Bills Committee on
Statute Law (Miscellaneous Provisions) Bill 1999

Meeting on Monday, 20 March 2000 at 10:45 am
in Conference Room B of the Legislative Council Building


  1. Confirmation of minutes and matters arising
  2. [LC Paper No. CB(2)1060/99-00-draft minutes of the meeting on 18 January 2000]
    [LC Paper Nos. CB(2)1028&1093/99-00-Administration's responses to members' questions raised at the last meeting]
    [LC Paper No. CB(2)1297/99-00(01)-a submission from the Law Society of Hong Kong on the proposed amendments to the Conveyancing and Property Ordinance]
    [LC Paper No. CB(2)1313/99-00(01)-a paper provided by the Department of Justice, setting out the Administration's response to comments from the Hong Kong Conveyancing and Property Law Association and the Law Society of Hong Kong on clauses 6 & 7 of the Bill]

  3. Clause-by-clause examination
  4. [LC Paper Nos. CB(2)881&1096/99-00-marked-up copies of the relevant provisions to be amended by the Bill]

  5. Any other business

Legislative Council Secretariat
15 March 2000

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