Year 2015 - 2016
Year 2014 - 2015
Year 2013 - 2014
Year 2012 - 2013

Motions not intended to have legislative effect (Year 2015 - 2016)

To view the wording of motions (and amendments to these motions), click the relevant links in the Subject column.

To view the votes cast by individual Members, click the relevant links in the Voting Results column.

Council meeting Subject Motion Moved by Voting Results Vote sequence
28.10.15 Seizing the opportunities brought about by 'One Belt One Road' and seeking new directions for Hong Kong's economy
(Originally scheduled to be dealt with at the Council meeting of 14 October 2015)
Original Hon Martin LIAO - -
Amendment to Original Hon Christopher CHEUNG Passed 1
Amendment to Original Hon CHAN Kam-lam Passed 2
Amendment to Original Hon NG Leung-sing Withdrawn -
Amendment to Original Hon MA Fung-kwok Passed 3
Original as amended - Passed 4
Wording of the motion passed

Progress report
28.10.15 Legislating for safety of drinking water
(Originally scheduled to be dealt with at the Council meeting of 14 October 2015)
Original Dr Hon KWOK Ka-ki - -
Amendment to Original Hon KWOK Wai-keung Negatived 1
Amendment to Original Hon CHAN Han-pan Passed 2
Amendment to Original Hon CHAN Chi-chuen Negatived 3
Amendment to Original Dr Hon Helena WONG Negatived 4
Amendment to Original Hon CHEUNG Kwok-che Not moved -
Original as amended - Passed 5
Wording of the motion passed

Progress report
Extending the application of sections 3 and 8 of the Prevention of Bribery Ordinance to the Chief Executive
(Originally scheduled to be dealt with at the Council meeting of 28 October 2015)
Original Dr Hon Helena WONG Negatived 4
Amendment to Original Hon Alan LEONG Negatived 1
Amendment to Original Hon TAM Yiu-chung Negatived 2
Amendment to Original Hon Cyd HO Negatived 3
Motion negatived
11.11.15 Strengthening vocational education
(Originally scheduled to be dealt with at the Council meeting of 28 October 2015)
Original Dr Hon CHIANG Lai-wan - -
Amendment to Original Hon IP Kin-yuen Passed 1
Amendment to Original Hon CHEUNG Kwok-che Passed 2
Amendment to Original Hon POON Siu-ping Passed 3
Amendment to Original Prof Hon Joseph LEE Withdrawn -
Amendment to Original Hon KWOK Wai-keung Passed 4
Original as amended - Passed 5
Wording of the motion passed

Progress report
18.11.15 Report of the Subcommittee on Hawker Policy
(Originally scheduled to be dealt with at the Council meeting of 11 November 2015)

(Report of the Subcommittee on Hawker Policy (LC Paper No. CB(4) 1497/14-15))
Original Hon Steven HO Passed -
Wording of the motion passed

Progress report
18.11.15 Safeguarding Hong Kong from 'Mainlandization'
(Originally scheduled to be dealt with at the Council meeting of 11 November 2015)
Original Hon Claudia MO Negatived 2
Amendment to Original Hon Gary FAN Negatived 1
Motion negatived
25.11.15 Expeditiously abolishing the Primary 3 Territory-wide System Assessment
(Originally scheduled to be dealt with at the Council meeting of 18 November 2015)
Original Hon Albert CHAN Negatived 6
Amendment to Original Hon Albert HO Not moved -
Amendment to Original Dr Hon Kenneth CHAN Negatived 1
Amendment to Original Hon IP Kin-yuen Negatived 2
Amendment to Original Dr Hon LAM Tai-fai Negatived 3
Amendment to Original Hon Starry LEE Negatived 4
Amendment to Original Dr Hon Priscilla LEUNG Negatived 5
Motion negatived
25.11.15 Developing the economy and improving people's livelihood
(Originally scheduled to be dealt with at the Council meeting of 18 November 2015)
Original Hon CHAN Hak-kan - -
Amendment to Original Hon TANG Ka-piu Passed 1
Amendment to Original Hon Jeffrey LAM Passed 2
Amendment to Original Hon SIN Chung-kai Passed 3
Amendment to Original Hon LEE Cheuk-yan Withdrawn -
Amendment to Original Hon Alan LEONG Negatived 4
Original as amended - Negatived 5
Motion negatived
2.12.15 Combating acts of bid-rigging in repair works of private residential buildings Original Hon Christopher CHUNG - -
Amendment to Original Hon WU Chi-wai Passed 1
Original as amended - Passed 2
Wording of the motion passed

