Year 2008 - 2009| Year 2009 - 2010| Year 2010 - 2011| Year 2011 - 2012

Oct 2011| Nov 2011| Dec 2011| Jan 2012| Feb 2012| Mar 2012|
Apr 2012| May 2012| Jun 2012| Jul 2012| Aug 2012| Sept 2012|

Date of issueHeadline
September 2012Back to top
27 September 2012Orientation Seminar for Members-elect of the Fifth Legislative Council Concluded Successfully (with photos)
24 September 2012Orientation Seminar for Members-elect of the Fifth Legislative Council Continued (with photos)
21 September 2012Orientation Seminar for Members-elect of the Fifth Legislative Council (with photos)
7 September 2012Registration of Interests of LegCo Members
August 2012Back to top
10 August 2012Power suspension in the LegCo Complex tomorrow
9 August 2012LegCo President saddened by death of Sir John J.Swaine
July 2012Back to top
30 July 2012Mr CHAN Mo-po resigned from the office of the Member of the LegCo
26 July 2012Power suspension in the LegCo Complex on 28 July and 11 August 2012
24 July 2012Visits to the LegCo Complex by the public suspended
17 July 2012Finance Committee Chairman urges Government to fully consult the LegCo before submitting funding proposals for approval (with photo)
17 July 2012LegCo House Committee Chairman says the relationship between the Executive Authorities and the Legislature has yet to improve (with photo)
15 July 2012LegCo end-of-term dinner
11 July 2012Agenda of today's LegCo meeting revised
9 July 2012LegCo to resume Second Reading debate on the Inland Revenue (Amendment) Bill 2012
4 July 2012Report of the LegCo Public Accounts Committee Report No.58 (with photo)
4 July 2012Agenda of today's LegCo meeting revised
3 July 2012LegCo to debate a motion on actively implementing the Mainland and Hong Kong Closer Economic Partnership Arrangement and the relevant new measures
June 2012Back to top
28 June 2012Kenneth CHEN appointed Secretary General of LegCo Secretariat (with photo)
27 June 2012Agenda of today’s LegCo meeting revised
27 June 2012Report of the LegCo Select Committee to Study Mr LEUNG Chun-ying's Involvement as a Member of the Jury in the West Kowloon Reclamation Concept Plan Competition and Related Issues (with photos)
26 June 2012Report of the LegCo Select Committee to Study Mr LEUNG Chun-ying's Involvement as a Member of the Jury in the West Kowloon Reclamation Concept Plan Competition and Related Issues
25 June 2012LegCo to resume Second Reading debate on the Companies Bill
21 June 2012Statement of Legislative Council Select Committee to Study Mr LEUNG Chun-ying's Involvement as a Member of the Jury in the West Kowloon Reclamation Concept Plan Competition and Related Issues
20 June 2012Agenda of today's LegCo meeting revised
18 June 2012LegCo New Mobile Webcast Service
18 June 2012LegCo to consider a proposed resolution on re-organisation of the Government Secretariat
18 June 2012LegCo Member visits Cape Collinson Road (with photos)
13 June 2012LegCo Members visit Cape Collinson Road
13 June 2012Legislative Council Blood Donation Held Successfully
11 June 2012Donate blood with Legislative Council Members
11 June 2012LegCo to continue to consider the amendments to the Competition Bill
6 June 2012Agenda of today's LegCo meeting revised
6 June 2012Report of the LegCo Subcommittee to Study Issues Arising from Lehman Brothers-related Minibonds and Structured Financial Products
4 June 2012Report of LegCo Subcommittee to Study Issues Arising from Lehman Brothers-related Minibonds and Structured Financial Products
4 June 2012LegCo to resume Second Reading debate on the Competition Bill
May 2012Back to top
28 May 2012LegCo to continue considering the amendments to the Legislative Council (Amendment) Bill 2012
23 May 2012Statement of Legislative Council Select Committee to Study Mr LEUNG Chun-ying's Involvement as a Member of the Jury in the West Kowloon Reclamation Concept Plan Competition and Related Issues
21 May 2012LegCo to continue to consider the amendments to the Legislative Council (Amendment) Bill 2012
16 May 2012Agenda of today's LegCo meeting revised
14 May 2012LegCo to continue to consider the amendments to the Legislative Council (Amendment) Bill 2012
7 May 2012LegCo to consider the amendments to the Legislative Council (Amendment) Bill 2012
5 May 2012Commemorative book on LegCo Complex (with photos)
3 May 2012LegCo Public Accounts Committee to hold public hearing on May 5
April 2012Back to top
30 April 2012LegCo to resume Second Reading debate on the Legislative Council (Amendment) Bill 2012
27 April 2012Members of the LegCo Panel on Home Affairs visit Yau Ma Tei Theatre (with photos)
26 April 2012LegCo Public Accounts Committee to hold public hearing on April 30
25 April 2012Statement of Legislative Council Subcommittee to Study Issues Arising from Lehman Brothers-related Minibonds and Structured Financial Products
23 April 2012LegCo Panel on Home Affairs to visit Yau Ma Tei Theatre
23 April 2012LegCo to debate a motion on making recommendations to the fourth term Chief Executive
16 April 2012LegCo to debate a motion on the vote of no confidence in the Chief Executive
12 April 2012Review of the remuneration package of LegCo Members
