Bills Committee on Factories
and Industrial Undertakings (Amendment) Bill 1999

Meeting on Tuesday, 30 March 1999, at 8:30 am
in Conference Room B of the Legislative Council Building

Revised Agenda

  1. Matters arising

  2. (8:30 am - 8:35 am)

    [Paper No. CB(2)1595/98-99(01) - Information paper to be provided by the Administration in response to members' requests at the meeting on 9 March 1999]

  3. Meeting with the Administration

  4. (8:35 am onwards)

  5. Relevant papers

    1. The Bill circulated vide LC Paper No. CB(3)1094/98-99 on 13 January 1999;

    2. LegCo Brief issued by the Education and Manpower Bureau on 15 January 1999 (Ref : EMB CR 2/2961/95);

    3. Legal Service Division Report LC Paper No. LS 90/98-99 issued under LC Paper No. CB(2)1196/98-99 dated 28 January 1999; and

    4. Marked-up copy of the Bill.

  6. Any other business

Legislative Council Secretariat
29 March 1999

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