LegCo Panel on Environmental Affairs
and LegCo Panel on Transport

Joint meeting on Friday, 12 May 2000 at 10 am
in the Chamber of the Legislative Council Building


I.Election of Chairman
(10 am - 10:05 am)

II.Information papers issued

  1. Legislative Council Brief issued by the Environmental and Food Bureau on resolution under section 12 of the Fixed Penalty (Criminal Proceedings) Ordinance to increase fixed penalty for smoky vehicles [Ref. : EFB 9/55/01/127(2000) Pt. 3];

  2. Administration's paper on "Retrofitting Particulate Traps onto Pre-Euro Diesel Light Vehicles" [Paper No. CB(2)1909/99-00(01)];

  3. Administration's paper on "Introduction of Emission Tests for Petrol and LPG Vehicles" [LC Paper No. CB(1)1530/99-00]; and

  4. Administration's paper on "Proposed amendment to Air Pollution Control (Vehicle Design Standards) (Emission) Regulation and Air Pollution Control (Motor Vehicle Fuel) Regulation - Euro III Emission Standards for New Motor Vehicles and Associated Motor Fuel Requirements" [LC Paper No. CB(1)1552/99-00].

III.Comprehensive Control of Vehicle Emissions - Progress Report
(10:05 am - 10:55 am)

[Paper No. CB(2)1948/99-00(01) - paper provided by the Administration (attached)]

*IV.Proposed incentive scheme for LPG taxis
(10:55 am - 11:50 am)

[Paper No. CB(2)1948/99-00(02)-paper provided by the Administration (to follow)]

V.Control of idling vehicles
(11:50 am - 12:45 pm)

[Paper No. CB(2)1948/99-00(03)- paper provided by the Administration (to follow)]

* All other Hon LegCo Members are invited to attend the discussion.

Legislative Council Secretariat
9 May 2000

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