egCo Panel on Development continues duty visit in Singapore (with photos) |
Press Release
LegCo Panel on Development continues duty visit in Singapore (with photos)
The delegation of the Legislative Council Panel on Development continued the duty visit in Singapore today (22 March) to study the country's water supply and water quality management initiatives.
In the morning, members of the delegation visited Bishan-Ang Mo Kio Park, a flagship project under the Active, Beautiful and Clean Waters Programme ("ABC Waters Programme") that deconcretised and naturalized a straight concrete drainage canal into a 3-km meandering river. Briefed by Ms CHENG Geok Ling, Deputy Director of Sustainability Office of the Public Utilities Board ("PUB"), delegation members learnt that the ABC Waters Programme had been launched by PUB in 2006 to transform concrete waterways into ecologically sustainable waterscapes in the urban area. By making reference to the park, Ms CHENG also explained the strategic initiatives that had been implemented to improve the country's water quality at source by detaining run-off and minimizing pollution in reservoirs and waterways, while beautifying the urban landscape and creating new community spaces for the public.
The delegation then met with members of the Government Parliamentary Committee for Environment and Water Resources of the Parliament of Singapore. Er Dr LEE Bee Wah, who is also the Chairperson of the Committee, and Mr LIANG Eng Hwa shared their views with delegation members on the Singapore government's policy initiatives for building a network of diversified supply of water.
The delegation visited Bedok NEWater Factory in the afternoon to gain a better understanding of the production of high-purity reclaimed water, known as NEWater, as an alternative water source in Singapore since 2003. NEWater is mainly used for industrial and air-conditioning cooling purposes at wafer fabrication plants, industrial estates and commercial buildings. Delegation members toured the NEWater Visitor Centre and received a briefing on the treatment processes by Mr ONG Key Wee, Senior Principal Engineer of Water Supply (Plants) Department of PUB. Delegation members learnt that NEWater was produced from treated used water by using advanced membrane and ultraviolet technologies to make the water clean and safe.
The delegation will meet with representatives of PUB's Water Quality Office and Water Supply (Network) Department tomorrow (23 March) before they return to Hong Kong in the evening.
Ends/Tuesday, 22 March 2016
The delegation of the Legislative Council Panel on Development visits the Bishan-Ang Mo Kio Park in Singapore. The Park is a flagship project under the country's Active, Beautiful and Clean Waters Programme ("ABC Waters Programme") that deconcretised and naturalized a straight concrete drainage canal into a 3-km meandering river.
The delegation receives a briefing by Ms CHENG Geok Ling (far right), Deputy Director of Sustainability Office of the Public Utilities Board, on Singapore's Active, Beautiful, Clean Waters Programme ("ABC Waters Programme").
The delegation meets with Er Dr LEE Bee Wah (second right), Chairperson of the Government Parliamentary Committee for Environment and Water Resources of the Parliament of Singapore, and Mr LIANG Eng Hwa (far right), member of the Committee, to listen to their views on the Singapore government's policy initiatives for building a network of diversified supply of water.
Delegation members visit the Bedok NEWater Factory today (22 March), which is the United Nations World Water Day, to gain a better understanding of the production of high-purity reclaimed water, known as NEWater, in Singapore. The bottled water that members is holding is NEWater, safe to drink but mainly for non-potable use in Singapore.