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Other subcommittees under the House Committee Sixth Legislative Council (2016 - 2021)

The House Committee may appoint a subcommittee to assist the committee's consideration of an issue of public concern which falls outside the purview of Panels or any other matter relating to the business of the Council.

A. Subcommittees on policy issues

Subcommittees on policy issues Work completed On waiting list *Legend symbol denoting The Subcommittees on the waiting list lapsed at the end of the term of office of the Legislative Council under section 9(4) of the Legislative Council Ordinance (Cap 542).
Subcommittee on Children's Rights
Subcommittee on Rights of Ethnic Minorities
Subcommittee to Follow Up Issues Relating to the Three-runway System at the Hong Kong International Airport
Subcommittee on Retirement Protection
Subcommittee on Issues Relating to Bazaars
Subcommittee on Issues Relating to Shopping Centres, Markets and Carparks in Public Rental Housing Estates and Home Ownership Scheme Estates
Subcommittee to Follow Up Issues Relating to the Unified Screening Mechanism for Non-refoulement Claims
Subcommittee on Issues Relating to Policy on Industrial Buildings
Subcommittee on Epidemic Prevention and Control *Legend symbol denoting The Subcommittees on the waiting list lapsed at the end of the term of office of the Legislative Council under section 9(4) of the Legislative Council Ordinance (Cap 542).
Subcommittee on Unemployment Financial Assistance *Legend symbol denoting The Subcommittees on the waiting list lapsed at the end of the term of office of the Legislative Council under section 9(4) of the Legislative Council Ordinance (Cap 542).
Subcommittee to Support Micro, Small and Medium-sized Enterprises *Legend symbol denoting The Subcommittees on the waiting list lapsed at the end of the term of office of the Legislative Council under section 9(4) of the Legislative Council Ordinance (Cap 542).
Subcommittee on New Directions for Economic and Employment Development *Legend symbol denoting The Subcommittees on the waiting list lapsed at the end of the term of office of the Legislative Council under section 9(4) of the Legislative Council Ordinance (Cap 542).

* The Subcommittees on the waiting list lapsed at the end of the term of office of the Legislative Council under section 9(4) of the Legislative Council Ordinance (Cap 542).

B. Subcommittees on other Council business

Subcommittees on other Council business Work completed Dissolved
Subcommittee to Examine the Implementation in Hong Kong of Resolutions of the United Nations Security Council in relation to Sanctions
Subcommittee to Prepare for the Operation of the Select Committee on the Petition Presented at the Council Meeting of 2 November 2016
Subcommittee on Proposed Senior Judicial Appointments
(Formed in 2016‑2017 session)

Subcommittee on Proposed Senior Judicial Appointments
(Formed in 2017‑2018 session)

Subcommittee on Proposed Senior Judicial Appointments
(Formed in 2018‑2019 session)

Subcommittee on Proposed Senior Judicial Appointment
(Formed in 2019‑2020 session)

Subcommittee on Proposed Senior Judicial Appointment
(Formed on 16 October 2020)
(2020‑2021 session)

Subcommittee on Decision of the National People's Congress on Improving the Electoral System of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region
Subcommittee on Proposed Senior Judicial Appointment
(Formed on 21 May 2021)

(2020‑2021 session)