List of outstanding items for discussion
List of follow-up actions
 | Papers
| Access to information and management of public records
| Political Appointment System
| Constitutional development after 2007
| |
| General
| |
| Papers from LegCo Members
| |
| Submissions
| Issues relating to the Chief Executive
| |
| Chief Executive election
| Relationship with the Central People's Government
| District Councils
| |
| DC elections
| |
| Submissions
| Discrimination on the ground of sexual orientation
| Equal Opportunities Commission
| Electoral and registration system
| International human rights treaties
| Legislative Council election
| |
| Papers provided by the Administration
| |
| Others
| Press/speech freedom and privacy issues
| Policy objectives
| Racial discrimination
| Re-organisation of the Government Secretariat
| |
| Papers provided by the Administration
| |
| Submissions
| |
| Others
| Others