LegCo Panel on Transport and
LegCo Panel on Environmental Affairs

Joint meeting on
Thursday, 16 December 1999, at 2:30 pm
in the Chamber of the Legislative Council Building


IElection of Chairman
(2:30 pm - 2:35 pm)

IIControl of diesel vehicle emissions - vehicle maintenance and vehicle testing
(a)Meeting with individuals / deputations / Administration
(2:35 pm - 3:15 pm)

(1) Better Environment Hong Kong - LC Paper No. CB(1)605/99-00(01)
(English version only) (issued)
(2) Environmental Veh (Taxi) Rep. Association Ltd.
(3) Hong Kong Automobile Association - LC Paper No. CB(1)605/99-00(02)
(Chinese version only) (issued)
(4) Hong Kong Right Hand Drive Motors Association Ltd.
(5) Hong Kong Vehicle Repair Merchants Association Ltd - LC Paper No. CB(1)605/99-00(03)(issued)
(6) Ir. Iain Seymour-HART
Head, Department of Automotive Engineering
Hong Kong Institute of Vocational Education
Vocational Training Council
- LC Paper No. CB(1)605/99-00(04)
(English version only) (issued)
(7) The Institute of the Motor Industry Hong Kong - LC Paper No. CB(1)619/99-00(01)
(English version only) (attached)
(8) The Motor Traders Association in Hong Kong - LC Paper No. CB(1)619/99-00(02)
(English version only) (attached)
(9) Mr David Mckirdy - LC Paper No. CB(1)605/99-00(05)
(English version only) (attached)
(b)Meeting with the Administration
(3:15 pm - 4:30 pm)

LC Paper No. CB(1)605/99-00(06) - Submission by Hon LAW Chi-kwong (issued)
LC Paper No. CB(1)605/99-00(07) - Information paper provided by the Administration (attached)
IIIAny other business
(4:30 pm onwards)

Legislative Council Secretariat
15 December 1999

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