Select Committee to Inquire into Matters about the Agreement between Mr LEUNG Chun-ying and the Australian firm UGL Limited (Report) |
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Part I | Establishment of the Select Committee and its work
Chapter 1 | Introduction | 1 - 2 |
Establishment of the Select Committee | 1 - 2
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Chapter 2 | Matters relating to the Select Committee | 3 - 15 |
Membership of the Select Committee at the inception stage | 3 | |
Terms of reference | 4 | |
Practice and procedure | 5 - 6 | |
Work plan | 6 - 7 | |
Areas of study and issues arising therefrom | 7 - 15
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Part II | Issues considered by the Select Committee in concluding its work
Chapter 3 | Conclusion of the Select Committee based on the information obtained | 16 - 25 |
Obtaining information/evidence from relevant parties/witnesses to assist the Select Committee in its inquiry | 16 - 21 | |
Actions considered to be taken by the Select Committee for the purposes of the inquiry | 21 - 23 | |
Difficulties encountered by the Select Committee | 23 - 24 | |
Concluding the work of the Select Committee | 25
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Signatures of members of the Select Committee | 26 - 27
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Abbreviations | 30
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Appendix 1 | Relevant provisions in the Rules of Procedure referred to in this Report
| 34 - 35
Appendix 2 | Petition jointly presented by Hon Kenneth LEUNG and Hon Andrew WAN
| 36
Appendix 3 | Extract from Hansard of the Legislative Council meeting of 2 November 2016 showing the 28 Members supporting the request for referring the petition to a select committee
| 37 - 38
Appendix 4 | Practice and procedure of the Select Committee
| 39 - 49
Appendix 5 | Proposed major areas of study prepared by the Legislative Council Secretariat for the Select Committee's consideration at the open meeting on 3 March 2017
| 50 - 51
Appendix 6 | Revised proposed major areas of study prepared for the Select Committee's consideration at the open meeting on 29 March 2017
| 52 - 53
Appendix 7 | Amendments proposed by Mr Holden CHOW to the Chinese text of the revised proposed major areas of study prepared by the Legislative Council Secretariat with track changes feature
| 54 - 55
Appendix 8 | Amendments pursued by Mr Holden CHOW after discussion on Appendix 7 at the open meeting on 25 April 2017
| 56
Appendix 9 | Endorsed major areas of study of the Select Committee
| 57 - 58
Appendix 10 | Wording of the motion jointly moved by Dr Junius HO and Dr Priscilla LEUNG in relation to making of statutory declaration
| 59 - 62
Appendix 11 | Confidentiality undertaking on which seven Select Committee members had signed
| 63
Appendix 12 | Wording of the motion moved by Mr WONG Kwok-kin proposing that the Select Committee should request Mr Kenneth LEUNG to resign from the Select Committee
| 64
Appendix 13 | Voting result in respect of the motion requesting Mr Kenneth LEUNG to resign from the Select Committee
| 65 - 67
Appendix 14 | List of information to be obtained by the Select Committee
| 68 - 70
Appendix 15 | List of witnesses to be invited to assist the Select Committee in its inquiry
| 71
Appendix 16 | Summary table on information provided by various parties upon the Select Committee's request
| 72 - 81
Appendix 17 | Voting results in respect of the proposals that the Select Committee should (a) seek the Legislative Council's authorization to exercise the powers under section 9(1) of the Legislative Council (Powers and Privileges) Ordinance (Cap. 382) and (b) invite the Department of Justice to provide any information in its possession that could assist the Select Committee's inquiry
| 82 - 84
Appendix 18 | Summary of information obtained and relevant to the matters to be inquired by the Select Committee
| 85 - 92
Lists of documents
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A. | Documents provided by Mr LEUNG Chun-ying
| 97
B. | Documents provided by UGL Limited
| 97
C. | Documents provided by the Judiciary Administration
| 97
D. | Documents provided by the Executive Council Secretariat
| 98
E. | Documents provided by the Administration
| 98
F. | Documents provided by Ernst & Young LLP, Joint Administrators of DTZ Holdings plc
| 98
G. | Documents referred to by the Select Committee
| 99
Minutes of proceedings
| 102 - 118