Year 2015 - 2016
Year 2014 - 2015
Year 2013 - 2014
Year 2012 - 2013

Motions not intended to have legislative effect (Year 2012 - 2013)

To view the wording of motions (and amendments to these motions), click the relevant links in the Subject column.

To view the votes cast by individual Members, click the relevant links in the Voting Results column.

Council meeting Subject Motion Moved by Voting Results Vote sequence
17.10.12 Urging the Government to withdraw the curriculum guide of Moral and National Education subject and requesting the Secretary for Education, Mr Eddie NG, to step down Original Hon IP Kin-yuen Negatived 3
Amendment to Original Dr Hon Kenneth CHAN Negatived 1
Amendment to Original Hon Frederick FUNG Negatived 2
Amendment to Original Hon LEUNG Kwok-hung Not moved -
Motion negatived
17.10.12 Legislating for the regulation of working hours Original Hon CHEUNG Kwok-che Negatived 7
Amendment to Original Hon Frederick FUNG Negatived 1
Amendment to Original Hon KWOK Wai-keung Negatived 2
Amendment to Original Hon SIN Chung-kai Negatived 3
Amendment to Original Dr Hon CHIANG Lai-wan Negatived 4
Amendment to Original Hon Michael TIEN Negatived 5
Amendment to Original Hon Kenneth LEUNG Negatived 6
Amendment to Original Hon LEUNG Kwok-hung Not moved -
Motion negatived
17.10.12 That this Council do now adjourn for the purpose of debating the following issue: follow-up work relating to the 1 October maritime disaster.

(Motion on Adjournment moved upon the recommendation of the House Committee on 12.10.2012)

(Related rule: Rule 16(4))
Original Dr Hon Kenneth CHAN - -
Motion on Adjournment passed
24.10.12 North East New Territories New Development Areas Planning and Engineering Study Original Hon Emily LAU Negatived 7
Amendment to Original Hon Frederick FUNG Negatived 1
Amendment to Original Hon CHAN Hak-kan Negatived 2
Amendment to Original Hon CHAN Yuen-han Negatived 3
Amendment to Original Hon James TIEN Negatived 4
Amendment to Original Hon Abraham SHEK Negatived 5
Amendment to Original Hon Gary FAN Negatived 6
Motion negatived
24.10.12 Universal retirement protection system Original Dr Hon Fernando CHEUNG Negatived 7
Amendment to Original Hon TAM Yiu-chung Negatived 1
Amendment to Original Hon WONG Kwok-hing Negatived 2
Amendment to Original Hon CHAN Kin-por Negatived 3
Amendment to Original Hon Michael TIEN Negatived 4
Amendment to Original Hon Albert HO Negatived 5
Amendment to Original Hon Gary FAN Negatived 6
Motion negatived
31.10.12 Raising the minimum wage level to $33 or above per hour Original Hon Frederick FUNG Negatived 4
Amendment to Original Hon Cyd HO Negatived 1
Amendment to Original Dr Hon Fernando CHEUNG Negatived 2
Amendment to Original Hon CHEUNG Kwok-che Negatived 3
Motion negatived
31.10.12 Regulating beauty industry Original Dr Hon Helena WONG Negatived 9
Amendment to Original Dr Hon Joesph LEE Negatived 1
Amendment to Original Hon Alice MAK Negatived 2
Amendment to Original Dr Hon KWOK Ka-ki Negatived 3
Amendment to Original Hon CHAN Han-pan Negatived 4
Amendment to Original Hon Vincent FANG Negatived 5
Amendment to Original Hon CHAN Chi-chuen Negatived 6
Amendment to Original Hon Ronny TONG Negatived 7
Amendment to Original Dr Hon LEUNG Ka-lau Negatived 8
Motion negatived
7.11.12 Equal rights for people of different sexual orientations Original Hon Cyd HO Negatived 5
Amendment to Original Hon Mrs Regina IP Negatived 1
Amendment to Original Hon CHUNG Kwok-pan Negatived 2
Amendment to Original Hon Gary FAN Negatived 3
Amendment to Original Hon CHAN Chi-chuen Negatived 4
Motion negatived
7.11.12 Perfecting housing policy and resolving public housing need Original Hon WONG Kwok-hing - -
Amendment to Original Hon LEE Cheuk-yan Negatived 1
Amendment to Original Hon LEUNG Che-cheung Negatived 2
Amendment to Original Hon Gary FAN Negatived 3
Amendment to Original Hon Michael TIEN Negatived 4
Amendment to Original Ir Dr Hon LO Wai-kwok Negatived 5
Amendment to Original Hon James TIEN Passed 6
Amendment to Original Dr Hon KWOK Ka-ki Withdrawn -
Original as amended - Passed 7
Wording of the motion passed

