Bills Committee on Firearms and Ammunition (Amendment) Bill 1999
 | Legislative Council Brief
|  | Bill gazetted (15 January 1999)
|  | Legal Service Division Report
| | LS 98/98-99
|  | Considered by the House Committee at the following meetings
| | 11 February 2000
| | 29 January 1999
|  | Membership
Hon TO Kun-sun, James (Chairman)
Hon CHENG Kai-nam, Gary, JP
Hon CHOY So-yuk
Hon CHU Yu-lin, David
Hon MA Fung-kwok
Hon TIEN Pei-chun, James, JP
Hon YOUNG, Howard, JP
|  | Meetings
5 March, 1999 |
Agenda |
Minutes | 29 March, 1999 |
Agenda |
Minutes | 19 April, 1999 |
Agenda |
Minutes | 26 April, 1999 |
Agenda |
Minutes | 4 May, 1999 |
Agenda |
Minutes | 13 May, 1999 |
Agenda |
Minutes | 8 June, 1999 |
Agenda |
Minutes | 14 June, 1999 |
Agenda |
Minutes | 14 September, 1999 |
Agenda |
Minutes | 21 September, 1999 |
Agenda |
Minutes | 25 January, 2000 |
Agenda |
Minutes |
|  | Papers
|  | Reports