For information PWSCI(98-99)24


Supplementary information on
104KA - Shatin Government Offices Building


At the Public Works Subcommittee meeting on 2 December 1998, when Members considered paper PWSC(98-99)48 on project 104KA - Shatin Government Offices Building (STGOB), the Administration undertook to provide further information on the percentage of increase in office space for potential user departments under the proposed allocation criteria, as compared with their current accommodation.


2. The potential users of the proposed STGOB listed in PWSC(98-99)48 currently occupy a total space of 18 421 square metres, compared to the estimated 19 791 square metres to be allocated to them in the new STGOB. In other words, the total area to be allocated represents an overall increase of 7%, i.e. 1 370 square metres, over the existing area occupied. In addition, we also allow an overall expansion factor of 10% for planning purpose.

3. Many of the future users of the STGOB currently suffer from a congested working environment. This is due to gradual expansion over the years. We estimate that the current overall shortfall in space for the various departments in their present locations is some 3 189 square metres. However, when the new STGOB is completed, we believe a total space saving of 1 331 square metres should be achievable through replacing the old-style furnishings currently in use with a more space-efficient new line of furniture. In addition, a further 488 square metres of space can be saved arising from co-location of offices. Thus, the total additional requirement, compared with the existing area occupied, is some 1 370 square metres.

4. A breakdown showing the existing area occupied and the estimated area to be allocated to each of the potential users is at the Enclosure for Members' reference. These are mostly the departments to be affected by the redevelopment of the Citylink Plaza and the Tung Lo Wan Hill Road Government Offices. Hence, they are the obvious candidates for removal to the proposed STGOB. We have worked out their estimated space entitlements according to each department's current operational requirements, taking into account savings in space arising from the co-location of offices and the use of new style furniture. The total estimated requirements come up to 19 791 square metres. We will determine the appropriate expansion factors individually for each of the departments in the light of firm requirements and office configuration near the time of the completion of the STGOB.

5. The estimated usable area of the proposed STGOB is 25 365 square metres. There may still be some space left for allocation even after allowing for some expansion of the potential users listed in the Enclosure. Other possible candidates to take up the remaining space include the offices of the Water Supplies Department and the Land Registry, etc. These two offices currently occupy a total of 4 392 square metres of leased accommodation in the Grand Central Plaza in Shatin.

6. We will finalise the actual allocation of office space on a departmental basis closer to the completion of the project having regard to the users' prevailing needs at the time.


Finance Bureau
December 1998

Enclosure to PWSCI(98-99)24

Comparison of existing area and estimated area to be allocated to potential users of STGOB

DepartmentExisting area(m2)Estimated areato be allocated(m2)
Planning Department5 1004 444
Social Welfare Department2 1432 428
Lands Department1 5701 931
Post Office8401 800
Labour Department8531 719
Environmental Protection Department1 7361 471
Home Affairs Department1 6911 391
Territory Development Department1 2361 073
Transport Department645768
Education Department731650
Department of Health449585
Immigration Department502529
Land Registry409414
Independent Commission Against Corruption236283
Civil Aid Service193215
Hong Kong Police Force6772
Customs & Excise Department2018
Total18 42119 791