Progress report
14.11.12 Vote of no confidence in the Secretary for Development and the Secretary for Education Original Hon WONG Yuk-man Negatived -
Motion negatived
14.11.12 Alleviating poverty Original Hon CHAN Yuen-han - -
Amendment to Original Hon Frederick FUNG Passed 1
Amendment to Original Dr Hon Fernando CHEUNG Negatived 2
Amendment to Original Hon CHEUNG Kwok-che Negatived 3
Amendment to Original Hon TAM Yiu-chung Passed 4
Amendment to Original Hon Michael TIEN Withdrawn -
Amendment to Original Hon Albert HO Passed 5
Amendment to Original Hon Frankie YICK Withdrawn -
Amendment to Original Hon Christopher CHEUNG Withdrawn -
Amendment to Original Hon Alan LEONG Negatived 6
Amendment to Original Hon Albert CHAN Negatived 7
Amendment to Original Hon Kenneth LEUNG Withdrawn -
Original as amended - Passed 8
Wording of the motion passed

Progress report
21.11.12 Buying back the shares of The Link Original Hon LEUNG Kwok-hung Negatived 4
Amendment to Original Hon CHAN Yuen-han Negatived 1
Amendment to Original Hon LEUNG Che-cheung Negatived 2
Amendment to Original Dr Hon KWOK Ka-ki Negatived 3
Motion negatived
21.11.12 Building an inclusive society for all Original Hon LEUNG Yiu-chung - -
Amendment to Original Dr Hon Fernando CHEUNG Passed 1
Amendment to Original Hon WONG Kwok-hing Passed 2
Amendment to Original Hon CHAN Han-pan Passed 3
Amendment to Original Dr Hon KWOK Ka-ki Passed 4
Amendment to Original Hon Emily LAU Passed 5
Amendment to Original Hon Michael TIEN Passed 6
Original as amended - Passed 7
Wording of the motion passed

Progress report
28.11.12 Caring about the education, employment, housing, home acquisition and business start-up problems faced by young people Original Hon CHAN Hak-kan - -
Amendment to Original Hon KWOK Wai-keung Negatived 1
Amendment to Original Hon CHEUNG Kwok-che Negatived 2
Amendment to Original Hon CHAN Yuen-han Passed 3
Amendment to Original Dr Hon Kenneth CHAN Passed 4
Amendment to Original Dr Hon Helena WONG Negatived 5
Amendment to Original Hon Jeffrey LAM Withdrawn -
Amendment to Original Hon Charles Peter MOK Withdrawn -
Amendment to Original Hon IP Kin-yuen Passed 6
Original as amended - Passed 7
Wording of the motion passed

Progress report
28.11.12 Domestic free television programme service licence applications Original Hon Claudia MO - -
Amendment to Original Ir Dr Hon LO Wai-kwok Passed 1
Amendment to Original Hon SIN Chung-kai Negatived 2
Amendment to Original Hon Gary FAN Withdrawn -
Amendment to Original Hon Emily LAU Negatived 3
Original as amended - Passed 4
Wording of the motion passed

Progress report
28.11.12 That this Council do now adjourn for the purpose of debating the following issue: the arrangement for leave of absence of Mr Franklin LAM Fan-keung, Member of the Executive Council.

