Bills Committee on
Arbitration (Amendment) Bill 1999

Third meeting to be held on 30 November 1999
at 2:30 pm in Conference Room B of the Legislative Council Building


  1. Meeting with the Administration

  2. (2:30 pm - 4:30 pm)

    Papers previously issued

    1. the Bill circulated vide LC Paper No. CB(3)1805/98-99 dated 25 June 1999;

    2. the Legislative Council Brief issued by the Administration Wing of the Chief Secretary for Administration's Office on 24 June 1999 (File Ref : CSO/ADM CR 1/3221/87(99));

    3. the Legal Service Division Report on the Bill (LC Paper No. LS226/98-99 circulated vide LC Paper No. CB(2)2529/98-99 for the House Committee meeting on 9 July 1999);

    4. Marked-up copy of the Bill (LC Paper No. CB(2)274/99-00(02));

    5. a letter dated 27 October 1999 from Assistant Legal Adviser to the Administration seeking clarifications on certain issues relating to the Bill (LC Paper No. CB(2)274/99-00(03));

    6. a letter dated 25 October 1999 from Hon Margaret NG to Assistant Legal Adviser (LC Paper No. CB(2)274/99-00(04));

    7. a letter dated 8 November 1999 from the Administration in response to the queries raised by Assistant Legal Adviser and Hon Margaret NG (LC Paper No. CB(2)351/99-00(01));

    8. a letter dated 12 November 1999 from the Hong Kong Bar Association (LC Paper No. CB(2)413/99-00(01));

    9. letters dated 12 and 15 November 1999 from the Law Society of Hong Kong (LC Paper No. CB(2)413/99-00(02));

    10. a letter dated 15 November 1999 from Mr R S Peard enclosing a copy of his letter dated 23 October 1999 to Hon Margaret NG (LC Paper No. CB(2)413/99-00(03));

    11. a list of points raised by members at the last meeting on 9 November 1999 (LC Paper No. CB(2)430/99-00(01));

    12. the Administration's responses to the points raised by the Bills Committee meeting on 9 November 1999 (LC Paper No. CB(2)444/99-00(01));

    13. section 2GG of the Arbitration Ordinance (LC Paper No. CB(2)473/99-00(01))

    14. a copy of judgment of the Court of First Instance (Findlay J) in the case of NG Fung-hong v ABC (1998). The judgment was quoted by Mr R S Peard in his letter dated 23 October 1999 to Hon Margaret NG (LC Paper No. CB(2)473/99-00(02)); and

    15. a copy of judgment of Court of Appeal concerning the enforcement in Hong Kong of a bankruptcy order made by a Taiwanese court. The judgment was quoted by the Administration in its letter dated 18 November 1999 (LC Paper No. CB(2)473/99-00(03))

  3. Date of next meeting

Legislative Council Secretariat
29 November 1999

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