Bills Committee on Interpretation and General Clauses (Amendment) Bill 1999
- Administration's letter indicating that the Administration to resume deliberations with the Bills Committee in mid-May 2000[CB(2)1796/99-00(01)](3 June 2000)
- Administration's paper tabled at the meeting on 3 June 2000(English version only)[CB(2)2241/99-00(01)](3 June 2000)
- Administration's response to issues raised by members at the meeting on 21 June 1999[CB(2) 2733/98-99(01)](3 June 2000 and 9 September 1999)
- Administration's response to issues raised by members at the meeting on 17 May 1999[CB(2) 2270/98-99(01)](3 June 2000, 9 September 1999 and 21 June 1999)
- Administration's response to issues raised by members at the meeting on 31 March 1999[CB(2) 1828/98-99(01)](3 June 2000, 9 September 1999, 21 June 1999 and 17 May 1999)
- Administration's response to issues raised in the submissions from the Bar Association and the Law Society[CB(2) 1873/98-99(01)](3 June 2000, 9 September 1999, 21 June 1999 and 17 May 1999)
- Response to the Administration's Consultation Paper from the Faculty of Law, The University of Hong Kong(English version only)[CB(2)2063/99-00(02)](3 June 2000)
- Response to the Administration's Consultation Paper from The Hong Kong Bar Association(English version only)[CB(2)2063/99-00(04)](3 June 2000)
- Response to the Administration's Consultation Paper from The Law Society of Hong Kong(English version only)[CB(2)2063/99-00(03)](3 June 2000)
- Response to the Administration's Consultation Paper from the School of Law, City University of Hong Kong(English version only)[CB(2)2063/99-00(01)](3 June 2000)
- Submission from the Bar Association[CB(2) 1828/98-99(02)](3 June 2000, 9 September 1999, 21 June 1999 and 17 May 1999)
- Submission from the Law Society of Hong Kong[CB(2) 1828/98-99(03)](3 June 2000, 9 September 1999, 21 June 1999 and 17 May 1999)
- Working paper of the Administration in respect of the provisions of the Bill cross-referenced to the relevant recommendations of the Law Reform Commission Report[CB(2)1668/98-99(01)](17 May 1999)
- Report of The Law Reform Commission of Hong Kong on "Extrinsic Materials as an Aid to Statutory Interpretation"(English version only)[CB(2)1606/98-99(03)](31 March 1999)
If you wish to read the hardcopy of the above document(s), please make an enquiry at the Legislative Council Library