(Motion on Adjournment moved upon the recommendation of the House Committee on 16.11.2012)

(Related rule: Rule 16(4))
Original Hon Alan LEONG - -
Motion on Adjournment passed
5.12.12 Executive Council as gate-keeper for MTR fares Original Hon Michael TIEN - -
Amendment to Original Dr Hon KWOK Ka-ki Negatived 1
Amendment to Original Hon LEE Cheuk-yan Negatived 2
Amendment to Original Hon Frederick FUNG Negatived 3
Amendment to Original Hon WU Chi-wai Negatived 4
Amendment to Original Hon TANG Ka-piu Negatived 5
Amendment to Original Hon Frankie YICK Negatived 6
Amendment to Original Hon CHAN Kam-lam Passed 7
Amendment to Original Hon Gary FAN Withdrawn -
Amendment to Original Hon Kenneth LEUNG Withdrawn -
Original as amended - Passed 8
Wording of the motion passed

Progress report
5.12.12 Supporting the development of the securities industry Original Hon Christopher CHEUNG - -
Amendment to Original Hon WONG Kwok-hing Passed 1
Amendment to Original Hon Kenneth LEUNG Withdrawn -
Amendment to Original Hon Ronny TONG Passed 2
Amendment to Original Hon SIN Chung-kai Passed 3
Amendment to Original Hon NG Leung-sing Passed 4
Amendment to Original Hon Martin LIAO Passed 5
Original as amended - Passed 6
Wording of the motion passed

Progress report
12.12.12 Urging the Government to regulate health food products Original Dr Hon Joseph LEE - -
Amendment to Original Hon Alice MAK Passed 1
Amendment to Original Hon Vincent FANG Passed 2
Amendment to Original Hon Alan LEONG Passed 3
Original as amended - Passed 4
Wording of the motion passed

Progress report
12.12.12 Vote of no confidence in the Chief Executive Original Hon WU Chi-wai Negatived -
Motion negatived
19.12.12 Small and Medium Enterprises Financing Guarantee Scheme Original Hon CHUNG Kwok-pan - -
Amendment to Original Hon Jeffrey LAM Passed 2
Amendment to Original Hon TANG Ka-piu Passed 3
Amendment to Amendment Hon Dennis KWOK Passed 1
Original as amended - Passed 4
Wording of the motion passed

Progress report
19.12.12 Reviving the quality of local education and stopping the blind industrialization of education Original Hon Mrs Regina IP - -
Amendment to Original Dr Hon Fernando CHEUNG Negatived 1
Amendment to Original Hon Claudia MO Passed 2
Amendment to Original Hon Starry LEE Negatived 3
Amendment to Original Hon Gary FAN Negatived 4
Amendment to Original Dr Hon Helena WONG Passed 5
Amendment to Original Hon IP Kin-yuen Passed 6
Amendment to Original Hon MA Fung-kwok Passed 7
Amendment to Original Hon Charles Peter MOK Negatived 8
Amendment to Original Hon Paul TSE Passed 9
Original as amended - Passed 10
Wording of the motion passed

