Bills Committee on Broadcasting Bill

Meeting on Thursday, 25 May 2000 at 8:30 am - 12:45 pm
in Conference Room A of the Legislative Council Building

Revised Agenda

  1. Clause-by-clause examination

  2. (from clause 36 to clause 43 and Schedules 1 to 7)

    Background papers

    1. The Bill circulated vide LC Paper No. CB(3)515/99-00 dated 28 January 2000;

    2. The Legislative Council Brief issued by the Information and Technology Broadcasting Bureau (File Ref : ITBB(CR) 9/19/1/(00) Pt.7);

    3. The Legal Service Division's Report on the Bill (LC Paper No. LS77/99-00) circulated vide LC Paper No. CB(2)1118/99-00 on 17 February 2000; and

    4. Marked-up copy of consequential amendments to the relevant Ordinances (Schedule 9 to the Bill) [Paper No. CB(2)1359/99-00(01)];

    5. Information paper provided by ALA3 on whether the decision of the Chief Executive in Council are judicially reviewable [LC Paper No. LS131/99-00]; and

    6. Information paper provided by ALA3 on the nature of codes of practice issued under some of the existing legislation [Paper No. LS134/99-00].

    Administration's response to outstanding concerns

    1. Summary of deputations' concerns raised in submissions by subject (in English only) [Paper No. CB(2)2094/99-00(02)];

    2. Administration's response to outstanding issues raised by deputations (in English only) [Paper No. CB(2)2094/99-00(04)];

    3. List of members' concerns as at 9 May 2000 [Paper No. CB(2)2094/99-00(01)];

    4. Administration's response to outstanding issues raised by members (in English only) [Paper No. CB(2)2094/99-00(03)];

    5. Administration's paper on "Generic codes of practice for television" (in English only) [Paper No. CB(2)2094/99-00(05)];

    6. Administration's paper on "Licence fees of television broadcasting licences" (in English only) [Paper No. CB(2)2094/99-00(06)];

    7. Administration's paper on "Competition guidelines" (in English only) [Paper No. CB(2)2094/99-00(07)];

    8. Administration's response to ALA's letter of 3 May 2000 (in English only) [Paper No. CB(2)2094/99-00(08)]; and

    9. Administration's paper on "A comparison of Schedule 1 to the Broadcasting Bill with corresponding provisions in Television Ordinance" (in English only) [Paper No. CB(2)2105/99-00(01)].

    Relevant papers

    See Appendix.

Legislative Council Secretariat
24 May 2000


Bills Committee on Broadcasting Bill

List of relevant papers previously issued

  1. Letters dated 28 March 2000 and 3 May 2000 from the Assistant Legal Adviser (ALA) to the Administration [Paper No. CB(2)1743/99-00(01) and CB(2)1892/99-00(01)];

  2. Administration's response to ALA3's letter of 28 March and 14 April 2000 [Paper No. CB(2)2049/99-00(01)];

  3. Administration's paper on "Licensing criteria for television programme service licences" [Paper No. CB(2)1568/99-00(01)];

  4. Administration's paper on "Response to submissions from deputations" [Paper No. CB(2)1572/99-00(01)];

  5. Administration's paper on "The Broadcasting Authority" and "New Functions of the Broadcasting Authority under the Broadcasting Bill" [Paper No. CB(2)1656/99-00(01) and CB(2)1722/99-00(02)];

  6. Administration's paper on "Competition provisions in relation to artiste contracts" [Paper No. CB(2)1722/99-00(01)];

  7. Administration's paper on "Response to submission on the competition provisions in the Broadcasting Bill" [Paper No. CB(2)1743/99-00(02)];

  8. Administration paper on "Policy issues raised at the Bills Committee meetings" [Paper No. CB(2)1774/99-00(01)];

  9. Administration's paper on "Suspension and revocation of licence" [Paper No. CB(2)1783/99-00(01)];

  10. Administration's paper on "Financial penalties for television programme service licensees" [Paper No. CB(2)1824/99-00(02)];

  11. Third submission of the International Federation of the Phonographic Industry (Hong Kong Group) Limited [Paper No. CB(2)1917/99-00(02)];

  12. Further submission of the Satellite Television Rentals Ltd (in English only) [Paper No. CB(2)2072/99-00(01)]; and

  13. Administration's paper on "Competition provisions" [Paper No. CB(2)1930/99-00(01)].

Legislative Council Secretariat
24 May 2000