LC Paper No. CB(2)1017/98-99(02)

Bills Committee on Adaptation of Laws (No.4) Bill 1998
Checklist of issues discussed
(position as at 8 January 1999)

The BillBills Committee's comments/ recommendations
Administration's response

Schedule 1 -
Legal Officers

The Administration is requested to provide a copy of "Consultation Paper No. 41" referred to in LC Paper No. CB(2)807/98-99(03) for members' reference. The request cannot be acceded to as the paper is an internal working document.

The Administration proposes to defer adaptation of military references to a late stage.
SS.5&6 The Administration is requested to advise on the following -

(a) The rights and duties exercisable by the AG before 1 July 1997 ?

(b) Whether any of such rights and duties are considered to be inconsistent with the Basic Law and therefore have to be removed after 1 July 1997?

(c) Should SJ's rights and duties under this part be codified in the Ordinance ?

(d) Should SS.5 and 6 not be adapted at this stage ?
The Administration's response is contained in LC Paper No. CB(2)1017/98-99(01).

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