Subcommittee on Two Proposed Resolutions under the Fixed Penalty (Traffic Contraventions) Ordinance and the Fixed Penalty (Criminal Proceedings) Ordinance


Other relevant papers

LC Paper No.PaperMeeting date
CB(4)21/17-18(01) Letter from Hon Tanya CHAN dated 11 October 2017 on withdrawal of membership (Chinese version only) 12 October 2017*
CB(4)84/17-18(01) Motion passed at the meeting on 24 October 2017 24 October 2017
CB(4)733/16-17(02) Submission on Two Proposed Resolutions under the Fixed Penalty (Traffic Contraventions) Ordinance and the Fixed Penalty (Criminal Proceedings) Ordinance from a member of public (Chinese version only) 21 March 2017

* Issue date