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Bills Committee on Electronic Transactions Bill
Bills Committee on Electronic Transactions Bill
A list of the amendments for members' reference
Further revised draft Committee Stage Amendments proposed by the Administration - amendments made on 22 December 1999
Commencement Provision of the Electronic Transactions Bill
[CB(1)597/99-00] (10 December 1999)
Committee Stage amendments to be moved by the Administration (Fourth draft)
[CB(1)559/99-00(05)] (10 December 1999)
E-mail dated 7 December 1999 from Mr Charles LAM
(English version only) [CB(1)559/99-00(03)] (10 December 1999)
Letter dated 3 December 1999 from the Chairman of the Bills Committee to the Administration
[CB(1)559/99-00(01)] (10 December 1999)
Major Changes to the Committee Stage Amendments to the Electronic Transactions Bill
[CB(1)590/99-00(01)] (10 December 1999)
Paper provided by the Administration on the comments received in the public consultation exercise on the Draft Code of Practice for Recognized Certification Authorities
[CB(1)559/99-00(07)] (10 December 1999)
Paper provided by the Administration on the comments received on the draft code of practice during the consultation period
[CB(1)443/99-00(05)] (10 December 1999, 29 and 26 November 1999)
Submission from Business Software Alliance dated on 16 December 1999 [CB(1)638/99-00] (10 December 1999)
Summary of Committee Stage amendments prepared by the Legislative Council Secretariat
(English version only) [CB(1)559/99-00(06)] (10 December 1999)
The Administration's response to Mr Charles LAM's e-mail
[CB(1)559/99-00(04)] (10 December 1999)
The Administration's response to the Chairman's letter
[CB(1)559/99-00(02)] (10 December 1999)
Committee Stage amendments to be moved by the Administration (Third draft)
[CB(1)483/99-00(01)] (30 November 1999)
Administration's response to the third submission from the Hong Kong Institution of Engineers (IT Division)
[CB(1)465/99-00(03)] (29 November 1999)
Committee Stage amendments to be moved by the Administration (Second draft)
[CB(1)465/99-00(04)] (29 November 1999)
Committee Stage amendment to clause 4 to be moved by the Administration
[CB(1)481/99-00(01)] (29 November 1999)
Electronic Transactions Bill - Clause 4
[CB(1)465/99-00(01)] (29 November 1999)
Explanatory notes on the Committee Stage amendments to be moved by the Administration (Revised)
[CB(1)465/99-00(05)] (29 November 1999)
Follow-up on matters raised at the seventh meeting of the bills committee on Electronic Transactions Bill held on 26 November 1999
[CB(1)465/99-00(02)] (29 November 1999)
Summary of Committee Stage amendments prepared by the Legislative Council Secretariat
(English version only) [CB(1)465/99-00(06)] (29 November 1999)
Explanatory notes on the draft Committee Stage amendments
[CB(1)443/99-00(07)] (26 November 1999)
Paper provided by the Administration on "Provisions in the Electronic Transactions Bill applicable to a recognised certification authority"
[CB(1)443/99-00(03)] (26 November 1999)
Paper provided by the Administration to address the issues raised by members at the fifth meeting
[CB(1)443/99-00(01)] (26 November 1999)
Paper provided by the Administration to address the issues raised by members at the sixth meeting
[CB(1)443/99-00(02)] (26 November 1999)
Amendment to Post Office Trading Fund Resolution
[CB(1)409/99-00(08)] (22 November 1999)
Further submission from Cable & Wireless HKT
[CB(1)382/99-00(07)] (22 November 1999 and 18 November 1999)
Further submission from Mr Damien WONG
[CB(1)382/99-00(08)] (22 November 1999 and 18 November 1999)
Further submission from Hong Kong Institution of Engineers (IT Division)
[CB(1)382/99-00(04)] (22 November 1999 and 18 November 1999)
Further submission from Law Society of Hong Kong
[CB(1)382/99-00(06)] (22 November 1999 and 18 November 1999)
Response to Comments made by Hong Kong Institute of Engineers (IT Division)
[CB(1)409/99-00(02)] (22 November 1999)
Response to Comments made by Mr Damien Wong by e-mail of 15 November 1999
[CB(1)409/99-00(06)] (22 November 1999)
Response to Comments made by the Business Software Alliance
[CB(1)409/99-00(01)] (22 November 1999)
Response to Comments made by The Law Society of Hong Kong
[CB(1)409/99-00(04)] (22 November 1999)
Response to Further Comments made by Cable and Wireless HKT dated 16 November 1999
[CB(1)409/99-00(05)] (22 November 1999)
Response to Further Comments made by the Hong Kong Society of Accountants
[CB(1)409/99-00(03)] (22 November 1999)
Response to the Paper submitted by the Office of the Privacy Commissioner for Personal Data
[CB(1)409/99-00(07)] (22 November 1999)
Submission from the Office of the Privacy Commissioner for Personal Data
[CB(1)382/99-00(09)] (22 November 1999 and 18 November 1999)
Further submission from Business Software Alliance
[CB(1)382/99-00(03)] (18 November 1999)
Further submission from Hong Kong Society of Accountants
[CB(1)382/99-00(05)] (18 November 1999)
Paper provided by the Administration to address the three issues raised by members at the fourth meeting
[CB(1)382/99-00(01)] (18 November 1999)