March 2012Back to top
27 March 2012Power suspension in the LegCo Complex on 4 April 2012
26 March 2012LegCo to continue debate on the Appropriation Bill 2012
19 March 2012LegCo to debate Appropriation Bill 2012
16 March 2012LegCo Members visit Wan Po Road and South East New Territories Landfill
5 March 2012Statement of Legislative Council Subcommittee to Study Issues Arising from Lehman Brothers-related Minibonds and Structured Financial Products
February 2012Back to top
28 February 2012Agenda of tomorrow's LegCo meeting revised
27 February 2012LegCo to debate a motion for the adjournment of the Council under Rule 16(2) of the Rules of Procedure
20 February 2012LegCo to debate a motion on reiterating Hong Kong's core values
17 February 2012Legislative Council Commission hosts a lunch for guests and artists
15 February 2012Suspension of the feeder bus service between the former LegCo Building and the LegCo Complex
14 February 2012Agenda of LegCo meeting tomorrow revised
13 February 2012LegCo to debate on the Government-led promotion of a territory-wide energy conservation campaign
12 February 2012First Open Day of LegCo Complex concluded successfully (with photos)
11 February 2012First Open Day of LegCo Complex (with photos)
10 February 2012Review of LegCo Members' remuneration
6 February 2012LegCo to debate a motion on seeking papers, books, records or documents in relation to the 2012 tariff adjustments by CLP Power Hong Kong Limited and The Hongkong Electric Company Limited
6 February 2012LegCo Subcommittee on Members' Remuneration and Operating Expenses Reimbursement will consider its recommendations on Members' monthly remuneration tomorrow
3 February 2012LegCo Complex Open Day free admission tickets to be distributed tomorrow
2 February 2012The LegCo Commission to recruit Secretary General (with photo)
January 2012Back to top
30 January 2012Financial Secretary to outline 2012-2013 Government Budget
22 January 2012LegCo Complex Open Day (with photo)
19 January 2012LegCo Members to visit Kai Tak Housing Project
17 January 2012Agenda of tomorrow's LegCo meeting revised
16 January 2012LegCo to debate a motion on creating a sustainable and open electricity market
14 January 2012Air quality in LegCo Complex (with photo)
11 January 2012Opening of LegCo Complex to members of public (with photos)
10 January 2012LegCo launches the Children's Corner (with photos)
10 January 2012LegCo Archives to operate tomorrow (with photo)
9 January 2012LegCo to ask two questions on Legionella bacteria found in various water samples taken from the new Central Government Complex and the Legislative Council Complex
8 January 2012LegCo to issue "Legislative Council Complex" Commemorative Stamps (with photos)
5 January 2012LegCo Complex resumes water supply (with photo)
3 January 2012Special arrangements to facilitate the conduct of disinfection work for water supply in LegCo Complex
2 January 2012LegCo launches guided educational tours of the LegCo Complex (with photos)
December 2011Back to top
19 December 2011LegCo to debate a motion for the adjournment of the Council on the issues relating to the increase of tariffs by the two power companies
13 December 2011Agenda of tomorrow's LegCo meeting revised
12 December 2011LegCo to debate a motion on capitalizing on the opportunity presented by the building of a cruise terminal to develop Kowloon East into a business and tourism district
7 December 2011LegCo Public Accounts Committee to hold public hearing on December 8
5 December 2011LegCo to debate a motion for the adjournment of the Council on the fire tragedy at Fa Yuen Street in Mong Kok
November 2011Back to top
30 November 2011Feeder bus service between the former LegCo Building and the LegCo Complex
30 November 2011LegCo Public Accounts Committee to hold public hearing on December 6
29 November 2011Agenda of tomorrow's LegCo meeting revised
28 November 2011LegCo Public Accounts Committee to hold public hearing on December 1
28 November 2011LegCo to debate a motion on comprehensively reviewing and perfecting the Work Incentive Transport Subsidy Scheme
24 November 2011New Look of LegCo Website
21 November 2011LegCo to debate a motion on defending freedom of the press
14 November 2011LegCo to debate a motion on enacting an archives law
7 November 2011LegCo to debate a motion on assisting the public in coping with economic fluctuations
October 2011Back to top
31 October 2011LegCo to debate a motion on alleviating the financial burden of middle-class people
24 October 2011LegCo to debate on the Motion of Thanks
19 October 2011Agenda of today's LegCo meeting revised
17 October 2011LegCo to debate a motion on calling upon persons intending to run in the Chief Executive Election to respond to people's aspirations
12 October 2011CE to deliver Policy Address
6 October 2011LegCo Secretariat provides feeder bus service for the public to travel between the old LegCo Building and the LegCo Complex
4 October 2011LegCo to hold meetings in the LegCo Complex in the new legislative session (with photos)

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