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egCo Panel on Development concludes duty visit in Singapore (with photos)

立 法 會 秘 書 處

Legislative Council Secretariat

Press Release

LegCo Panel on Development concludes duty visit in Singapore (with photos)

The delegation of the Legislative Council Panel on Development concluded the four-day duty visit in Singapore today (23 March).


Members of the delegation started the last day of the visit by meeting with Dr LIM Mong Hoo, Chief Specialist of Water Quality Office of the Public Utilities Board ("PUB") to receive a briefing on Singapore's water safety plans.  Delegation members then took a laboratory tour and learnt about the water sampling and monitoring programme that PUB had put in place to verify water quality.  Members were especially interested in the parameters used by the Office for monitoring water quality.


Before departing for Hong Kong, Hon Tony TSE Wai-chuen, leader of the delegation, said the duty visit was rewarding as Members had obtained first-hand information on both the policies and technologies in relation to diversification of water supply sources in Singapore, adding that Members were given the opportunity to learn about the measures taken to safeguard the quality of piped drinking water.


"The delegation held meetings and exchanged views with government officials and representatives from seawater desalination and water reclamation plants.  Delegation members learnt that PUB had adopted more stringent standards than the regulatory requirements in its internal control of the water treatment process.  The Singapore government has made lots of efforts in creating new community spaces for the public and encouraging new lifestyle activities to flourish in and around the waters.  Meanwhile, the Singapore government attaches great importance to collaborating closely with schools, public and private sectors to carry out various public education programmes about conservation of water resources.  The information gathered in Singapore has provided useful reference for us to study and consider the policies and measures related to water resources development proposed by the Hong Kong SAR Government," Hon TSE said.


The delegation, led by the Chairman of the Panel on Development, Hon Tony TSE Wai-chuen, conducted a duty visit in Singapore from 20 March to 23 March.  Other members of the delegation include the Deputy Chairman of the Panel, Hon LEUNG Che-cheung; Hon Cyd HO Sau-lan, Hon IP Kwok-him, Hon Alan LEONG Kah-kit, Hon LEUNG Kwok-hung, Hon Albert CHAN Wai-yip, Hon James TIEN Pei-chun, Hon CHAN Chi-chuen, Hon CHAN Yuen-han, Dr Hon Helena WONG Pik-wan, as well as Hon Kenneth LEUNG, who is a non-Panel Member.

Ends/Wednesday, 23 March 2016



Photo 1


The delegation of the Legislative Council Panel on Development visits the Water Quality Office of the Public Utilities Board ("PUB") to learn about PUB's water safety plans. 


Photo 2


The delegation tours the laboratory of the Water Quality Office to understand the water sampling and monitoring programme of the Public Utilities Board.