Progress report
9.1.13 Comprehensively reviewing the Mandatory Provident Fund Scheme Original Hon TANG Ka-piu Negatived 5
Amendment to Original Hon LEE Cheuk-yan Negatived 1
Amendment to Original Hon POON Siu-ping Negatived 2
Amendment to Original Dr Hon KWOK Ka-ki Negatived 3
Amendment to Original Hon CHAN Kin-por Negatived 4
Motion negatived
9.1.13 Safeguarding the rule of law and judicial independence Original Hon Dennis KWOK Negatived 5
Amendment to Original Ir Dr Hon LO Wai-kwok Negatived 2
Amendment to Original Hon IP Kwok-him Negatived 3
Amendment to Original Hon Gary FAN Negatived 4
Amendment to Amendment Hon TAM Yiu-chung Negatived 1
Motion negatived
23.1.13 Assisting the middle class Original Dr Hon Elizabeth QUAT - -
Amendment to Original Hon KWOK Wai-keung Negatived 1
Amendment to Original Dr Hon KWOK Ka-ki Negatived 2
Amendment to Original Hon Kenneth LEUNG Negatived 3
Amendment to Original Dr Hon Fernando CHEUNG Negatived 4
Amendment to Original Hon SIN Chung-kai Passed 5
Amendment to Original Hon Frankie YICK Withdrawn -
Amendment to Original Hon Charles Peter MOK Passed 6
Amendment to Original Hon NG Leung-sing Withdrawn -
Amendment to Original Dr Hon Priscilla LEUNG Withdrawn -
Original as amended - Passed 7
Wording of the motion passed

Progress report
23.1.13 Optimizing the Comprehensive Social Security Assistance for the unemployed Original Hon James TIEN - -
Amendment to Original Hon Frankie YICK Negatived 1
Amendment to Original Dr Hon Fernando CHEUNG Passed 2
Amendment to Original Hon TAM Yiu-chung Withdrawn -
Amendment to Original Hon TANG Ka-piu Negatived 3
Amendment to Original Hon CHAN Chi-chuen Passed 4
Amendment to Original Hon Ronny TONG Withdrawn -
Amendment to Original Hon LEUNG Yiu-chung Withdrawn -
Amendment to Amendment Hon Christopher CHUNG Not moved -
Original as amended - Passed 5
Wording of the motion passed

Progress report
30.1.13 Motion of Thanks Original Hon Andrew LEUNG Negatived 8
Amendment to Original Hon Frederick FUNG Negatived 1
Amendment to Original Hon SIN Chung-kai Negatived 2
Amendment to Original Hon Cyd HO Negatived 3
Amendment to Original Hon CHEUNG Kwok-che Negatived 4
Amendment to Original Hon LEE Cheuk-yan Negatived 6
Amendment to Original Dr Hon Fernando CHEUNG Negatived 7
Amendment to Amendment Hon WONG Kwok-hing Negatived 5
Motion Negatived
6.2.13 Developing a new North Lantau Original Hon CHAN Han-pan - -
Amendment to Original Hon Ronny TONG Passed 1
Amendment to Original Hon Tony TSE Passed 2
Amendment to Original Hon Alice MAK Passed 3
Amendment to Original Hon Vincent FANG Withdrawn -
Amendment to Original Hon James TO Withdrawn -
Amendment to Original Dr Hon Fernando CHEUNG Negatived 4
Amendment to Original Hon YIU Si-wing Passed 5
Amendment to Original Dr Hon KWOK Ka-ki Passed 6
Original as amended - Passed 7
Wording of the motion passed

Progress report
6.2.13 Increasing the business floor areas of the retail industry Original Hon Vincent FANG - -
Amendment to Original Hon WONG Kwok-hing Passed 1
Amendment to Original Hon Alice MAK Passed 2
Amendment to Original Hon Starry LEE Passed 3
Amendment to Original Hon Alan LEONG Passed 4
Amendment to Original Hon Michael TIEN Negatived 5
Amendment to Original Hon Gary FAN Negatived 6
Amendment to Original Hon Kenneth LEUNG Passed 7
Amendment to Original Hon SIN Chung-kai Withdrawn -
Original as amended - Passed 8
Wording of the motion passed

Progress report
20.2.13 Implementing dual universal suffrage Original Hon Ronny TONG Negatived 6
Amendment to Original Ir Dr Hon LO Wai-kwok Negatived 1
Amendment to Original Hon Gary FAN Negatived 2
Amendment to Original Hon Emily LAU Negatived 3
Amendment to Original Hon WONG Yuk-man Negatived 4
Amendment to Original Dr Hon KWOK Ka-ki Negatived 5
Motion negatived
20.2.13 Ensuring occupational safety Original Hon POON Siu-ping Passed 4
Amendment to Original Hon LEE Cheuk-yan Negatived 1
Amendment to Original Hon TANG Ka-piu Negatived 2
Amendment to Original Hon SIN Chung-kai Negatived 3
Wording of the motion passed

