issued on 11 April2000

      -Summary of deputations' views and relevant comments on major clauses of the Telecommunication (Amendment) Bill 1999 (Revised version)

  4. Any other business

Legislative Council Secretariat
13 April 2000

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