Bills Committee on Telecommunication (Amendment) Bill 1999
- Committee Stage Amendments provided by the Administration (Chinese version only) [CB(1)1533/99-00] (18 and 10 May 2000)
- Committee Stage Amendments provided by the Administration (English version only) [CB(1)1520/99-00] (18 and 10 May 2000)
- Committee Stage Amendments to sections 14(5A) and 36D provided by the Administration (Chinese version only) [CB(1)1633/99-00] (18 May 2000)
- Committee Stage Amendments to sections 14(5A) and 36D provided by the Administration (English version only) [CB(1)1614/99-00] (18 May 2000)
- Points to note in discussing s 36D on the Telecommunications Authority's request for information from non-licensees [CB(1)1576/99-00] (18 and 10 May 2000)
- Commencement of the Bill [CB(1)1459/99-00(01)] (27 April 2000)
- Committee Stage Amendments On An Appeal Mechanism For Competition Issues [CB(1)1433/99-00(01)] (27 April 2000)
- Interim Fee Arrangement under Section 14 [CB(1)1459/99-00(02)] (27 April 2000)
- The Administration's Further Response to the Concerns on the New Section 36D Relating to the Telecommunications Authority's Request for Information From Non-licensees [CB(1)1473/99-00(01)] (27 April 2000)
- Access right of mobile network operators into shielded areas - Response to the further submission from BOT tunnel companies' dated 15 February 2000 [CB(1)1122/99-00(02)] (14 April 2000 and 10 March 2000)
- Access right of mobile network operators into shielded areas - response to the Lovell White Durrant on the policy considerations, legal and constitutional issues (paper provided by the Administration) [CB(1)820/99-00(01)] (14 April 2000 and 19 January 2000)
- Committee Stage Amendments [CB(1)1138/99-00(01)] (14 April 2000, 15 and 10 March 2000)
- Further Committee Stage Amendments [CB(1)1378/99-00(01)] (14 April 2000)
- Further representations of Cable & Wireless HKT Limited - Legal and constitutional issues arising under the Telecommunication (Amendment) Bill 1999 [CB(1)461/99-00] (14 April 2000, 26 January 2000 and 1 December 1999)
- Further submission from BOT tunnel companies dated 15 February 2000 (English version only) [CB(1)998/99-00] (14 April 2000 and 17 February 2000)
- Legal analysis on proposed right of access, fee determination and facility sharing provisions of the Telecommunication (Amendment) Bill 1999 (paper prepared by legal adviser to Bills Committee) [CB(1)767/99-00] (14 April 2000, 26 and 19 January 2000)
- Opinion by Lovell White Durrant on behalf of tunnel companies on legal and constitutional issues arising out of clauses 7 and 20 of the Telecommunication (Amendment) Bill 1999 [CB(1)599/99-00(02)] (14 April 2000, 19 January 2000 and 15 December 1999)
- Response to the submission dated 21 February 2000 from Cable & Wireless HKT Limited [CB(1)1122/99-00(01)] (14 April 2000 and 10 March 2000)
- Submission dated 21 February 2000 from Cable & Wireless HKT Limited [CB(1)1039/99-00(01)] (14 April 2000 and 23 February 2000)
- Summary of deputations' views and relevant comments on major clauses of the Telecommunication (Amendment) Bill 1999 (Revised version) [CB(1)1354/99-00(01)] (14 April 2000)
- The Administration's response to the Cable & Wireless HKT (CWHKT)'s submissions on the legal and constitutional issues arising from the Telecommunication (Amendment) Bill 1999 [CB(1)883/99-00(01)] (14 April 2000 and 26 January 2000)
- Consultation with the Airport Authority [CB(1)1079/99-00] (10 March 2000)
- The Administration's response to the letter issued by the Assistant Legal Adviser regarding protection of personal data in relation to the proposed section 7I of the Bill [CB(1)1147/99-00(01)] (10 March 2000)
- Summary of deputations' views and relevant comments on major clauses of the Telecommunication (Amendment) Bill 1999 [CB(1)372/99-00(02)] (7, 1 March 2000, 23, 17 February 2000, 26 January 2000, 1 December 1999 and 16 November 1999)
- Supplementary information to the Bills Committee on "Predatory Pricing" [CB(1)1119/99-00(01)] (7 March 2000)
- A comparison of the existing licence conditions and the improved regulatory regime proposed in the Telecommunication (Amendment) Bill 1999 [CB(1)1098/99-00(01)] (1 March 2000)
- Letter dated 22 February 2000 from the BOT tunnel companies [CB(1)1056/99-00] (23 February 2000)
- Letter dated 18 February 2000 issued by the Bills Committee legal adviser to the Administration regarding problems relating to protection of personal data that may arise from proposed section 7I of the Bill [CB(1)1039/99-00(02)] (23 February 2000)
