Subsidiary Legislation (negative procedure)
with resolutions moved in the 1999-2000 LegCo session
to amend (including repeal) it

Resolutions to amend (including to repeal) a piece of subsidiary legislation may be moved at a Council meeting held not later than 28 days after the meeting at which it was laid on the table of the Council (known as scrutiny period). Before the expiry of the scrutiny period, a resolution in relation to any subsidiary legislation specified therein may be moved to extend such scrutiny period. Section 34 of the Interpretation and General Clauses Ordinance (Cap. 1) provides for the legal basis of such procedure.

Subsidiary Legislation with resolution moved to amend it

Date of tabling in Council Subsidiary Legislation
(Legal Notice No.)
Resolution moved Voting Results
at the Council meeting onby
17.11.1999 Immigration (Amendment) Regulation 1999
[L.N. 273 of 1999]
5.1.2000 Secretary for SecurityPassed
26.1.2000Maximum Scale of Election Expenses (Legislative Council) Order 1997 (Amendment) Order 2000
[L.N. 16 of 2000]
1.3.2000Hon Emily LAU Negatived
31.5.2000 Financial Resources Rules
[L.N. 103 of 2000]
3.5.2000 Secretary for Financial Services Passed
24.5.2000 Rules of the District Court
[L.N. 186 of 2000]
21.6.2000 Chief Secretary for Administration Passed

Subsidiary Legislation with resolution moved to repeal it

Date of tabling in Council Subsidiary Legislation
(Legal Notice No.)
Resolution moved Voting Results
at the Council meeting onby
15.12.1999 Electoral Affairs Commission (Printing of Name of Organization and Emblem on Ballot Paper) (Legislative Council) Regulation
[L.N. 306 of 1999]
19.1.2000 Hon Ronald ARCULLIPassed
26.1.2000 Legislative Council (Formation of Election Committee) (Appeals) (Amendment) Regulation 2000
[L.N. 13 of 2000]
1.3.2000Hon Emily LAU Negatived
26.1.2000Distribution of Number of Members Among Designated Bodies (Election Committee) (Legislative Council) Order 2000
[L.N. 15 of 2000]
1.3.2000Hon Emily LAU Negatived
16.2.2000Road Traffic (Traffic Control) (Amendment) Regulation 2000
[L.N. 39 of 2000]
29.3.2000Dr Hon LEONG Che-hungPassed
29.3.2000 Chinese Medicine (Fees) Regulation
[L.N. 69 of 2000]
3.5.2000 Prof Hon NG Ching-fai Passed

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