Legislative Council

LC Paper No. CB(2) 2633/98-99
(These minutes have been
seen by the Administration)

Ref : CB2/BC/12/98

Bills Committee on
Adaptation of Laws (No. 12) Bill 1998

Minutes of meeting
held on Thursday, 17 June 1999 at 2:30 pm
in Conference Room B of the Legislative Council Building

Members Present :

Hon Margaret NG (Chairman)
Hon Andrew WONG Wang-fat, JP
Hon Jasper TSANG Yok-sing, JP

Members Absent :

Hon James TO Kun-sun
Hon Mrs Miriam LAU Kin-yee, JP

Public Officers Attending :

Ms Roxana CHENG
Senior Assistant Solicitor General

Senior Assistant Law Draftsman

Mr Lawerence PENG
Senior Government Counsel

Clerk in Attendance :

Mr LAW Wing-lok
Chief Assistant Secretary (2)5

Staff in Attendance :

Miss Anita HO
Assistant Legal Adviser 2

Miss Mary SO
Senior Assistant Secretary (2)8

I. Confirmation of minutes of meetings held on 24 February 1999 and 8 April 1999
(LC Paper No. CB(2) 2172/98-99 and CB(2) 2173/98-99)

The minutes were confirmed.

II. Meeting with the Administration
(LC Paper No. CB(2) 2326/98-99 and LC Paper No. LS163/98-99)

2. Members did not raise any queries on the proposed Committee Stage amendments (CSAs) put forward by the
Administration relating to the replacement of the references to "Crown" in the English text with "HKSAR" and the references
to in the Chinese text with as set out in LC Paper No. CB(2) 2326/98-99. Members further expressed
support for the Second Reading debate on the Bill to be resumed.

3. The Chairman said that a report on the Bill would be made to the House Committee on 25 June 1999. She added that if the Administration wished to resume Second Reading debate on the Bill at the Council meeting on 7 July 1999, the deadline of giving notice of resumption was 21 June 1999.

4. In reply to Senior Assistant Law Draftsman (SALD)'s enquiry, the Chairman said that it would be more appropriate for the Administration to move the proposed CSAs set out in paragraph 2 above.

5. The Chairman further said that as the Administration had agreed to replace the reference to "Crown" with "HKSAR" in the
English text and with in the Chinese text in the context of the Government being a party to criminal
proceedings, similar amendments should be made to sections 2 and 15(1) of the Magistrates Ordinance (Cap. 227) at an
appropriate time. SALD responded that the matter had already been brought to the attention of the Director of Administration
who was the public officer responsible for Cap. 227.

6. There being no other business, the meeting ended at 2:43 pm.

Legislative Council Secretariat
27 July 1999

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