Subcommittee on Banking (Disclosure) (Amendment) Rules 2016 and Banking (Specification of Class of Exempted Charges) (Amendment) Notice 2016


Papers issued before the formation of the Subcommittee

LC Paper No.PaperMeeting date
L.N.195 of 2016 Banking (Disclosure) (Amendment) Rules 2016 19 January 2017
L.N.196 of 2016 Banking (Specification of Class of Exempted Charges) (Amendment) Notice 2016 19 January 2017
LS22/16-17 Legal Service Division report on subsidiary legislation gazetted on 30 December 2016 and tabled in Council on 11 January 2017 19 January 2017
B&M/2/1/63C Legislative Council Brief : Banking Ordinance (Chapter 155) Banking (Disclosure) (Amendment) Rules 2016 Banking (Specification of Class of Exempted Charges) (Amendment) Notice 2016 19 January 2017
CB(1)448/16-17(02) Paper on implementation of Basel III in Hong Kong prepared by the Legislative Council Secretariat (Background brief) 19 January 2017