Legislative Council

LC Paper No. LS72/98-99

Paper for the House Committee Meeting
of the Legislative Council
on 4 December 1998

Legal Service Division Report on
Subsidiary Legislation Gazetted on 27 November 1998

Date of Tabling in LegCo : 2 December 1998

Amendment to be made by : 16 December 1998 (or 6 January 1999 if extended by resolution)

*Legal Practitioners Ordinance (Cap. 159)
Legal Practitioners (Fees) (Amendment) Rule 1998 (L.N. 359)

This Rule increases the fee payable in respect of practising certificates of barristers from $1,000 to $1,300.

On the proper authority for making the Rule, clarification is being sought from the Judiciary Administrator on whether any rule on such fees should be made by the Chief Justice under section 72 or by the Bar Council under section 30(1) and (4) of the principal Ordinance.

Occupational Retirement Schemes Ordinance (Cap. 426)
Occupational Retirement Schemes (Notices of Changes) Rules (L.N. 360)

These Rules set out the details to be supplied when a notice of change to the name of a scheme, of the relevant employer or to his/its name or address, of the administrator or to his/its name or address or of the representative employer or to his/its names or address is given to the Registrar of Occupational Retirement Schemes.

Members may refer to LegCo Brief C13/4/2C(98)VIII issued by the Financial Services Bureau in November 1998 for more background details.

The Rules will come into operation on a day to be appointed by the Registrar of Occupational Retirement Schemes.

Occupational Retirement Schemes Ordinance (Cap. 426)
Occupational Retirement Schemes (Authentication and Certification of Documents) (Amendment) Rules 1998 (L.N. 361)

These Rules require the certification of the copy of powers of attorney to be submitted under the new Occupational Retirement Schemes (Notices of Changes) Rules (L.N. 360 of 1998 above).

Please refer to the LegCo Brief referred to above.

The Rules will come into operation on a day to be appointed by the Registrar of Occupational Retirement Schemes.

Occupational Retirement Schemes Ordinance (Cap. 426)
Occupational Retirement Schemes (Fees) (Amendment) Rules 1998 (L.N. 362)

These Rules prescribe that the fees payable for giving notices of changes as required under various provisions of the principal ordinance shall be nil.

Please refer to the LegCo Brief referred to above.

The Rules will come into operation on a day to be appointed by the Registrar of Occupational Retirement Schemes.

Tax Reserve Certificates (Fourth Series) Rules (Cap. 289 sub. leg.)
Tax Reserve Certificates (Rate of Interest) (No. 4) Notice 1998 (L.N. 363)

This Notice fixes the rate of interest payable on tax reserve certificates issued on or after 1 December 1998 at 8.16% per annum.

Veterinary Surgeons Registration Ordinance (Cap. 529)
Veterinary Surgeons Registration (Fees) Regulation (L.N. 563 of 1997) (Commencement) Notice 1998 (L.N. 364)

This Notice appoints 27 November 1998 as the day on which the principal regulation is to come into operation.

Prepared by

CHEUNG Ping-Kam, Arthur
Assistant Legal Adviser
Legislative Council Secretariat
2 December 1998

* denotes fee increase

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