立 法 會 秘 書 處

Legislative Council Secretariat

Press Release

LegCo Public Accounts Committee visits Shine Skills Centre at Pokfulam (with photos)

The Legislative Council Public Accounts Committee ("PAC") conducted a visit to the Shine Skills Centre at Pokfulam ("SSC") today (19 January) to better understand the training programmes conducted at SSC and the use of the vacant floor spaces at the SSC Building.


Accompanied by the Director of Audit, Mr David SUN Tak-kei and the officials of the Labour and Welfare Bureau, Members were briefed on the training programmes conducted at SSC by representatives of the Vocational Training Council.  Members also visited the facilities and observed students attending training programmes at the SSC Building.


This visit enabled Members to get a better understanding of the issues raised in Chapter 10 of the Director of Audit's Report No. 65 on "Shine Skills Centre".


Members who participated in the visit included Hon Abraham SHEK Lai-him, Chairman of PAC; and Hon Alan LEONG Kah-kit, Hon WONG Yuk-man and Hon NG Leung-sing who are PAC members.

Ends/Tuesday, 19 January 2016



Photo 1


Members of the Legislative Council Public Accounts Committee visit the Shine Skills Centre at Pokfulam ("SSC") and are briefed on the training programmes conducted at SSC. Members participated in the visit are (from left) Hon Alan LEONG Kah-kit, Hon WONG Yuk-man, Hon Abraham SHEK Lai-him and Hon NG Leung-sing.


Photo 2


Legislative Council Members observe students attending training classes at the Shine Skills Centre.


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