Bills Committee on Factories and Industrial Undertakings
(Amendment) Bill 1999
- Administration's information paper on "Safety Management System and experience in United Kingdom and Singapore" [CB(2) 2341/98-99(03)] (3 June 1999)
- Administration's response to issues raised at the meeting of the Bills Committee held on 9 March 1999[CB(2) 1595/98-99(01)] (3 June 1999, 1 June 1999, 20 April 1999 and 30 March 1999)
- Administration's response to issues raised at the meeting on 1 June 1999 [CB(2) 2341/98-99(01)] (3 June 1999 and 1 June 1999)
- Administration's response to issues raised at the meeting on 3 June 1999 [CB(2) 2341/98-99(02)] (3 June 1999)
- Administration's response to members' concerns raised at the meeting on 21 May 1999 [CB(2) 2158/98-99(02)] (3 June 1999 and 1 June 1999)
- Administration's response to members' questions raised at the meeting on 30 March 1999 [CB(2) 1716/98-99(07)] (3 June 1999, 1 June 1999, 21 May 1999 and 20 April 1999)
- Administration's response to submissions made by 14 Organizations regarding the Factories and Industrial Undertakings (Amendment) Bill 1999 [CB(2) 2007/98-99(01)] (3 June 1999, 1 June 1999 and 21 May 1999)
- Construction Industry Training Authority's response to question raised by Hon CHAN Wing-chan at the meeting on 20 April 1999 (English version only) [CB(2) 1796/98-99(01)] (3 June 1999, 1 June 1999 and 20 April 1999)
- Further submission from the Federation of Hong Kong Industries [CB(2) 2175/98-99(01)] (3 June 1999 and 1 June 1999)
- Further submission from the Hong Kong Occupational Safety and Health Association on the Administration's response [CB(2) 2131/98-99 (02)] (3 June 1999 and 1 June 1999)
- Further submission from the Hong Kong Small and Medium Business Association [CB(2) 1757/98-99(02)] (3 June 1999, 1 June 1999 and 20 April 1999)
- Further submission from the Society of Accreditied Safety Auditors Limited on the Administration's response [CB(2) 2131/98-99 (01)] (3 June 1999 and 1 June 1999)
- Further submission of the Hong Kong Construction Association Ltd. [CB(2) 2158/98-99(01)] (3 June 1999 and 1 June 1999)
- Submission from Construction Industry Training Authority [CB(2) 1716/98-99(01)] (3 June 1999, 1 June 1999 and 20 April 1999)
- Submission from Federation of Hong Kong Industries [CB(2) 1732/98-99(02)] (3 June 1999, 1 June 1999 and 20 April 1999)
- Submission from Hong Kong Confederation of Trade Unions (Chinese version only) [CB(2) 1029/98-99(01)] (3 June 1999, 1 June 1999 and 20 April 1999)
- Submission from Hong Kong Container Deport & Repairer Association Ltd. [CB(2) 1716/98-99(02)] (3 June 1999, 1 June 1999 and 20 April 1999)
- Submission from Hong Kong Occupational Safety and Health Association [CB(2) 1716/98-99(06)] (3 June 1999, 1 June 1999 and 20 April 1999)
- Submission from Occupation Safety and Health Council [CB(2) 1757/98-99(01)] (3 June 1999, 1 June 1999 and 20 April 1999)
- Submission from Society of Registered Safety Officers [CB(2) 1716/98-99(05)] (3 June 1999, 1 June 1999 and 20 April 1999)
- Submission from the Federation of Hong Kong and Kowloon Labour Unions [CB(2) 1742/98-99(01)] (3 June 1999, 1 June 1999 and 20 April 1999)
- Submission from the Hong Kong Construction Association Ltd. [CB(2) 1732/98-99(01)] (3 June 1999, 1 June 1999 and 20 April 1999)
- Submission from the Hong Kong Federation of Trade Unions [CB(2) 1742/98-99(03)] (3 June 1999, 1 June 1999 and 20 April 1999)
- Submission from the Hong Kong General Chamber of Commerce [CB(2) 1742/98-99(04)] (3 June 1999, 1 June 1999 and 20 April 1999)
- Submission from The Hong Kong Institution of Engineers [CB(2) 1716/98-99(04)] (3 June 1999, 1 June 1999 and 20 April 1999)
- Submission from the Hong Kong Small and Medium Business Association [CB(2) 2184/98-99(01)] (3 June 1999 and 1 June 1999)
- Submission from the Hong Kong Small and Medium Business Association [CB(2) 1742/98-99(02)] (3 June 1999, 1 June 1999 and 20 April 1999)
- Submission from The Society of Accredited Safety Auditors Ltd. [CB(2) 1716/98-99(03)] (3 June 1999, 1 June 1999 and 20 April 1999)
- Summary of the 15 written submissions received before the meeting on 20 April 1999 [Appendix I of CB(2) 1788/98-99] (3 June 1999, 1 June 1999, 21 May 1999 and 20 April 1999)
If you wish to read the hardcopy of the above document(s), please make an enquiry at the Legislative Council Library