Progress report
20.3.13 Promoting Hong Kong's economic restructuring Original Hon Martin LIAO - -
Amendment to Original Hon Kenneth LEUNG Passed 2
Amendment to Original Hon TANG Ka-piu Passed 3
Amendment to Original Hon Mrs Regina IP Withdrawn -
Amendment to Original Hon SIN Chung-kai Passed 4
Amendment to Original Hon IP Kin-yuen Passed 5
Amendment to Original Hon Charles Peter MOK Passed 6
Amendment to Original Hon NG Leung-sing Withdrawn -
Amendment to Amendment Hon Christopher CHEUNG Passed 1
Original as amended - Passed 7
Wording of the motion passed

Progress report
20.3.13 Implementing the Kai Tak Planning to dovetail with Kowloon East development Original Hon WONG Kwok-kin - -
Amendment to Original Hon Frederick FUNG Passed 1
Amendment to Original Hon CHAN Kam-lam Passed 3
Amendment to Original Hon WU Chi-wai Passed 4
Amendment to Original Hon Alan LEONG Negatived 5
Amendment to Original Dr Hon LEUNG Ka-lau Passed 6
Amendment to Amendment Hon Frankie YICK Passed 2
Original as amended - Passed 7
Wording of the motion passed

Progress report
27.3.13 Urging the Government to eradicate 'gutter oil' and take the lead in supporting biodiesel Original Hon Paul TSE - -
Amendment to Original Hon WONG Kwok-hing Passed 2
Amendment to Original Hon Tommy CHEUNG Withdrawn -
Amendment to Original Hon Steven HO Passed 3
Amendment to Amendment Hon Frankie YICK Passed 1
Original as amended - Passed 4
Wording of the motion passed

Progress report
27.3.13 Improving property management and operation of owners' corporations Original Dr Hon Priscilla LEUNG - -
Amendment to Original Hon WONG Kwok-hing Negatived 1
Amendment to Original Hon Claudia MO Passed 2
Amendment to Original Hon Christopher CHUNG Passed 3
Amendment to Original Hon WU Chi-wai Passed 4
Original as amended - Passed 5
Wording of the motion passed

Progress report
22.5.13 Drug Formulary and drugs subsidy system
(Motion which was originally scheduled to be moved at the Council meeting of 8 May 2013.)
Original Hon Alice MAK - -
Amendment to Original Dr Hon LEUNG Ka-lau Passed 1
Amendment to Original Dr Hon Joseph LEE Passed 2
Amendment to Original Hon CHAN Han-pan Withdrawn -
Amendment to Original Hon Albert HO Withdrawn -
Amendment to Original Dr Hon Fernando CHEUNG Negatived 3
Original as amended - Negatived 4
Motion negatived
22.5.13 Maintaining a business-friendly environment in Hong Kong
(Motion which was originally scheduled to be moved at the Council meeting of 8 May 2013.)
Original Hon Jeffrey LAM - -
Amendment to Original Hon TANG Ka-piu Negatived 1
Amendment to Original Hon Michael TIEN Passed 2
Amendment to Original Hon IP Kin-yuen Passed 3
Amendment to Original Hon WU Chi-wai Negatived 4
Amendment to Original Hon YIU Si-wing Passed 5
Amendment to Original Hon Charles Peter MOK Passed 6
Original as amended - Passed 7
Wording of the motion passed

