Bills Committee on Adaptation of Laws Bill 1998
- Adaptation of Laws Programme - Guiding Principles and Guideline Glossary of Terms prepared by the Department of Justice[CB(2) 739/98-99(01)](26 February 1999, 10 February 1999, 15 January 1999, 15 December 1998 and 27 November 1998)
- Administration's response to issues raised by members at the meeting on 6 November 1998 [CB(2) 710/98-99(01)](26 February 1999)
- Administration's response to issues raised by members on the Transfer of Sentenced Persons Ordinance [CB(2) 1514/98-99(01)](26 February 1999)
- Administration's response to issues raised in relation to Article 56 of the Basic Law and Subordinate Legislation [CB(2) 1340/98-99(01)](26 February 1999)
- Draft CSAs to be moved by the Administration[CB(2) 1514/98-99(02)](26 February 1999)
- Submission dated 13 January 1999 from the Hong Kong Bar Association (English version only)[CB(2) 1069/98-99(01)](26 February 1999)
- Submission dated 23 December 1998 from Professor Peter Wesley-Smith, the University of Hong Kong on the interpretation of Article 56 of the Basic Law [CB(2) 1019/98-99(01)](26 February 1999)
- Administration's response to issues raised at the meeting on 15 January 1999[CB(2) 1275/98-99(01)](10 February 1999)
- Administration's response to the comments raised by the Hong Kong Bar Association[CB(2) 753/98-99(01)](10 February 1999, 15 January 1999, 15 December 1998 and 27 November 1998)
- Letter dated 21 November 1998 from the Hong Kong Bar Association[CB(2) 739/98-99(05)](10 February 1999, 15 January 1999, 15 December 1998 and 27 November 1998)
- Paper on "Provision not covered by, or which depart from, the Guideline Adaptations"[CB(2) 739/98-99(02)](10 February 1999, 15 January 1999, 15 December 1998 and 27 November 1998)
- Administration's response to issues raised at the meeting on 15 December 1998[CB(2) 1034/98-99(01)](15 January 1999)
- Background information paper on "Public Service (Administration) Order 1997"[CB(2) 739/98-99(03)](15 January 1999, 15 December 1998 and 27 November 1998)
- Copy of Court's judgment on the judicial review regarding the legality of the Public Service (Administration) Order 1997(English version only)[CB(2) 739/98-99(04)](15 January 1999, 15 December 1998 and 27 November 1998)
- Administration's response to issues raised at the meeting on 27 November 1998[CB(2) 877/98-99(01)](15 December 1998)
- Paper on "Adaptation of Laws Programme - item 7 of schedule 9 to Cap.1" provided by Administration[CB(2) 858/98-99(01)](15 December 1998)
- Paper on "Section saving the rights of Her Majesty etc" provided by Administration[CB(2) 858/98-99(02)](15 December 1998)
- Administration's paper entitled "Adaptation of references to the 'Crown'"[CB(2) 532/98-99(01)](4 November 1998)
If you wish to read the hardcopy of the above document(s), please make an enquiry at the Legislative Council Library