Ordinance/Sub. Leg.
| Section/Schedule/Paragraph
| Original Provision
| Amended Provision
International Organizations and Diplomatic Privileges Ordinance (Cap. 190)
| Long Title
| the law for the time being in force in England
| custom for the time being in force in the People's Republic of China
Section 6
| the law applicable to the Colony, the law and
| any Ordinance, the
| the People's Republicof China
First Schedule Part I Paragraph 2 and Paragraph 3
| England
| the People's Republicof China
First Schedule Part II Paragraph 1
| England
| the People's Republicof China
First Schedule Part IV Paragraph 1 and Paragraph 2
| England
| the People's Republicof China
The Food and Agriculture Organization (Cap. 190 sub. leg.)
| Article 8 Paragraph (1)(c)
| British citizens, British Dependant Territories citizens or British Overseas citizens
| Chinese nationals
Article 8 Paragraph (3)
| a British citizen, a British Dependant Territories citizen or a British Overseas citizen and who is not the representative of a Government of Her Majesty other than Her Majesty's Government in Hong Kong or a member of the staff of and accompanying any such representative.
| a Chinese national.
The International Civil Aviation Organization (Cap. 190 sub. leg.)
| Article 8 Paragraph (3)
The International Labour Organization (Cap. 190 sub. leg.)
| Article 8 Paragraph (3)
The United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (Cap. 190 sub. leg.)
| Article 8 Paragraph (3)
The World Health Organization (Cap. 190 sub. leg.)
| Article 8 Paragraph (3)
The International Atomic Energy Agency (Cap. 190 sub. leg.)
| Article 8 Paragraph (4)
Proviso to Article 9
Proviso to subparagraph (c)of Article 11(1)
| a British citizen, a British Dependent Territories citizen or a British Overseas citizen
| a Chinese national
The Inter-governmental Maritime Consultative Organization (Cap. 190 sub. leg.)
| Article 8 Paragraph (4)
The Organization for the Network of Aquaculture Centres in Asia and the Pacific Notification (Cap. 109 sub. leg.)
| Paragraph 9(4)
The International Telecommunication Union(Cap. 190 sub. leg.)
| Article 8(4)
The International Civil Aviation Organization (Cap. 190 sub. leg.)
| Article 8 Paragraph 1(c)
| British citizens, British Dependent Territories citizens or British Overseas citizens
| Chinese nationals
The International Labour Organization (Cap. 190 sub. leg.)
| Article 8 Paragraph 1(c)
The United Nations (Cap. 190 sub. leg.)
| Article 8(c) Article 13
The United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (Cap. 190 sub. leg.)
| Article 8 Paragraph (1)(c)
The World Health Organization (Cap. 190 sub. leg.)
| Article 8 Paragraph (1)(c)
The United Nations(Cap. 190 sub. leg.)
| Article 15
| British citizen, British Dependent Territories citizen or British Overseas citizen
| [where it first appears] a Chinese national
[where it secondly appears] Chinese national
The Universal Postal Union (Cap. 190 sub. leg.)
| Article 8(4)
| a British citizen, a British Dependent Territories citizen or a British Overseas citizen
| a Chinese national
The World Meteorological Organization (Cap. 190 sub. leg.)
| Article 8(4)
The Asia-Pacific Telecommunity Notification (Cap. 190 sub. leg.)
| Article 11(4)
The International Maritime Satellite Organization Notification (Cap. 190 sub. leg.)
| Article 9(4)
The International Telecommunications Satellite Organization Notification(Cap. 190 sub. leg.)
| Article 9(4)
The United Nations(Cap. 190 sub. leg.)
| Article 15
| except a Government of Her Majesty other than Her Majesty's Government in the Colony.
Administration of Estates by Consular Officers Ordinance (Cap. 191)
| Section 3
| - by deleting therefrom any State when the provision of the Treaty with that State mentioned in the Schedule shall have ceased to have effect;
- by adding thereto any State with whom Her Majesty shall make a Treaty of Commerce and Navigation containing provision similar to any of the provisions mentioned in the Schedule.
| - by adding thereto any State with whom the Government of the People's Republic of China has entered into an agreement or arrangement which or any provision of which provides for the administration of estates by consular officers and which applies to Hong Kong;
- by deleting therefrom any State when the provision of the agreement or arrangement with that State mentioned in the Schedule shall have ceased to have effect.
| The Schedule
| [The whole Schedule is repealed]
| Schedule
Name Title Date Provision
State Agreement Agreement
Arrangement Arrangement
Consular Relations Ordinance (Cap. 259)
| Section 2(2)
| "national of the receiving State"
 shall be construed as meaning -
(a) a British citizen, a British Dependent Territories citizen, or a British Overseas citizens; or
(b) a British subject; or
(c) a British protected person.
| "national of the receiving State"
 shall be construed as meaning a Chinese national.
Section 2(8) Section 10(3)
| Diplomatic Privileges Act 1964 (1964 c. 81 U.K.)
| Regulations of the People's Republic of China concerning Diplomatic Privileges and Immunities (L.N. 379 of 1997)
| Section 6(1)
| person who is a British citizen, a British Dependant Territories citizen or a British Overseas citizen or is otherwise comprised in the definition of "national of the receiving State" in subsection (2) of section 2,
| Chinese national