Bills Committee on Chinese Medicine Bill

The sixth meeting to be held on Wednesday, 5 May 1999 at 8:30 am
in Conference Room B of the Legislative Council Building


  1. Meeting with the Administration

    1. the main issues raised by the deputations at the meeting on 13 April 1999
      LC Paper No. CB(2)1844/98-99(01) - summary of the main issues raised

    2. the submission from the University Grants Committee
      LC Paper No. CB(2)1778/98-99(03) issued on 23 April 1999

    3. the Administration's paper on "the regulatory systems for traditional medicine in the United States, Canada and Japan"
      LC Paper No. CB(2)1778/98-99(04) issued on 23 April 1999

  2. Any other business

  3. Date of next meeting(s)

Legislative Council Secretariat
4 May 1999

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