Subcommittee on Three Regulations to Effect Toll Payment through Electronic Payment Facility


Papers issued before the formation of the Subcommittee

LC Paper No.PaperMeeting date
LS42/16-17 Legal Service Division report on subsidiary legislation gazetted on 10 March 2017 5 April 2017
10 April 2017
THB(T)CR 2/4651/83 Legislative Council Brief : Road Tunnels (Government) (Amendment) Regulation 2017 Tsing Ma Control Area (Tolls, Fees and Charges) (Amendment) Regulation 2017 Tsing Sha Control Area (Tolls, Fees and Charges) (Amendment) Regulation 2017 5 April 2017
10 April 2017
L.N. 34 of 2017 Road Tunnels (Government) (Amendment) Regulation 2017 5 April 2017
10 April 2017
L.N. 35 of 2017 Tsing Ma Control Area (Tolls, Fees and Charges) (Amendment) Regulation 2017 5 April 2017
10 April 2017
L.N. 36 of 2017 Tsing Sha Control Area (Tolls, Fees and Charges) (Amendment) Regulation 2017 5 April 2017
10 April 2017