The Administration's response to the submission from Consumer Council
[CB(1)382/99-00(02)] (18 November 1999)
Letter dated 2 September 1999 from the Department of Justice to the Hong Kong Bar Association
(English version only) [CB(1)313/99-00(01)] (12 November 1999)
Letter dated 10 September 1999 from the Hong Kong Bar Association to the Department of Justice
[CB(1)313/99-00(02)] (12 November 1999)
Submission from Business Software Alliance
[CB(1)189/99-00(01)] (12 November 1999 and 22 October 1999)
Submission from Cable & Wireless HKT
[CB(1)313/99-00(05)] (12 November 1999)
Submission from Consumer Council
[CB(1)343/99-00(02)] (12 November 1999)
Submission from Hong Kong Computer Society
[CB(1)313/99-00(03)] (12 November 1999)
Submission from Hong Kong Institution of Engineers (IT Division)
[CB(1)313/99-00(04)] (12 November 1999)
Submission from Law Society of Hong Kong
[CB(1)343/99-00(03)] (12 November 1999)
Submission from Mr Damien WONG
[CB(1)313/99-00(06)] (12 November 1999)
The Administration's response to the letter dated 10 September 1999 from the Hong Kong Bar Association
[CB(1)343/99-00(04)] (12 November 1999)
The Administration's response to the submission from Hong Kong Institution of Engineers (IT Division)
[CB(1)343/99-00(01)] (12 November 1999)
The Administration's response to the submission from Cable & Wireless HKT
[CB(1)343/99-00(05)] (12 November 1999)
The Administration's response to the submission from Mr Damien WONG
[CB(1)343/99-00(06)] (12 November 1999)
Time of receipt of electronic records by an information system not designated by the addressee for receiving electronic records
[CB(1)343/99-00(07)] (12 November 1999)
Examples of exemptions to be made by Order under Clause 11 of the Electronic Transactions Bill
[CB(1)286/99-00(01)] (8 November 1999)
Letter dated 11 October 1999 from the Hong Kong Computer Society to the Administration
(English version only) [CB(1)297/99-00(03)] (8 November 1999)
The Administration's response to the letter dated 11 October 1999 from the Hong Kong Computer Society
[CB(1)297/99-00(04)] (8 November 1999)
The Administration's response to the submission from Mr John TSO
[CB(1)297/99-00(01)] (8 November 1999)
The Administration's response to the submission from the Hong Kong Society of Accountants
[CB(1)297/99-00(02)] (8 November 1999)
Comparison of the approach adopted under the Electronic Transactions Bill and in overseas legislation in respect of the provisions on legal recognition of digital signature/electronic signature
[CB(1)230/99-00(01)] (4 November 1999)
Consultation on the Draft Code of Practice for Recognised Certification Authorities
[CB(1)230/99-00(03)] (29,26 and 4 November 1999)
E-mail dated 26 October 1999 from Mr John TSO
[CB(1)261/99-00(01)] (4 November 1999)
Letter dated 1 November 1999 from the Hong Kong Society of Accountants
[CB(1)261/99-00(02)] (4 November 1999)
Technical demonstration by the Administration on the procedure in handling a document which requires more than one digital signature
[CB(1)293/99-00] (4 November 1999)
The Administration's response to the submission from the Business Software Alliance
[CB(1)230/99-00(05)] (4 November 1999)
The Administration's response to the submission from Horvath & Giles, Solicitors and Not aries
[CB(1)230/99-00(04)] (4 November 1999)
The Administration's response to the submission from the Hong Kong General Chamber of Commerce
[CB(1)230/99-00(06)] (4 November 1999)
The Administration's response to the letter dated 21 August 1999 from the Hong Kong Bar Association
[CB(1)230/99-00(09)] (4 November 1999)
The Administration's response to the letter dated 19 August 1999 from the Law Society of Hong Kong
[CB(1)230/99-00(11)] (4 November 1999)
The types of documents and acts excluded from the application of clauses 5, 6, 7, 8 and 16 of the Electronic Transactions Bill and a comparison with the relevant legislation in overseas countries
[CB(1)230/99-00(02)] (4 November 1999)
An extract from the minutes of meeting of the Panel on Information Technology and Broadcasting on 11 January 1999
[CB(1)925/98-99] (22 October 1999)
An outline of the Administration's proposed Committee Stage Amendments
[CB(1)140/99-00(02)] (22 October 1999)
Follow-up to the meeting on 22 October 1999 - Submission from the Hong Kong General Chamber of Commerce
[CB(1)191/99-00(01)] (22 October 1999)
Letter dated 1 September 1999 from Assistant Legal Adviser 3 (ALA3) to the Administration
[CB(1)189/99-00(02)] (22 October 1999)
Letter dated 12 April 1999 from the Law Society of Hong Kong to the Administration
[CB(1)189/99-00(03)a] (22 October 1999)
Letter from Horvath & Giles, Solicitors and Notaries
[CB(1)140/99-00(01)] (22 October 1999)
Reply dated 16 June 1999 from the Administration to the Law Society of Hong Kong
[CB(1)189/99-00(03)b] (22 October 1999)
The Administration's response to ALA3's letter
[CB(1)189/99-00(03)] (22 October 1999)
If you wish to read the hardcopy of the above document(s), please make an enquiry at
the Legislative Council Library
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