Progress report
2.12.15 Strengthening the combat against the crime of wildlife smuggling Original Dr Hon Elizabeth QUAT - -
Amendment to Original Hon Claudia MO Passed 1
Original as amended - Passed 2
Wording of the motion passed

Progress report
17.2.16 Motion of Thanks Original Hon Andrew LEUNG Negatived 8
Amendment to Original Hon Frederick FUNG Negatived 1
Amendment to Original Hon WU Chi-wai Negatived 2
Amendment to Original Hon CHEUNG Kwok-che Negatived 3
Amendment to Original Hon LEE Cheuk-yan Negatived 4
Amendment to Original Hon Cyd HO Negatived 5
Amendment to Original Dr Hon Fernando CHEUNG Negatived 6
Amendment to Original Hon LEUNG Yiu-chung Negatived 7
Motion negatived
13.7.16 Actively studying the establishment of a middle class commission
(Originally scheduled to be dealt with at the Council meeting of 9 December 2015)
Motion not dealt with
13.7.16 Reconstructing the image of Hong Kong's tourism industry
(Originally scheduled to be dealt with at the Council meeting of 9 December 2015)
Motion not dealt with
13.7.16 That this Council do now adjourn for the purpose of debating the following issue: the successive 'forced disappearance' of the shareholders and managers of Causeway Bay Books.
(Originally scheduled to be dealt with at the Council meeting of 20 January 2016)

(Adjournment motion moved upon the recommendation of the House Committee on 8.1.2016)

(Related rule: Rule 16(4))
Motion not dealt with
- Expeditiously formulating measures to combat the problem of 'bogus refugees'
(Originally scheduled to be dealt with at the Council meeting of 16 December 2015)
Motion not dealt with
- Expeditiously studying the enactment of legislation on tree maintenance and management
(Originally scheduled to be dealt with at the Council meeting of 16 December 2015)
Motion not dealt with
- Introducing a civil union system
(Originally scheduled to be dealt with at the Council meeting of 3 February 2016)
Motion not dealt with
- Report of the Committee on Members' Interests on complaints against Honourable LEE Cheuk-yan and Honourable LEUNG Kwok-hung
(Originally scheduled to be dealt with at the Council meeting of 3 February 2016)
Motion not dealt with
- Report of the Subcommittee to Study the Implementation of Free Kindergarten Education
(Originally scheduled to be dealt with at the Council meeting of 4 May 2016)

(Report of the Subcommittee to Study the Implementation of Free Kindergarten Education (LC Paper No. CB(4)532/15-16(01)))
Motion not dealt with
- Report of the Subcommittee on Strategy and Measures to Tackle Domestic Violence and Sexual Violence
(Originally scheduled to be dealt with at the Council meeting of 25 May 2016)

(Report of the Subcommittee on Strategy and Measures to Tackle Domestic Violence and Sexual Violence (LC Paper No. CB(2)1032/15-16(02)))
Motion not dealt with
- Report of the delegation of the Panel on Education on its duty visit to Germany and Switzerland to study the vocational education and training systems in these two countries from 20 to 26 September 2015
(Originally scheduled to be dealt with at the Council meeting of 1 June 2016)

(Report of the delegation of the Panel on Education on its duty visit to Germany and Switzerland to study the vocational education and training systems in these two countries from 20 to 26 September 2015 (Annex I to LC Paper No. CB(4)784/15-16))
Motion not dealt with
- Report of the Subcommittee on Poverty
(Originally scheduled to be dealt with at the Council meeting of 6 July 2016)

(Report of the Subcommittee on Poverty (LC Paper No. CB(2)1529/15-16))
Motion not dealt with