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egCo Panel on Food Safety and Environmental Hygiene to depart for San Francisco, the United States to conduct duty visit

立 法 會 秘 書 處

Legislative Council Secretariat

Press Release

LegCo Panel on Food Safety and Environmental Hygiene to depart for San Francisco, the United States to conduct duty visit

The delegation of the Legislative Council ("LegCo") Panel on Food Safety and Environmental Hygiene will depart for the United States in the early morning on Wednesday (9 March) to conduct an overseas duty visit in San Francisco.


The duty visit aims at studying the experience of the United States in regulation of food truck operation and regulatory control of imported food products.  Members of the delegation will conduct on-site visits to understand the operation of food truck in the city area and study the licensing requirements, mode of operation, food safety and environmental hygiene issues, the enforcement mechanism and trade facilitation initiatives.  The delegation will also study the measures adopted by the relevant regulatory authorities in ensuring safety of imported food products, such as surveillance of imported food at the ports of entry.


During its stay in San Francisco, the delegation will visit relevant government organizations and parties as well as food truck operators to exchange views on related issues. 


The itinerary of the visit is as follows:


9-11 March 2016 (Wednesday-Friday)(San Francisco)

  • Meet with representatives of the Environmental Health Services Division, San Mateo County Health Services
  • Visit to mobile food trucks operating in San Francisco
  • Meet with Founder of "Off the Grid Services"
  • Meet with officials of San Francisco Planning Department, San Francisco Department of Public Works and San Francisco Department of Public Health
  • Meet with US Food Safety Import Surveillance officials
  • Meet with representatives of the Infant Nutrition Council of America
  • Visit to SoMa StrEat Food Park
  • Visit to Hong Kong Economic and Trade Office, San Francisco

The delegation is led by Hon Tommy CHEUNG Yu-yan, Chairman of LegCo Panel on Food Safety and Environmental Hygiene.  Other members include Hon Steven HO Chun-yin, Deputy Chairman of the Panel, Dr Hon Kwok Ka-ki, Hon SIN Chung-kai and Dr Hon Helena WONG Pik-wan who are Panel members, as well as Hon Charles Peter MOK and Hon CHUNG Kwok-pan who are non-Panel Members.

Ends/Tuesday, 8 March 2016