Bills Committee on Electronic Transactions Bill

Second meeting
on Thursday, 4 November 1999 at 8:30 am
in Conference Room A of the Legislative Council Building


  1. Matters arising from the first meeting

  2. (8:30 am - 9:30 am)

    Discussion on the points of concern raised by members at the first meeting

    LC Paper No.
    Technical demonstration by the Administration on the procedure in handling a document which requires more than one digital signature CB(1)293/99-00
    Comparison of the approach adopted under the Electronic Transactions Bill and in overseas legislation in respect of the provisions on legal recognition of digital signature/electronic signature CB(1)230/99-00(01)
    The types of documents and acts excluded from the application of clauses 5, 6, 7, 8 and 16 of the Electronic Transactions Bill and a comparison with the relevant legislation in overseas countries CB(1)230/99-00(02)
    Draft Code of Practice for Recognised Certification Authorities CB(1)230/99-00(03)
    The Administration's response to the submission from Horvath & Giles, Solicitors and Not aries CB(1)230/99-00(04)
    The Administration's response to the submission from the Business Software Alliance CB(1)230/99-00(05)
    The Administration's response to the submission from the Hong Kong General Chamber of Commerce CB(1)230/99-00(06)
    Letter dated 8 April 1999 from the Hong Kong Bar Association to the Administration CB(1)230/99-00(07)
    (English version only)
    Letter dated 21 August 1999 from the Hong Kong Bar Association to the Administration CB(1)230/99-00(08)
    (English version only)
    The Administration's response to the letter dated 21 August 1999 from the Hong Kong Bar Association CB(1)230/99-00(09)
    Letter dated 19 August 1999 from the Law Society of Hong Kong to the Administration CB(1)230/99-00(10)
    (English version only)
    The Administration's response to the letter dated 19 August 1999 from the Law Society of Hong Kong CB(1)230/99-00(11)

    Submissions received since the first meeting

    LC Paper No.
    E-mail dated 26 October 1999 from Mr John TSO CB(1)261/99-00(01)
    Letter dated 1 November 1999 from the Hong Kong Society of Accountants CB(1)261/99-00(02)

  3. Clause-by-clause examination of the Bill

  4. (9:30 am - 10:30 am)

  5. Any other business

  6. (10:30 am onwards)

Legislative Council Secretariat
3 November 1999

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