Progress report
29.5.13 The 4 June incident
(Motion which was originally scheduled to be moved at the Council meeting of 15 May 2013.)
Original Hon Albert HO Negatived -
Motion negatived
29.5.13 Democratic procedures for the election of the Chief Executive by universal suffrage in 2017
(Motion which was originally scheduled to be moved at the Council meeting of 15 May 2013.)
Original Hon Alan LEONG Negatived 5
Amendment to Original Hon IP Kwok-him Negatived 1
Amendment to Original Hon WONG Yuk-man Negatived 2
Amendment to Original Hon Michael TIEN Negatived 3
Amendment to Original Hon Cyd HO Negatived 4
Amendment to Amendment Hon LEE Cheuk-yan Not moved -
Motion negatived
29.5.13 Enhancing the overall sustainable competitiveness of Hong Kong
(Motion which was originally scheduled to be moved at the Council meeting of 22 May 2013.)
Original Dr Hon LAM Tai-fai - -
Amendment to Original Hon TANG Ka-piu Passed 1
Amendment to Original Hon Christopher CHEUNG Passed 2
Amendment to Original Ir Dr Hon LO Wai-kwok Passed 3
Amendment to Original Dr Hon Kenneth CHAN Negatived 4
Amendment to Original Hon WU Chi-wai Negatived 5
Amendment to Original Hon Charles Peter MOK Withdrawn -
Original as amended - Passed 6
Wording of the motion passed

Progress report
5.6.13 Actively promoting family-friendly policies
(Motion which was originally scheduled to be moved at the Council meeting of 22 May 2013.)
Original Hon Starry LEE - -
Amendment to Original Hon KWOK Wai-keung Negatived 1
Amendment to Original Hon WONG Kwok-hing Passed 2
Amendment to Original Dr Hon Helena WONG Negatived 3
Amendment to Original Hon CHEUNG Kwok-che Passed 4
Amendment to Original Hon Claudia MO Passed 5
Original as amended - Passed 6
Wording of the motion passed

Progress report
5.6.13 Enacting legislation on the right to collective bargaining
(Motion which was originally scheduled to be moved at the Council meeting of 29 May 2013.)
Original Hon LEE Cheuk-yan Negatived 3
Amendment to Original Hon TANG Ka-piu Negatived 1
Amendment to Original Hon Christopher CHUNG Negatived 2
Motion negatived
5.6.13 Safeguarding freedom of information, of the press and of the Internet
(Motion which was originally scheduled to be moved at the Council meeting of 29 May 2013.)
Original Hon Charles Peter MOK Passed 7
Amendment to Original Hon Claudia MO Negatived 1
Amendment to Original Hon Gary FAN Negatived 2
Amendment to Original Hon Emily LAU Negatived 3
Amendment to Original Dr Hon Elizabeth QUAT Negatived 5
Amendment to Original Hon Cyd HO Negatived 6
Amendment to Amendment Dr Hon Fernando CHEUNG Negatived 4
Wording of the motion passed

Progress report
19.6.13 Maintaining and enhancing Hong Kong's position as an international financial centre
(Motion which was originally scheduled to be moved at the Council meeting of 5 June 2013.)
Original Hon NG Leung-sing - -
Amendment to Original Hon Christopher CHEUNG Passed 1
Amendment to Original Hon James TO Negatived 3
Amendment to Amendment Hon Albert HO Negatived 2
Original as amended - Passed 4
Wording of the motion passed

Progress report
19.6.13 Building a safe city
(Motion which was originally scheduled to be moved at the Council meeting of 5 June 2013.)
Original Hon CHAN Kin-por - -
Amendment to Original Hon TANG Ka-piu Passed 1
Amendment to Original Hon Charles Peter MOK Passed 2
Amendment to Original Hon Claudia MO Passed 3
Amendment to Original Dr Hon Helena WONG Passed 4
Original as amended - Passed 5
Wording of the motion passed

Progress report
19.6.13 That this Council do now adjourn for the purpose of debating the following issue: cyber security.

