Bills Committee on
Mass Transit Railway Bill

14th meeting on
Tuesday, 25 January 2000, at 9:00 am
in Conference Room A of the Legislative Council Building


  1. Meeting with the Administration

  2. (9:00 am - 1:00 pm )

    - The Bill circulated under LC Paper No. CB(3)32/99-00 (issued)

    LC Paper No. CB(1)870/99-00(01)
    -The Administration's response to members' queries raised at the meeting on 20 January 2000 (Chinese version to follow)
    LC Paper No. CB(1)870/99-00(02)
    (to follow)
    -Committee stage amendments to the Bill prepared by the Administration

  3. Any other business

  4. (1:00 pm onwards)

Legislative Council Secretariat
24 January 2000