Bills Committee on Inland Revenue (Amendment) (No. 4) Bill 2017 (Agenda) 13 February 2018 |
I. | Meeting with the Administration(9:30 am - 12:25 pm) Matters arising from the meeting on 20 July 2017 | ||
LC Paper No. CB(1)1446/16-17(01) (issued on 29.9.2017) | - | List of follow-up actions arising from the discussion at the meeting on 20 July 2017
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LC Paper No. CB(1)1446/16-17(02) (issued on 29.9.2017) | - | Administration's response to issues raised by members at the meeting on 20 July 2017
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Submissions received from organizations and the Administration's response
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LC Paper No. CB(1)1405/16-17(01) (English version only)(issued on 5.9.2017) | - | Submission dated 22 August 2017 from Hong Kong Bar Association
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LC Paper No. CB(1)1405/16-17(02) (English version only)(issued on 5.9.2017) | - | E-mail dated 25 August 2017 from The Hong Kong Society of Financial Analysts
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LC Paper No. CB(1)1405/16-17(03) (English version only)(issued on 5.9.2017) | - | Submission dated 31 August 2017 from PricewaterhouseCoopers Limited
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LC Paper No. CB(1)1405/16-17(04) (English version only)(issued on 5.9.2017) | - | Submission dated 1 September 2017 from The Hong Kong Association of Banks
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LC Paper No. CB(1)1405/16-17(05) (English version only)(issued on 5.9.2017) | - | Submission dated 4 September 2017 from The Hong Kong Institute of Chartered Secretaries
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LC Paper No. CB(1)1405/16-17(06) (English version only)(issued on 5.9.2017) | - | Submission dated 4 September 2017 from Joint Liaison Committee on Taxation
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LC Paper No. CB(1)1405/16-17(07) (Chinese version only)(issued on 5.9.2017) | - | Submission dated 29 August 2017 from Democratic Alliance for the Betterment and Progress of Hong Kong
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LC Paper No. CB(1)1405/16-17(08) (English version only)(issued on 5.9.2017) | - | Submission dated 4 September 2017 from Deloitte Advisory (Hong Kong) Limited (Restricted to Members)
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LC Paper No. CB(1)1405/16-17(09) (English version only)(issued on 5.9.2017) | - | Submission dated 4 September 2017 from Hong Kong Investment Funds Association
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LC Paper No. CB(1)1405/16-17(10) (English version only)(issued on 5.9.2017) | - | Submission dated 5 September 2017 from Hong Kong Institute of Certified Public Accountants
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LC Paper No. CB(1)41/17-18(01) (English version only)(issued on 13.10.2017) | - | Submission dated 25 August 2017 from The Taxation Institute of Hong Kong
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LC Paper No. CB(1)415/17-18(01) (issued on 3.1.2018) | - | Administration's response to the submissions received from organizations
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Clause-by-clause examination of the Bill
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LC Paper No. CB(3)737/16-17 (issued on 23.6.2017) | - | The Bill
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File Ref.: ASST/3/1/5/1C(2017)Pt.6 (issued by the Financial Services and the Treasury Bureau on 21.6.2017) | - | Legislative Council Brief
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LC Paper No. LS91/16-17 (issued vide LC Paper No. CB(2)1829/16-17 on 6.7.2017) | - | Legal Service Division Report
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LC Paper No. CB(1)1328/16-17(01) (issued on 19.7.2017) | - | Marked-up copy of the Bill prepared by the Legal Service Division (Restricted to Members)
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LC Paper No. CB(1)1328/16-17(02) (issued on 19.7.2017) | - | Background brief prepared by the Legislative Council Secretariat
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LC Paper No. CB(1)1328/16-17(03) (issued on 19.7.2017) | - | Letter from Assistant Legal Adviser to the Administration dated 13 July 2017
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LC Paper No. CB(1)1335/16-17(01) (issued on 21.7.2017) | - | Administration's response to Assistant Legal Adviser's letter dated 13 July 2017 [LC Paper No. CB(1)1328/16-17(03)]
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Draft amendments to the Bill proposed by the Administration
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LC Paper No. CB(1)574/17-18(01) (English version issued on 6.2.2017, Chinese version issued vide LC Paper No. CB(1)581/17-18 on 8.2.2018) | - | Draft amendments to the Bill proposed by the Administration
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II. | Any other business(12:25 pm - 12:30 pm) |