(Motion on Adjournment moved upon the recommendation of the House Committee on 14.6.2013)

(Related rule: Rule 16(4))
Original Hon Andrew LEUNG - -
Motion on Adjournment not voted upon
(Related rule: Rule 16(7))
26.6.13 Concern about the expenditure of the West Kowloon Cultural District project Original Hon Christopher CHUNG - -
Amendment to Original Hon Tony TSE Passed 1
Amendment to Original Hon CHAN Yuen-han Negatived 2
Amendment to Original Dr Hon Priscilla LEUNG Passed 3
Amendment to Original Hon Cyd HO Passed 4
Amendment to Original Hon Charles Peter MOK Passed 5
Amendment to Original Hon MA Fung-kwok Passed 6
Amendment to Original Hon Alan LEONG Passed 7
Amendment to Original Hon Albert CHAN Withdrawn -
Amendment to Original Hon Claudia MO Passed 8
Amendment to Original Hon Emily LAU Passed 9
Original as amended - Negatived 10
Motion negatived
26.6.13 Enhancing the quality and quantity of local tertiary education Original Dr Hon Kenneth CHAN Negatived 8
Amendment to Original Hon Gary FAN Negatived 1
Amendment to Original Hon Starry LEE Negatived 2
Amendment to Original Hon KWOK Wai-keung Negatived 3
Amendment to Original Hon Michael TIEN Negatived 4
Amendment to Original Dr Hon Helena WONG Negatived 5
Amendment to Original Hon CHAN Chi-chuen Negatived 6
Amendment to Original Dr Hon Fernando CHEUNG Negatived 7
Motion negatived
3.7.13 Facing up to the aspirations of the people participating in the march on 1 July Original Hon SIN Chung-kai Negatived 3
Amendment to Original Hon Claudia MO Negatived 1
Amendment to Original Hon Christopher CHEUNG Negatived 2
Motion negatived
3.7.13 Formulating a population policy Original Hon IP Kwok-him - -
Amendment to Original Dr Hon Kenneth CHAN Passed 1
Amendment to Original Hon James TO Negatived 2
Amendment to Original Hon Claudia MO Negatived 3
Amendment to Original Hon IP Kin-yuen Passed 4
Amendment to Original Hon Gary FAN Negatived 5
Amendment to Original Hon Cyd HO Negatived 6
Amendment to Original Hon Frankie YICK Withdrawn -
Amendment to Original Hon Kenneth LEUNG Passed 7
Amendment to Amendment Hon Tommy CHEUNG Not moved -
Original as amended - Negatived 8
Motion negatived
10.7.13 Promoting the waste recycling industry to create employment opportunities Original Hon KWOK Wai-keung - -
Amendment to Original Ir Dr Hon LO Wai-kwok Passed 1
Amendment to Original Dr Hon Kenneth CHAN Passed 2
Amendment to Original Hon Gary FAN Passed 3
Amendment to Original Hon Cyd HO Negatived 5
Amendment to Original Hon WU Chi-wai Passed 6
Amendment to Amendment Hon LEE Cheuk-yan Negatived 4
Original as amended - Passed 7
Wording of the motion passed

Progress report
10.7.13 Impact of the United States' ending the quantitative easing measures Original Hon Andrew LEUNG - -
Amendment to Original Hon Christopher CHEUNG Passed 1
Amendment to Original Hon NG Leung-sing Withdrawn -
Amendment to Original Ir Dr Hon LO Wai-kwok Passed 2
Original as amended - Passed 3
Wording of the motion passed

Progress report
17.7.13 Dissolving the Hospital Authority Original Dr Hon LEUNG Ka-lau Negatived 3
Amendment to Original Dr Hon Fernando CHEUNG Negatived 1
Amendment to Original Hon Albert HO Negatived 2
Motion negatived
17.7.13 Following up the matter on Mr SNOWDEN’s disclosure of the United States Government's hacking into the computer systems in Hong Kong Original Hon MA Fung-kwok - -
Amendment to Original Hon Charles Peter MOK Negatived 1
Amendment to Original Hon Ronny TONG Negatived 2
Amendment to Original Hon SIN Chung-kai Passed 3
Original as amended - Passed 4
Wording of the motion passed

Progress report