- Policy paper on the procedural safeguards [CB(1)873/99-00(01)] (26 January 2000)
- Powers of Telecommunications Authority (TA) relating to obtaining/disclosure of information and inspection of accounts/documents, etc [CB(1)830/99-00(01)] (26 and 19 January 2000)
- Summary of members' concerns raised at the meeting with Cable and Wireless HKT Limited on 1 December 1999 [CB(1)847/99-00(01)] (26 January 2000)
- Further submission from Hong Kong Society of Accountants dated 17 January 2000 [CB(1)821/99-00] (19 January 2000)
- Mobile network operators' exercise of statutory right of access under the proposed section 14(1A) of the Telecommunication (Amendment) Bill 1999 to premises of Mass Transit Railway Corporation and Kowloon Canton Railway Corporation [CB(1)806/99-00(02)] (19 January 2000)
- Principles for the determination of access fees for mobile network operators for access to confined areas under the proposed section 14(5) of Cap. 106 - Outline of consultation paper to be issued by the Office of the Telecommunications Authority under section 2(2) of Cap. 106 [CB(1)806/99-00(01)] (19 January 2000)
- Letter dated 6 December 1999 from the operators of "build-operate-transfer" tunnels [CB(1)599/99-00(01)] (15 December 1999)
- A summary of the Administration's response to queries raised by the Legal Service Division on the Bill [CB(1)176/99-00] (16 November 1999)
- Responses to submissions from BOT tunnel operators of 25 and 27 October 1999 on new section 14 of the Telecommunication (Amendment) Bill 1999 [CB(1)372/99-00(01)] (16 November 1999)
- Submission from BOT tunnel operators dated 27 October 1999 [CB(1)226/99-00] (16 November 1999)
- Submission from BOT tunnel operators dated 25 October 1999 [CB(1)217/99-00] (16 November 1999)
- The Administration's response to the Cable & Wireless HKT's submission dated 20 October 1999 to the Bills Committee on Telecommunication (Amendment) Bill 1999 [CB(1)358/99-00] (16 November 1999)
- The Administration's Further Response on the New Sections 35A and 36D Relating to the Telecommunications Authority's Request for, and Inspection of Records, Documents and Accounts [CB(1)141/99-00(03)] (21 October 1999)
- The Administration's Response to the BOT Tunnel Operators' submissions dated 20, 22 and 30 September 1999 and 13 October 1999 and the Consumer Council's submission dated 8 October 1999 [CB(1)141/99-00(01)] (21 October 1999)
- The Administration's Response on the New Section 32F Relating to the Management of a Numbering Plan (21 October 1999)
- The Administration's Response on the New Section 32I Relating to the Spectrum Utilization Fee [CB(1)141/99-00(02)] (21 October 1999)
- Note on the obligations of public mobile radiocommunication licensees to provide coverage in New Hong Kong Tunnel, Tai Lam Tunnel and Tate's Cairn Tunnel and Western Harbour Tunnel ("BOT tunnels") [CB(1)1947/98-99] (21 October 1999)
- Submission from BOT tunnel operators dated 13 October 1999 (English version only) [CB(1)116/99-00] (21 October 1999)
- Submission from the Consumer Council dated 21 October 1999 (21 October 1999)
- Submissions from the Consumer Council dated 2 October 1999 (English version only) [CB(1)74/99-00] (21 October 1999)
- Further submissions from BOT tunnel operators [CB(1)1957/98-99] (6 October 1999)
- Further submissions from BOT tunnel operators [CB(1)32/99-00] (6 October 1999)
- Submission by the Hong Kong Society of Accountants [CB(1)1976/98-99] (6 October 1999)
- The Administration's Response to Submission from the Hong Kong Society of Accountants [CB(1)46/99-00(01)] (6 October 1999)
- Cost Implication of the Access Fees Charged by Tunnel Operators on Mobile Network Operators [CB(1)46/99-00(03)] (6 October 1999)
- Review on the Access Fees Charged by Government for Installation of Radiocommunications Equipment at Government Tunnels [CB(1)46/99-00(02)] (6 October 1999)
- Submission from MTR Corporation [CB(1)1826/98-99(03)] (6 September 1999)
- Submission from Peoples Telephone Company Limited [CB(1)1842/98-99(01)] (6 September 1999)
- Submission form Sun Hung Kai Real Estate Agency Ltd (6 September 1999)
- A Summary of the Major Provisions of the Telecommunication (Amendment) Bill 1999 (21 July 1999)
If you wish to read the hardcopy of the above document(s), please make an enquiry at the Legislative Council Library