Bills Committee on Chinese Medicine Bill

The seventh meeting to be held on Tuesday, 18 May 1999 at 8:30 am
in Conference Room A of the Legislative Council Building


  1. Confirmation of minutes of meeting held on 30 March 1999 and matters arising

  2. LC Paper No. CB(2) 1993/98-99

  3. Meeting with the Administration

    1. main issues raised by the deputations at the meeting on 13 April 1999
      (LC Paper No. CB(2) 2010/98-99(02) - summary of the main issues raised)

    2. submission from the University Grants Committee and the HKTCM Orthopaedic & Traumatic Association Ltd
      (LC Papers Nos. CB(2) 1778/98-99(03) (issued on 23 April 1999) and CB(2) 2010/98-99(03))

    3. any other issues raised by members

  4. Any other business

  5. Date of next meeting

Legislative Council Secretariat
17 May 1999

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