Supplementary Appropriation (1997-1998)Bill 1998

An Ordinance to approve a supplementary appropriation to the services of the Government in the financial year which ended on 31 March 1998.

[7 August 1998]

Enacted by the Legislative Council.

1. Short title

This Ordinance may be cited as the Supplementary Appropriation (1997-98) Ordinance 1998.

2. Approval of appropriation

The appropriation in the manner expressed in the Schedule of a sum of $10,731,948,456.57 from the general revenue for the services of the Government in the financial year which ended on 31 March 1998 is approved.



of Vote Head of Expenditure Amount of Vote


21 Chief Executive's Office 106,449,738.29

22 Agriculture and Fisheries Department 91,180,351.84

24 Audit Commission 5,422,123.67

27 Civil Aid Service 4,028,937.67

30 Correctional Services Department 92,502,123.53

31 Customs and Excise Department 7,896,591.48

37 Department of Health 1,105,081.59

40 Education Department 530,663,463.92

47 Information Technology Services Department 2,932,675.86

48 Government Laboratory 3,714,532.20

53 Government Secretariat: Home Affairs Bureau 32,994,925.68

60 Highways Department 15,219,896.23

61 Hospital Services Department 652,963.55

63 Home Affairs Department 422,989.36

70 Immigration Department 10,331,063.94

72 Independent Commission Against Corruption 17,664,101.64

76 Inland Revenue Department 39,411,716.13

78 Intellectual Property Department 541,713.15

90 Labour Department 17,060,462.57

96 Government Secretariat: Overseas Offices 5,244,289.58

112 Provisional Legislative Council Commission 19,808,576.31

116 Official Receiver's Office 869,280.43

122 Hong Kong Police Force 58,381,395.35

142 Government Secretariat: Offices of the Chief Secretary for Administration and the Financial Secretary 39,669,197.04

143 Government Secretariat: Civil Service Bureau 1,047,862.57

144 Government Secretariat: Constitutional Affairs Bureau 2,694,852.69

145 Government Secretariat: Economic Services Bureau 1,988,394.17

146 Government Secretariat: Education and Manpower Bureau 5,005,957,696.84

149 Government Secretariat: Health and Welfare Bureau 3,412,130.33

150 Government Secretariat: Housing Bureau 2,023,014.11

151 Government Secretariat: Security Bureau 611,458.49

152 Government Secretariat: Trade and Industry Bureau 4,424,490.41

160 Radio Television Hong Kong 16,710,117.99

162 Rating and Valuation Department 4,472,169.34

163 Registration and Electoral Office 110,072,574.88

166 Government Flying Service 11,638,573.69

170 Social Welfare Department 1,960,634,845.90

176 Subventions: Miscellaneous 148,439,309.28

177 Subventions: Non-Departmental Public Bodies 1,746,245,800.30

190 University Grants Committee 607,406,974.57


Total 10,731,948,456.57


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