Bills Committee on District Councils Bill

Meeting on
Thursday, 21 January 1999 at 4:30 pm
in the Chamber of the Legislative Council Building


  1. Matters arising
  2. [LC Paper No. CB(2)1104/98-99 - the Administration's response to the concerns raised at the meeting held on 11 January 1999]

  3. Clause by clause examination of the Bill
  4. [Paper No. CB(2)1027/98-99(01) - the comparison table of the District Councils Bill with the Provisional District Boards Ordinance and the District Boards Ordinance]

    [Paper No. CB(2)1027/98-99(02) - the comparison table of the District Councils Bill with the Legislative Council Ordinance]

    [Paper No. CB(2)1130/98-99(01) - Proposed Committee Stage amendments by the Administration to the District Councils Bill (to follow)]

    [Paper No. CB(2)1111/98-99(03) - Proposed Committee Stage amendments by the Democratic Party to the District Councils Bill]

    [Paper No. CB(2)1118/98-99(04) - Proposed Committee Stage amendments by Hon LAU Chin-shek to the District Councils Bill]

Legislative Council Secretariat
20 January 1999

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